MATLAB Application Program Interface Reference Help Desk



Opens a MAT-file

C Syntax



Name of file to open.


Pointer to MAT-file information.


File opening mode.


This routine allows you to open MAT-files for reading and writing.

matOpen opens the named file and returns a file handle, or NULL if the open fails. Legal values for mode are

rOpens file for reading only; determines the current version of the MAT-file by inspecting the files and preserves the current version.
uOpens file for update, both reading and writing; determines the current version of the MAT-file by inspecting the files and preserves the current version.
wOpens file for writing only; deletes previous contents, if any.
w4Creates a MATLAB 4 MAT-file, rather than the default MATLAB 5 MAT-file.


See matdemo.c in the eng_mat subdirectory of the examples directory for a sample program that illustrates how to use the MATLAB MAT-file routines in a C program.

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