MATLAB Application Program Interface Reference Help Desk



True if mxArray has global scope

C Syntax



Pointer to an mxArray.


true if the mxArray has global scope; otherwise, returns false.


Use mexIsGlobal to determine if the specified mxArray has global scope.

By default, mxArrays have local scope, meaning that changes made to the mxArray inside a MEX-file or stand-alone application have no effect on a variable of the same name in another workspace. However, if an mxArray has global scope, then changes made to the mxArray inside a MEX-file or stand-alone application can affect other workspaces.

The MATLAB global command gives global scope to a MATLAB variable. For example, to make variable x global, just type

The most common use of mexIsGlobal is to determine if an mxArray stored inside a MAT-files is global.


See mexIsGlobal.c in the mex subdirectory of the examples directory.

See Also

mexGetArray, mexGetArrayPtr, mexPutArray

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