MATLAB Application Program Interface Reference Help Desk



Control response of mexCallMATLAB to errors

Fortran Syntax



Control flag. Currently, the only legal values are


On error, control returns to the MATLAB prompt.


On error, control returns to your MEX-file.


Call mexSetTrapFlag to control MATLAB's response to errors in mexCallMATLAB.

If you do not call mexSetTrapFlag, then whenever MATLAB detects an error in a call to mexCallMATLAB, MATLAB automatically terminates the MEX-file and returns control to the MATLAB prompt. Calling mexSetTrapFlag with trap_flag set to 0 is equivalent to not calling mexSetTrapFlag at all.

If you call mexSetTrapFlag and set the trap_flag to 1, then whenever MATLAB detects an error in a call to mexCallMATLAB, MATLAB does not automatically terminate the MEX-file. Rather, MATLAB returns control to the line in the MEX-file immediately following the call to mexCallMATLAB. The MEX-file is then responsible for taking an appropriate response to the error.

See Also

mexAtExit, mexErrMsgTxt

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