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Get the number of dimensions
#include "matrix.h" int mxGetNumberOfDimensions(const mxArray *array_ptr);array_ptr The number of dimensions in the specified
. The returned value is always 2 or greater.
Use mxGetNumberOfDimensions
to determine how many dimensions are in the specified array. To determine how many elements are in each dimension, call mxGetSize
Consider a MEX-file named CountDim
that calls mxGetNumberOfDimensions
to determine how many dimensions are in the first input argument.
void mexFunction(int nlhs,mxArray *plhs[],int nrhs,const mxArray *prhs[]) { int number_of_dimensions; int *dims; int c; /* Look at the number of dimensions in the input mxArray. */ number_of_dimensions = mxGetNumberOfDimensions(prhs[0]); /* Create a dimensions array having the same number of dimensions as the input mxArray. Arbitrarily make the length of each dimension be 2. */ dims = mxCalloc(number_of_dimensions, sizeof(int)); for (c=0; c<number_of_dimensions; c++) dims[c]=2; /* Create an mxArray of signed 16-bit integers. */ mxCreateNumericArray(number_of_dimensions, dims, mxINT16_CLASS, mxREAL); ... }In MATLAB, create a three-dimensional
named td
. Then pass td
as an argument to CountDim
>> td = rand(6, 4, 2); >> CountDim(td)Since
is a 3-dimensional mxArray
, CountDim creates a 2-by-2-by-2 mxArray
. If td
had been a 4-dimensional mxArray
, CountDim
would have created a 2-by-2-by-2-by-2.
For an additional example, see mxGetNumberOfDimensions.c
in the mx
subdirectory of the examples
, mxSetN