MATLAB Functions Help Desk



Hardcopy paper orientation



orient returns a string with the current paper orientation, either portrait, landscape, or tall.

orient portrait sets the paper orientation for the current Figure to portrait mode. Output from subsequent print operations have a 4-to-3 aspect ratio and are centered in the middle of the page. This syntax orients the longest page dimension vertically. This is the default.

orient landscape sets the paper orientation for the current Figure to full-page landscape orientation. This syntax orients the longest page dimension horizontally.

orient tall maps the current Figure to the entire page in portrait orientation.


orient sets the PaperOrientation, PaperPosition, and PaperUnits properties of the current Figure. Subsequent print operations use these properties.

See Also


PaperOrientation, PaperPosition, PaperSize, PaperType, and PaperUnits properties of Figure graphics objects.

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