MATLAB Functions Help Desk



Draw scatter plots



plotmatrix(X,Y) scatter plots the columns of X against the columns of Y. If X is p-by-m and Y is p-by-n, plotmatrix produces an n-by-m matrix of Axes. plotmatrix(Y) is the same as plotmatrix(Y,Y) except that the diagonal is replaced by hist(Y(:,i)).

plotmatrix(...,'LineSpec') uses the line specification in the string 'LineSpec'; '.' is the default (see plot for possibilities).

[H,AX,BigAx,P] = plotmatrix(...) returns a matrix of handles to the objects created in H, a matrix of handles to the individual subaxes in AX, a handle to a big (invisible) Axes which frames the subaxes in BigAx, and a matrix of handles for the histogram plots in P. BigAx is left as the current Axes so that a subsequent title, xlabel, or ylabel commands are centered with respect to the matrix of Axes.


Generate plots of random data.

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