MATLAB Functions Help Desk



Plot discrete sequence data



A two-dimensional stem plot displays data as lines extending from the x-axis. A circle (the default) or other marker symbol whose y-position represents the data value, terminates each stem.

stem(Y) plots the data sequence Y as stems that extend from equally spaced and automatically generated values along the x-axis. When Y is a matrix, stem plots all elements in a row against the same x value.

stem(X,Y) plots X versus the columns of Y. X and Y are vectors or matrices of the same size. Additionally, X can be a row or a column vector, and Y a matrix with length(X) rows.

stem(...,'fill') specifies whether to color the circle at the end of the stem.

stem(...,LineSpec) specifies the line style, marker symbol, and color for the stem plot.

h = stem(...) returns handles to Line graphics objects.


Create a stem plot of 10 random numbers:

See Also

bar, plot, stairs, stem3

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