MATLAB Functions Help Desk



List file



type filename displays the contents of the specified file in the MATLAB command window given a full pathname or a MATLABPATH relative partial pathname. Use pathnames and drive designators in the usual way for your computer's operating system.

If you do not specify a filename extension, the type command adds the .m extension by default. The type command checks the directories specified in MATLAB's search path, which makes it convenient for listing the contents of M-files on the screen.


type lists the file

type foo lists the file foo.m.

See Also

!           Operating system command

cd          Change working directory

dbtype      List M-file with line numbers

delete      Delete files and graphics objects

dir         Directory listing

path        Control MATLAB's directory search path

what        Directory listing of M-files, MAT-files, and MEX-files

who         List directory of variables in memory

See also partialpath.

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