MATLAB Functions Help Desk



Voronoi diagram



Consider a set of coplanar points For each point in the set you can draw a boundary enclosing all the intermediate points lying closer to than to other points in the set Such a boundary is called a Voronoi polygon, and the set of all Voronoi polygons for a given point set is called a Voronoi diagram.


voronoi(x,y) plots the Voronoi diagram for the points x,y.

voronoi(x,y,TRI) uses the triangulation TRI instead of computing it via delaunay.

h = voronoi(...,'LineSpec') plots the diagram with color and line style specified and returns handles to the line objects created in h.

[vx,vy] = voronoi(...) returns the vertices of the Voronoi edges in vx and vy so that plot(vx,vy,'-',x,y,'.') creates the Voronoi diagram.


This code plots the Voronoi diagram for 10 randomly generated points.

See Also

The LineSpec entry inUsing MATLAB Graphics, and

convhull    Convex hull

delaunay    Delaunay triangulation

dsearch     Search for nearest point

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