MATLAB Functions Help Desk



Bessel functions of the third kind (Hankel functions)



The differential equation

where is a nonnegative constant, is called Bessel's equation, and its solutions are known as Bessel functions. and form a fundamental set of solutions of Bessel's equation for noninteger . is a second solution of Bessel's equation--linearly independent of -- defined by:

The relationship between the Hankel and Bessel functions is:


H = besselh(nu,K,Z) for K = 1 or 2 computes the Hankel functions or for each element of the complex array Z. If nu and Z are arrays of the same size, the result is also that size. If either input is a scalar, it is expanded to the other input's size. If one input is a row vector and the other is a column vector, the result is a two-dimensional table of function values.

H = besselh(nu,Z) uses K = 1.

H = besselh(nu,1,Z,1) scales by exp(-i*z).

H = besselh(nu,2,Z,1) scales by exp(+i*z).

[H,ierr] = besselh(...) also returns an array of error flags:

ierr = 1

Illegal arguments.

ierr = 2

Overflow. Return Inf.

ierr = 3

Some loss of accuracy in argument reduction.

ierr = 4

Unacceptable loss of accuracy, Z or nu too large.

ierr = 5

No convergence. Return NaN.

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