MATLAB Functions Help Desk



Sets default property values to display different color schemes



colordef enables you to select either a white or black background for graphics display. It sets axis lines and labels to show up against the background color.

colordef white sets the axis background color to white, the axis lines and labels to black, and the Figure background color to light gray.

colordef black sets the axis background color to black, the axis lines and labels to white, and the Figure background color to dark gray.

colordef none sets the Figure coloring to that used by MATLAB Version 4 (essentially a black background).

colordef(fig,color_option) sets the color scheme of the Figure identified by the handle fig to the color option 'white', 'black', or 'none'.

h = colordef('new',color_option) returns the handle to a new Figure created with the specified color options (i.e., 'white', 'black', or 'none').


colordef affects only subsequently drawn Figures, not those currently on the display. This is because colordef works by setting default property values (on the Root or Figure level). You can list the currently set default values on the Root level with the statement:

You can remove all default values using the reset command:

See the get and reset references pages for more information.

See Also


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