MATLAB Functions Help Desk



Three-dimensional pie chart



pie3(X) draws a three-dimensional pie chart using the data in X. Each element in X is represented as a slice in the pie chart.

pie3(X,Explode) specifies whether to offset a slice from the center of the pie chart. X(i,j) is offset from the center of the pie chart if Explode(i,j) is nonzero. Explode must be the same size as X.

h = pie(...) returns a vector of handles to Patch, Surface, and Text graphics objects.


If sum(X) 1, pie3 normalizes the X values so that each slice has an area of Xi/sum(Xi), where Xi is an element of X. The normalized value specifies the fractional part of each pie slice. If sum(X) < 1, pie3 does not normalize the elements of X. pie3 draws a partial pie when sum(X) < 1.


A slice in the pie chart is offset by setting the corresponding explode element to 1:

See Also


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