MATLAB Functions Help Desk

print, printopt


Create hardcopy output



print and printopt produce hardcopy output. All arguments to the print command are optional. You can use them in any combination or order.

print sends the contents of the current Figure, including any user interface controls, to the printer using the device and system print command defined by printopt.

print -devicetype specifies a device type, overriding the value returned by printopt. The "Devices" section lists all supported device types.

print -options specifies print options that modify the action of the print command. (For example, the -noui option suppresses printing of user interface controls.) The "Options" section lists available options.

print filename directs the output to the file designated by filename. If
filename does not include an extension, print appends an appropriate extension, depending on the device (e.g., .eps). If you omit filename, print sends the file to the default output device (except for -dmeta and -dbitmap, which place their output on the clipboard).

[pcmd,dev] = printopt returns strings containing the current system-dependent print command and output device. printopt is an M-file used by print to produce the hardcopy output. You can edit the M-file printopt.m to set your default printer type and destination.

pcmd and dev are platform-dependent strings. pcmd contains the command that print uses to send a file to the printer. dev contains the device options for the print command. Their defaults are platform-dependent.




UNIX (except Silicon Graphics)

lpr -r -s


Silicon Graphics







COPY /B %s LPT1:



(not applicable)



The table below lists device types supported by MATLAB's built-in drivers. Generally, Level 2 PostScript files are smaller and render more quickly when printing than Level 1 PostScript files. However, not all PostScript printers support Level 2, so determine the capabilities of your printer before using those devices.




Level 1 black and white PostScript


Level 1 color PostScript


Level 2 black and white PostScript


Level 2 color PostScript


Level 1 black and white Encapsulated PostScript (EPS)


Level 1 color Encapsulated PostScript (EPS)


Level 2 black and white Encapsulated PostScript (EPS)


Level 2 color Encapsulated PostScript (EPS)


HPGL compatible with HP 7475A plotter


Adobe Illustrator 88 compatible illustration file


M-file, and MAT-file when appropriate, containing Handle Graphics commands to re-create the Figure and its children

This table lists additional devices supported via the Ghostscript post-processor, which converts PostScript files into other formats. (This feature is not available on Macintosh systems.)




HP LaserJet


HP LaserJet+


HP LaserJet IIP


HP LaserJet III


HP LaserJet 4 (defaults to 600 dpi)


HP DeskJet and DeskJet Plus


HP Deskjet 500


HP DeskJet 500C with 1 bit/pixel color


HP DeskJet 500C printing black only


HP DeskJet 500C with 24 bit/pixel color and high-quality color (Floyd-Steinberg) dithering


HP DeskJet 500C


HP Deskjet 550C


HP PaintJet color printer


HP PaintJet XL color printer


HP PaintJet XL color printer


HP PaintJet XL300 color printer


HP DesignJet 650C


Canon BubbleJet BJ10e


Canon BubbleJet BJ200


Canon Color BubbleJet BJC-600 and BJC-4000


DEC LN03 printer


Epson-compatible dot matrix printers (9- or 24-pin)


Epson LQ-2550 and Fujitsu 3400/2400/1200


Epson-compatible 9-pin, interleaved lines (triple resolution)


IBM 9-pin Proprinter


8-bit (256-color) BMP file format


24-bit BMP file format


Monochrome PCX file format


Older color PCX file format (EGA/VGA, 16-color)


Newer color PCX file format (256-color)


24-bit color PCX file format, three 8-bit planes


Portable Bitmap (plain format)


Portable Bitmap (raw format)


Portable Graymap (plain format)


Portable Graymap (raw format)


Portable Pixmap (plain format)


Portable Pixmap (raw format)


A plain "bit bucket" device


Plain bits, RGB


Plain bits, CMYK

This table summarizes additional devices available on Windows systems.




Use Windows printing services (black and white)


Use Windows printing services (color)


Copy to clipboard in Enhanced Windows metafile format


Copy to clipboard in Windows bitmap (BMP) format


Display Print Setup dialog box, but do not print


Verbose mode to display Print dialog box (suppressed by default)

This table summarizes additional devices available on Macintosh systems.




Create PICT file


Verbose mode to display Print dialog box (suppressed by default)


This table summarizes printing options that you can specify when you enter the print command.




Add 1-bit deep EPSI preview to EPS


Use loose bounding box for EPS and PS


Use CMYK colors in PostScript instead of RGB


Append to existing PostScript file without overwriting


Specify resolution in dots per inch


Use PostScript default character set encoding


Specify printer to use


Handle of a Figure graphics object to print


Name of SIMULINK system window to print


Render using painter's algorithm


Render using Z-buffer


Suppress printing of user interface controls


This command saves the contents of the current Figure as Level 2 color Encapsulated PostScript in the file called meshdata.eps:

See Also

orient, figure

See the Using MATLAB Graphics manual for detailed information about printing in MATLAB.

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