MATLAB Functions Help Desk

who, whos


List directory of variables in memory



who by itself, lists the variables currently in memory.

whos by itself, lists the current variables, their sizes, and whether they have nonzero imaginary parts.

who global and whos global list the variables in the global workspace.

who -file filename and whos -file filename list the variables in the specified MAT-file.

who ... var1 var2 and whos ... var1 var2 restrict the display to the variables specified. The wildcard character * can be used to display variables that match a pattern. For instance, who A* finds all variables in the current workspace that start with A. Use the functional form, such as whos('-file',
filename,v1,v2), when the filename or variable names are stored in strings.

s = who(...) returns a cell array containing the names of the variables in the workspace or file. Use the functional form of who when there is an output argument.

s = whos(...) returns a structure with the fields:

name variable name

bytes number of bytes allocated for the array

class class of variable Use the functional form of whos when there is an output argument.

See Also

dir, exist, help, what

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