stochastic programming

Lectura de dos PFC's a la DE sobre generació/reducció d'escenaris en mercats elèctrics

 Dimecres 26 de setembre, a l'aula 102 de l'FME, a les 12h, es defensaren dos projectes de la DE sobre generació i reducció d'escenaris per a problemes d'optimització en mercats elèctrics, elaborats pels alumnes Elisenda Vila i Albert Roso. Han estat codirigits per la Cristina Corchero i en Javier Heredia.

Spring School 2007. Stochastic Programming: theory and applications

Publication TypeConference/School/Seminar attendance
Year of Publication2007
AuthorsHeredia, F. J.
Event TypeSchool
Conference OrganiserDepartment of Mathematics, Computing and Applications. Università degli studi di Bergamo
Conference Dates10-20/04/2007
Conference LocationBergamo, Italy
Key WordsResearch, Stochastic Programming
AbstractThe initiative is oriented to researchers, doctoral students and practitioners with a general aim to attract a significant audience to a key and rapidly growing area of mathematical programming. The school aims also at establishing a qualified venue to enhance and promote the understanding by young scientists of the potentials of applied stochastic optimisation in areas such as finance, production planning, energy, telecommunications and clarify to leading practitioners the current state of the art in the development of stochastic optimisation techniques. The proposal comes at a point in which the potentials of stochastic programming techniques in applied decision theory are becoming fully recognised in the industry, and the demand for advanced education programmes in this area is growing.
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