| BlockIPInterface () |
| Constructor.
| ~BlockIPInterface () |
| Destructor.
void | setSolver (SOLVER solver) |
| Set the solver to be used.
SOLVER | getSolver () |
| Get the solver to be used.
void | setMaxTime (double time) |
| Set maximum time allowed to solve the problem.
double | getMaxTime () |
| Get maximum time allowed to solve the problem.
void | setMaxThreads (int numThreads) |
| Set the maximum number of threads to be used.
int | getMaxThreads () |
| Get the maximum number of threads to be used.
void | setLogFilename (char *filename) |
| Set the name of the log file.
const char * | getLogFilename () |
| Get the name of the log file.
void | setSolFilename (char *filename) |
| Set the name of the solution file.
const char * | getSolFilename () |
| Get the name of the solution file.
BlockIP * | getBlockIPInterface () |
| Get BlockIP interface.
OsiInterface * | getSolverInterface () |
| Get solver interface.
void | readMps (const char *filename) |
| Load a problem from a mps file.
void | readAmpl (const char *modelFilename, const char *dataFilename) |
| Load a problem from ampl files.
void | readBlockIPFormat (const char *filename) |
| Load a problem from BlockIP format file.
void | amplToMps (const char *modelFilename, const char *dataFilename, const char *mpsFilename, bool convertToStd=false) |
| Converts a problem in ampl format to mps format.
void | amplToBlockIPFormat (const char *modelFilename, const char *dataFilename, const char *BlockIPFormatFilename, bool convertToStd=false) |
| Converts a problem in ampl format to BlockIP format.
void | mpsToBlockIPFormat (const char *mpsFilename, const char *BlockIPFormatFilename, bool convertToStd=false) |
| Converts a problem in mps format to BlockIP format.
void | BlockIPFormatToMps (const char *BlockIPFormatFilename, const char *mpsFilename, bool convertToStd=false) |
| Converts a problem in BlockIP format to mps format.
OPT_STATUS | solve () |
| Solve the problem loaded.
double | getObjValue () |
| Get the objective function value.
const double * | getSolution () |
| Get the solution.
int | getNumVars () |
| Get the number of variables.
void | printX () |
| Show all the primal variables of blocks and slacks.
void | printX (int globalVarIndex) |
| Show the value of the i-th primal variable.
void | printX (string varName) |
| Show the value of the named primal variable.
void | printX (int blockIndex, int varIndex) |
| Show the value of the i-th primal variable inside the block k.
void | printX (string blockName, int varIndex) |
| Show the value of the i-th primal variable inside the named block.
void | printXBlock (int blockIndex) |
| Show the value of all primal variables inside the block k.
void | printXBlock (string blockName) |
| Show the value of all primal variables inside the named block.
void | printXSlack () |
| Show the value of all primal variables inside the slacks.
void | printXSlack (int slackIndex) |
| Show the value of the i-th primal variable inside the slacks.
void | printRC () |
| Show all the reduced cost of primal variables of blocks and slacks.
void | printRC (int globalVarIndex) |
| Show the reduced cost of the i-th primal variable.
void | printRC (string varName) |
| Show the reduced cost of the named primal variable.
void | printRC (int blockIndex, int varIndex) |
| Show the reduced cost of the i-th primal variable inside the block k.
void | printRC (string blockName, int varIndex) |
| Show the reduced cost of the i-th primal variable inside the named block.
void | printRCBlock (int blockIndex) |
| Show the reduced cost of all primal variables inside the block k.
void | printRCBlock (string blockName) |
| Show the reduced cost of all primal variables inside the named block.
void | printRCSlack () |
| Show the reduced cost of all primal variables inside the slacks.
void | printRCSlack (int slackIndex) |
| Show the reduced cost of the i-th primal variable inside the slacks.
void | printCons () |
| Show all the dual variables of blocks and linking constraints.
void | printCons (int globalConsIndex) |
| Show the dual variable of the i-th constraint.
void | printCons (string consName) |
| Show the dual variable of the named constraint.
void | printCons (int blockIndex, int consIndex) |
| Show the dual variable of the i-th constraint inside the block k.
void | printCons (string blockName, int consIndex) |
| Show the dual variable of the i-th constraint inside the named block.
void | printConsBlock (int blockIndex) |
| Show all the dual variables inside the block k.
void | printConsBlock (string blockName) |
| Show all the dual varialbes inside the named block.
void | printConsLinking () |
| Show all the dual varialbes inside the linking constraints.
void | printConsLinking (int linkingIndex) |
| Show the dual variable of the i-th constraint inside the linking constraints.
BlockIP * | bip |
| BlockIP environment.
SMLBlockIP * | smlbip |
| To read problems in SML format.
OsiInterface * | oi |
| To solve problems with third-party solvers.
SOLVER | solver |
| Solver to use.
double | maxTime |
| Maximum time allowed to solve the problem.
int | numThreads |
| Maximum number of threads to use.
bool | solved |
| True if at least a initial solve has been done.
char * | logFilename |
| Name of log file.
char * | solFilename |
| Name of solution file.
StdForm * | stdForm |
| To perform conversions between standar form and original problem.
string * | varNames |
| Name of variables, only used when the problem is loaded from ampl files.
int | numVars |
| Number of varibles, only used when the problem is loaded from ampl files.
int * | varsOrder |
| correct order for the variables, ampl orders the variables
bool | amplOrMps |
| True if ampl is used, false if mps is used.
TYPE_INPUT | type_input |
| Type of input used to read the problem.
int | numVarsMatlab |
| Number of variables when BlockIP Matlab has been used.
int | numConsMatlab |
| Number of constraints when BlockIP Matlab has been used.
int | numBlocks |
| Number of blocks.
int | numCons |
| Number of constraints.
int | numLinCons |
| Number of linking constraints.
string * | consNames |
| Name of contraints.
string * | blockNames |
| Name of blocks.
int * | varsPerBlock |
| Number of variables in each block.
int * | consPerBlock |
| Number of constraints in each block.
vector< int > * | indexUbInf |
| Index to variables with ub = inf.
double | fobj |
| Objective function value.
double | dobj |
| Dual objective function value.
double * | x |
| Objective function solution.
double * | y |
| Dual variables of constraints.
double * | z |
| Dual variables of x_i <= u_i bounds.
double * | w |
| Dual variables of x_i >= 0 bounds.
double * | rc |
| Reduced costs.
int | iter |
| Number of iterations.
int | iterPCG |
| Number of PCG iterations.
double | CPUsec |
| CPU seconds of the optimization.
Class to solve large block angular problems.