
public int CPXdelfuncdest(CPXCENVptr env, CPXCHANNELptr channel, void * handle, void(CPXPUBLIC *msgfunction)(void *, const char *))
Definition file: cplex.h

The routine CPXdelfuncdest removes the function msgfunction from the list of message destinations associated with a channel. Use CPXdelfuncdest to remove functions that were added to the list using CPXaddfuncdest.

To illustrate, consider an application in which a developer wishes to trap CPLEX error messages and display them in a dialog box that prompts the user for an action. Use CPXaddfuncdest to add the address of a function to the list of message destinations associated with the cpxerror channel. Then write the msgfunction routine. It must contain the code that controls the dialog box. When CPXmsg is called with cpxerror as its first argument, it calls the msgfunction routine, which then displays the error message.

The handle argument is a generic pointer that can be used to hold information needed by the msgfunction routine to avoid making such information global to all routines.


 void msgfunction (void *handle, char *msg_string)
     FILE *fp;
     fp = (FILE *)handle;
     fprintf (fp, "%s", msg_string);
 status = CPXdelfuncdest (env, mychannel, fileptr, msgfunction);



A pointer to the CPLEX environment as returned by CPXopenCPLEX.


The pointer to the channel to which the function destination is to be added.


A void pointer that can be used in the msgfunction routine to direct the message to a file, the screen, or a memory location.


The pointer to the function to be called when a message is sent to a channel. For details about this callback function, see CPXaddfuncdest.

See Also:


The routines return zero if successful and nonzero if an error occurs. Failure occurs when msgfunction is not in the message-destination list or the channel does not exist.