ILOG CPLEX 11.0 File Formats > > ILOG CPLEX File Formats > FLT File Format: Filter Files for the Solution Pool > Syntax of a Filter File

A filter file may contain one or more diversity filters, one or more range filters, or a combination of both types of filter.

The filters in a file are associated with a particular model. The name of the model follows the keyword NAME.

In a formatted filter file, the strings -inf and inf may be used to denote "no limit" in each of these contexts:

Here is a sample filter file. This filter is suitable for use with the model in Example: Simple Facility Location Problem in the ILOG CPLEX User's Manual. An explanation of this file appears in Diversity Filters and Range Filters.

NAME location
DIVFILTER f1 2 inf
x1 1.0 1
x2 1.0 1
x3 1.0 0
x4 1.0 0
RNGFILTER f2 -inf 0
transport 1.0
fixed -1.0