ILOG CPLEX 11.0 Parameters Reference Manual > > Alphabetic List of Parameters > Limit on number of solutions generated for the solution pool

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mip limits populate




Limits the number of mixed integer programming (MIP) solutions generated for the solution pool during each call to the populate procedure. Populate stops when it has generated PopulateLim solutions. A solution is counted if it is valid for all filters, consistent with the relative and absolute pool gap parameters, and has not been rejected by the incumbent callback (if any exists), whether or not it improves the objective of the model.

In parallel, populate may not respect this parameter exactly due to disparities between threads. That is, it may happen that populate stops when it has generated a number of solutions slightly more than or slightly less than this limit because of differences in synchronization between threads.

This parameter does not apply to MIP optimization generally; it applies only to the populate procedure.

If you are looking for a parameter to control the number of solutions stored in the solution pool, consider instead the solution pool capacity parameter (SolnPoolCapacity, CPX_PARAM_SOLNPOOLCAPACITY).

Populate will stop before it reaches the limit set by this parameter if it reaches another limit, such as a time limit set by the user. Additional stopping criteria can be specified by these parameters:


Any nonnegative integer; default: 20.