ILOG CPLEX 11.0 User's Manual > Programming Considerations > Tuning Tool > Invoking the Tuning Tool

The tuning tool is available in all components of ILOG CPLEX: Concert Technology, Callable Library, and Interactive Optimizer.

In Concert Technology, you invoke the tuning tool through these methods:

The tool is also part of the Callable Library (C API) through separate routines for tuning a single model or a group of models. For more detail about the C routine for tuning a single model or a group of models, see Tuning Models in the Callable Library (C API). For a sample application, see examples/src/cplex/tuneset.c.

In the Interactive Optimizer, you can tune one model or a group of models with the tune command. See the Example: Time Limits on Tuning in the Interactive Optimizer.

You can specify whether you want the least worst performance or the best average performance across a set of models with the tuning measure parameter, (TuningMeasure, CPX_PARAM_TUNINGMEASURE), documented in the reference manual ILOG CPLEX Parameters.

When you are tuning a single model, you can ask ILOG CPLEX to permute the model and re-tune to get more robust results, as explained in the documentation of the repeat tuning parameter (TuningRepeat, CPX_PARAM_TUNINGREPEAT).

You can also set a time limit specific to tuning per problem and per optimization run, as documented for the tuning time limit parameter (TuningTiLim, CPX_PARAM_TUNINGTILIM). Example: Time Limits on Tuning in the Interactive Optimizer shows how to set such a time limit.