Interface IloIntExpr

All Known Subinterfaces:
IloIntVar, IloLinearIntExpr

public interface IloIntExpr
extends IloNumExpr

This is the basic public interface for integer expressions. Integer expressions are represented using objects of type IloIntExpr. They are guaranteed to contain only variables of type integer and perform integer arithmetic. Integer expressions are created using integer variables and values with the numerical operations provided in IloModeler.

Integer expressions and general expressions can be mixed. This is achieved by defining the interface IloIntExpr as an extension of IloNumExpr. However, when an integer expression is used as an IloNumExpr, the compile-time information is lost. For some optimizers, this will incur a runtime overhead because the type information needs to be regained at runtime. This is documented for the optimizers where it is relevant.

See Also:
IloModeler.intVar(int, int, java.lang.String), IloModeler.sum(IloIntExpr, int), IloModeler.sum(IloIntExpr, IloIntExpr), IloModeler.sum(int, IloIntExpr),, int),, IloIntExpr),, IloIntExpr), IloModeler.diff(IloIntExpr, int), IloModeler.diff(IloIntExpr, IloIntExpr), IloModeler.diff(int, IloIntExpr), IloModeler.negative(ilog.concert.IloNumExpr)