MATLAB Application Program Interface Reference Help Desk



Get next mxArray from MAT-file

Fortran Syntax



Pointer to MAT-file information.


This routine allows you to step sequentially through a MAT-file and read all the mxArrays in a single pass.

matGetNextMatrix reads the next mxArray from the MAT-file pointed to by mfp and returns a pointer to a newly allocated mxArray structure. Use it immediately after opening the MAT-file with matOpen and not in conjunction with other MAT-file routines; otherwise, the concept of the next mxArray is undefined.

matGetNextMatrix returns 0 when the end-of-file is reached or if there is an error condition.

Be careful in your code to free the mxArray created by this routine when you are finished with it.


Print out the row dimensions of all the mxArrays in a MAT-file.

See matdemo2.f in the eng_mat subdirectory of the examples directory for another sample program that illustrates how to use this MAT-file routine in a Fortran program.

Note: Fortran MAT-file routines are not available on Windows.

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