MATLAB Application Program Interface Reference Help Desk



Copy character mxArrays from MAT-files

Fortran Syntax



Pointer to MAT-file information.


Name of mxArray to get from MAT-file.


Character array to read from MAT-file.


Length of the character array.


matGetString reads the character mxArray with the specified name into str from the MAT-file mfp. It returns zero if successful, and a nonzero value if an error occurs.

matGetString copies the character array from mxArray name on file mfp into the character array str.

Only up to strlen characters are copied, so ordinarily strlen is set to the dimension of the character array to prevent writing past the end of the array. If the character mxArray contains several rows, they are copied, one column at a time, into one long character array.

matGetString returns 0 if the copy is successful, and 1 if the copy has failed because the mxArray is not a character mxArray, 2 if the length of the character array exceeds strlen, and 3 if there is a file read error.


Then you can go to MATLAB and enter:

Note: Fortran MAT-file routines are not available on Windows.

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