Publication Type | Conference Paper |
Year of Publication | 2000 |
Authors | F.-Javier Heredia; Cesar Beltrán |
Conference Name | 9th Stockolm Optimization Days |
Conference Date | 06/2000 |
Conference Location | Stockholm, Sweden |
Type of Work | Contributed presentation |
Key Words | research, radar subgradient; guc |
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Publication Type | Funded research projects |
Year of Publication | 1995 |
Authors | F.-Javier Heredia |
Type of participation | Researcher |
Duration | 07/1995-12/1996 |
Funding organization | Electra de Viesgo S.A. |
Partners | Dep. Estadística i Investigació Operativa, UPC. |
Full time researchers | 3 |
Budget | 24.812,79€ |
Project code | UPC C2325 |
Key Words | research; contracts; Electra de Viesgo; project; private; energy |
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Publication Type | Funded research projects |
Year of Publication | 1993 |
Authors | F.-Javier Heredia |
Type of participation | Researcher |
Duration | 10/1993-05/1995 |
Funding organization | Electra de Viesgo S.A. |
Partners | Dep. Estadística i Investigació Operativa, UPC |
Full time researchers | 4 |
Budget | 62.505,26€ |
Project code | UPC C1958 |
Key Words | research; contracts; Electra de Viesgo; network expansion; project; private; energy |
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Publication Type | Funded research projects |
Year of Publication | 1989 |
Authors | F.-Javier Heredia |
Type of participation | Researcher |
Duration | 05/1989-12/1992 |
Funding organization | FECSA-ENHER-HECSA |
Partners | Dep. d'Estadística i Investigació Operativa, UPC |
Full time researchers | 2 |
Budget | 158.088,00€ |
Project code | UPC C0919 |
Key Words | research; contracts; multicommodity; project; private; energy |
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Publication Type | Funded research projects |
Year of Publication | 1992 |
Authors | F.-Javier Heredia |
Type of participation | Researcher |
Duration | 01/1989-12/1992 |
Funding organization | Red Eléctrica de España, S.A. |
Partners | Dept. d?Estadística i Investigació Operativa, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. |
Full time researchers | 3 |
Budget | 102.472,00€ |
Project code | UPC C0606 |
Key Words | research; contracts; REE; multicommodity; project; public; competitive; energy |
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Publication Type | Thesis |
Year of Publication | 1995 |
Authors | F.-Javier Heredia |
Academic Department | Dept. of Statistics and Operations Research. Prof. Narcís Nabona, advisor |
Number of Pages | 221 |
University | Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya |
City | Barcelona |
Degree | PhD Thesis |
Key Words | research; nonlinear network flows; side contraints; hydro-thermal coordination |
Abstract |
Com a primera part del treball de tesis doctoral, s’ha presentat la descripció, implementació i estudi computacional d’un nou algorisme de resolució del problema de fluxos no lineals amb constriccions a banda lineals. L’algorisme s’ha desenvolupat a partir d’un esquema de conjunt de constriccions actives segons la estratègia de Murtagh i Saunders del conjunt de variables superbàsics amb explotació de la estructura de xarxa amb tècniques de particionament primal. Aquest algorisme s’ha implementat, donant com a resultat el codi NOXCB 9.0, i la seva eficiència ha estat comprovada mitjançant una amplia bateria de tests computacionals. En la segona part del treball de tesis, s’ha formulat un model acoblat de coordinació hidro-tèrmica, on el parc tèrmic es descriu mitjançant un nou model de fluxos en xarxa basat en el concepte de xarxa tèrmica equivalent. S’ha descrit i programat un mètode de resolució d’aquest model acoblat basat en el paquet NOXCB 9.0, comprovant-se computacionalment el seu grau d’eficiència i precisió.
Como primera parte del trabajo de tesis doctoral, se ha presentado la descripción, implementación y estudio computacional de un nuevo algoritmo de resolución del problema de flujos no lineales con constricciones a banda lineales. El algoritmo se ha desarrollado a partir de un esquema de conjunto de constricciones activas según la estrategia de Murtagh y Saunders del conjunto de variables superbásicos con explotación de la estructura de red con técnicas de particionamiento primal. Este algoritmo se ha implementado, dando como resultado el código NOXCB 9.0, cuya eficiencia ha estado comprobada mediante una amplia batería de tests computacionales. Como segunda parte del trabajo de tesis, se ha formulado un modelo acoblado de coordinación hidro-térmica donde el parque térmico se describe mediante un nuevo modelo de flujos en redes basado en el concepto de red térmica equivalente. se ha descrito y programado un método de resolución de este modelo acoblado basado en el paquete NOXCB 9.0, comprobándose computacionalmente su grado de eficiencia y precisión.
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Publication Type | Thesis |
Year of Publication | 2001 |
Authors | Cesar Beltran |
Academic Department | Dept. of Statistics and Operations Research. Prof. F.-Javier Heredia, advisor. |
Number of Pages | 147 |
University | Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya |
City | Barcelona |
Degree | PhD Thesis |
Key Words | research; radar multiplier; generalised unit commitment; teaching |
Abstract | This operations research thesis should be situated in the field of the power generation industry. The general objective of this work is to efficiently solve the Generalized Unit Commitment (GUC) problem by means of specialized software. The GUC problem generalizes the Unit Commitment (UC) problem by simultane-ously solving the associated Optimal Power Flow (OPF) problem. There are many approaches to solve the UC and OPF problems separately, but approaches to solve them jointly, i.e. to solve the GUC problem, are quite scarce. One of these GUC solving approaches is due to professors Batut and Renaud, whose methodology has been taken as a starting point for the methodology presented herein. This thesis report is structured as follows. Chapter 1 describes the state of the art of the UC and GUC problems. The formulation of the classical short-term power planning problems related to the GUC problem, namely the economic dispatching problem, the OPF problem, and the UC problem, are reviewed. Special attention is paid to the UC literature and to the traditional methods for solving the UC problem. In chapter 2 we extend the OPF model developed by professors Heredia and Nabona to obtain our GUC model. The variables used and the modelling of the thermal, hydraulic and transmission systems are introduced, as is the objective function. Chapter 3 deals with the Variable Duplication (VD) method, which is used to decompose the GUC problem as an alternative to the Classical Lagrangian Relaxation (CLR) method. Furthermore, in chapter 3 dual bounds provided by the VDmethod or by the CLR methods are theoretically compared. Throughout chapters 4, 5, and 6 our solution methodology, the Radar Multiplier (RM) method, is designed and tested. Three independent matters are studied: first, the auxiliary problem principle method, used by Batut and Renaud to treat the inseparable augmented Lagrangian, is compared with the block coordinate descent method from both theoretical and practical points of view. Second, the Radar Sub- gradient (RS) method, a new Lagrange multiplier updating method, is proposed and computationally compared with the classical subgradient method. And third, we study the local character of the optimizers computed by the Augmented Lagrangian Relaxation (ALR) method when solving the GUC problem. A heuristic to improve the local ALR optimizers is designed and tested. Chapter 7 is devoted to our computational implementation of the RM method, the MACH code. First, the design of MACH is reviewed brie y and then its performance is tested by solving real-life large-scale UC and GUC instances. Solutions computed using our VD formulation of the GUC problem are partially primal feasible since they do not necessarily fulfill the spinning reserve constraints. In chapter 8 we study how to modify this GUC formulation with the aim of obtaining full primal feasible solutions. A successful test based on a simple UC problem is reported. The conclusions, contributions of the thesis, and proposed further research can be found in chapter 9. |
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Last December 15 I visited, together with the members of the energy team of the GNOM research group, the headquarters of the Catalonia Institute for Energy Research. The board of this institution is comprised by representatives of the Spanish and Catalonian governments, catalonian universities and private sector companies, and its mission is to promote the research in the energy field and the dissemination of this research in collaboration with several major Spanish energy utilities.
The objective of the meeting was to undertake common research projects related the integration of renewevable energies in the electricity production system, specifically in the optimal management of microgrids and the design of the transmission network of offshore wind farm.