Class IloCplex


public class IloCplex
implements IloMPModeler

IloCplex is the class used to create and solve LP (linear problem) and MIP (mixed integer problem) Mathematical Programming models. For modeling, this class implements the IloMPModeler interface and its base interfaces. See the CPLEX 7.5 Java User's Manual for more information on modeling.

By extension of interfaces, an IloCplex object is an instance of an optimization model, IloModel. This is the model to which the optimization methods of IloCplex will be applied. For instance, upon invocation of the method solve(), the IloCplex optimizer will solve this model. We will refer to this model as the model loaded to the IloCplex object, or simply as the IloCplex model.
Models that can be solved by IloCplex must be built only with the following modeling objects:

These are the modeling objects supported by the modeling interfaces implemented by IloMPModeler, IloModeler and IloCplex. They are characterized by the fact that they can all be organized into a math programming formulation of the form:
     Minimize (or Maximize)   c'x + x'Qx
     subject to               L <= Ax <= U
                              l <=  x <= u
plus SOS, which is the internal representation of the model adopted by IloCplex. Information relating to this representation can be queried through methods:
The IloCplex model can be queried in more detail than is available through the iterator defined for IloModeler. Special iterators for each of the supported modeling object types are provided.
If the model uses integer, boolean, or semi-continuous variables, or if the model has SOSs (special ordered set), the model is referred to as a mixed integer problem (MIP). No quadratic terms are allowed in the objective function in this case. You can query whether the IloCplex model is a MIP with method isMIP().

IloCplex uses a branch and cut procedure for solving MIPs. It starts by temporarily removing all integrality constraints from the problem to create a linear relaxation of the model. After solving the relaxation, it checks whether violated cuts should be added. This is iterated until no more cuts are added.

Then the solution of the relaxation is checked to see whether it violates one or more of the integrality constraints which have been removed. If so it picks one of the variables and creates two new problems, each with more restrictive bounds on the variables. For example, with binary (or boolean) variables, one problem will fix the variable at 0 and the other at 1. These problems are referred to as nodes of the branch and cut search tree, where the tree is the data structure used to maintain the nodes. It is organized in such a way as to show how each node has been created.

The process of creating the subproblems is called branching. The branch and cut procedure picks a node from the tree and proceeds with it in the same way as described above. When an integer feasible solution has been found, it may be possible to discard some of the nodes in the tree if it can be proven that their corresponding problems cannot contain a better solution. This process is called pruning, and a current solution is known as the incumbent. Whenever during the branch and cut search a better solution is found, that solution becomes the new incumbent. The algorithm terminates when no more nodes are in the tree. The incumbent at this point has then been proven to be the optimal solution of the IloCplex model.
If the IloCplex model is not a MIP, the solution procedure described above is executed in a degenerate case. Since the linear relaxation of the model is the model itself, solving the initial node is equivalent to solving the full IloCplex model. The initial node is also called the root node.

Quadratic terms are supported in the objective if the model does not contain any binary, boolean, or semi-continuous variables and no SOSs are part of the model. Such a model is referred to as a Quadratic Program (QP). You can query whether the IloCplex model is a QP by calling method isQP().

Solving the IloCplex model is done by calling solve. In most cases this is all that is necessary, but if needed IloCplex offers much more control over the solution process. Most importantly, the algorithm for solving the root and other nodes can be controlled with the parameters IloCplex.IntParam.RootAlg() and setNodeAlg(). The various algorithm choices defined in IloCplex.Algorithm are:

In addition, the solution process can be controlled using parameters. Parameters are set with setParam. The selection of a branch can be further controlled using priority orders. Priority orders allow you to assign priorities to variables in order to determine at which variables to branch first. Priority orders are set with methods setDirection(), setPriority(), setDirections(), and setPriorities().

However, the highest level of control is achieved by use of callbacks (see IloCplex.Callback and its extensions).

The solve method returns a boolean value indicating whether ( true) or not (false) a solution (not necessarily the optimal one) has been found. Further information about the solution can be queried with the method getStatus(). The return code of type IloCplex.Status indicates whether the solution is feasible, bounded, or optimal, or if the model has been proven to be infeasible or unbounded. See IloCplex.Status for more information.

In addition, IloCplex.getCplexStatus() provides more detailed information about the status of the optimizer after the method solve() delivers its return. For example it can tell you that the optimizer terminated with an infeasible solution because it reached an iteration limit.

The most important solution information computed by IloCplex is the solution vector and the objective function. This information can be queried with methods getValue() and getObjValue(), respectively. However, more solution information is computed by the IloCplex.solve() method including slack values, dual values and reduced cost information.

What solution information is available depends on the solution algorithm that was used to compute the solution. In cases where a basis is available, the solution can be further analyzed by performing sensitivity analysis. This information tells you how sensitive the solution is with respect to changes in the variable and constraint bounds of the model, or with respect to the objective coefficients. The information is computed and accessed with methods getBoundSA(), getRangeSA(), getRHSSA() and getObjSA().

An important consideration of solution information generated by computer is quality. Since IloCplex performs arithmetic operations using finite precision, any solution is subject to numerical errors. Most of the time the problem is not numerically challenging, and the numerical errors are well withing tolerances. However, for numerically difficult models, it is advised to verify the quality of the solution using method IloCplex.getQuality(), which offers a variety of quality measures.

Inner Class Summary
static class IloCplex.Algorithm
          This class specifies the solution algorithm type to be used by CPLEX.
static class IloCplex.BarrierCallback
          The callback class to use when IloCplex uses the barrier optimizer.
static class IloCplex.BasisStatus
          This class provides an the types of basis status.
static class IloCplex.BooleanParam
          The symbolic parameter names class for IloCplex parameters with boolean values.
static class IloCplex.BranchCallback
          An instance of this class represents a user-written callback in an application that uses an instance of IloCplex to solve a mixed integer program (MIP).
static class IloCplex.BranchDirection
          This class represents branch directions.
static class IloCplex.BranchType
          This class identifies the branch type for BranchCallback.
static class IloCplex.Callback
          The callback base class.
static class IloCplex.ControlCallback
          The control callback class is a base class for other callback classes.
static interface IloCplex.CplexEndedException
          Throws an exception when a method is called of an IloCplex object or any object that has been created with it after the end() method has been called.
static class IloCplex.CplexStatus
          Symbolic names for IloCplex internal altorithm status.
static class IloCplex.CrossoverCallback
          The callback class to use when IloCplex uses the barrier optimizer, with crossover.
static class IloCplex.CutCallback
          This class represents a user-written callback in an application that uses an instance of IloCplex to solve a mixed integer programming problem (a MIP).
static class IloCplex.DeleteMode
          This class lists the possible settings for the delete mode of IloCplex as controlled by the methods setDeleteMode and getDeleteMode.
static class IloCplex.DisjunctiveCutCallback
          A user-written callback class.
static class IloCplex.DoubleParam
          Symbolic parameter names for double-valued IloCplex parameters.
static class IloCplex.DualPricing
          A class which lists values that the dual pricing parameter can assume in IloCplex for use with the dual simplex algorithm.
static class IloCplex.DualSimplexCallback
          The callback class to use when IloCplex uses the dual simplex optimizer.
static class IloCplex.FlowMIRCutCallback
          A callback class to use when IloCplex is solving a MIP.
static class IloCplex.FractionalCutCallback
          A callback class to use when IloCplex is solving a MIP.
static class IloCplex.HeuristicCallback
          A callback class to use when IloCplex is solving a MIP.
static class IloCplex.IIS
          Objects of the class IIS represent an irreducibly inconsistent set (IIS).
static class IloCplex.IncumbentCallback
          This callback class is called whenever a new potential incumbent is found during branch and cut searches.
static class IloCplex.IntegerFeasibilityStatus
          This class is used to determine integer feasibility.
static class IloCplex.IntParam
          Symbolic parameter names for integer-valued IloCplex parameters.
static class IloCplex.LPCallback
          The LP callback class for user-written callbacks.
static class IloCplex.MIPCallback
          The class for callbacks when IloCplex is solving a MIP.
static class IloCplex.MIPEmphasis
          This class lists the types MIP solution emphasis values.
static class IloCplex.NetworkCallback
          The callback class to use when IloCplex uses the network optimizer.
static class IloCplex.NodeCallback
          A class to identify which node will next be selected for branch and cut.
static class IloCplex.NodeId
          A class which identifies a MIP node.
static class IloCplex.NodeSelect
          This class lists values that the parameter NodeSel can assume in IloCplex.
static class IloCplex.PresolveCallback
          The callback class for user-written callbacks during presolve.
static class IloCplex.PrimalPricing
          This class lists values that the primal pricing parameter can assume in IloCplex for use with the primal simplex algorithm.
static class IloCplex.PrimalSimplexCallback
          The callback class to use when IloCplex uses the primal simplex optimizer.
static class IloCplex.ProbingCallback
          An instance of the class ProbingCallback represents a user-written callback in an application that uses an instance of IloCplex to solve a MIP (mixed integer programming problem).
static class IloCplex.Quality
          Objects of the class IloCplex.Quality contain information computed to measure the quality of a solution.
static class IloCplex.QualityType
          This class contains symbolic names for IloCplex solution qualities.
static class IloCplex.SolveCallback
          An instance of this class can be used to solve node LPs during a branch and cut search.
static class IloCplex.Status
          Enumeration type for solution statuses.
static class IloCplex.StringParam
          The class StringParam lists the parameters of CPLEX that require a character string as a value.
static class IloCplex.UnknownObjectException
          Non-IloCplex object exception class.
static class IloCplex.VariableSelect
          The class which defines possible settings for the IloCplex.IntParam.VarSel parameter.
Constructor Summary
          This constructor creates an IloCplex object with an empty IloCplex model.
Method Summary
 IloRange addCut(IloRange rng)
          Adds rng as a cut to the invoking IloCplex object.
 IloRange[] addCuts(IloRange[] rng)
          Adds IloRange[] array rng as a cut to the invoking IloCplex object.
 IloRange[] addCuts(IloRange[] rng, int start, int num)
          Adds rng as a user cut to the invoking IloCplex object.
 IloRange addEq(double v, IloNumExpr e)
          See IloMPModeler
 IloRange addEq(double v, IloNumExpr e, java.lang.String name)
          See IloMPModeler
 IloRange addEq(IloNumExpr e, double v)
          See IloMPModeler
 IloRange addEq(IloNumExpr e, double v, java.lang.String name)
          See IloMPModeler
 IloRange addEq(IloNumExpr e1, IloNumExpr e2)
          See IloMPModeler
 IloRange addEq(IloNumExpr e1, IloNumExpr e2, java.lang.String name)
          See IloMPModeler
 IloRange addGe(double v, IloNumExpr e)
          See IloMPModeler
 IloRange addGe(double v, IloNumExpr e, java.lang.String name)
          See IloMPModeler
 IloRange addGe(IloNumExpr e, double v)
          See IloMPModeler
 IloRange addGe(IloNumExpr e, double v, java.lang.String name)
          See IloMPModeler
 IloRange addGe(IloNumExpr e1, IloNumExpr e2)
          See IloMPModeler
 IloRange addGe(IloNumExpr e1, IloNumExpr e2, java.lang.String name)
          See IloMPModeler
 IloRange addLe(double v, IloNumExpr e)
          See IloMPModeler
 IloRange addLe(double v, IloNumExpr e, java.lang.String name)
          See IloMPModeler
 IloRange addLe(IloNumExpr e, double v)
          See IloMPModeler
 IloRange addLe(IloNumExpr e, double v, java.lang.String name)
          See IloMPModeler
 IloRange addLe(IloNumExpr e1, IloNumExpr e2)
          See IloMPModeler
 IloRange addLe(IloNumExpr e1, IloNumExpr e2, java.lang.String name)
          See IloMPModeler
 IloLPMatrix addLPMatrix()
          See IloMPModeler
 IloLPMatrix addLPMatrix(java.lang.String name)
          See IloMPModeler
 IloObjective addMaximize()
          See IloModeler
 IloObjective addMaximize(IloNumExpr expr)
          See IloModeler
 IloObjective addMaximize(IloNumExpr expr, java.lang.String name)
          See IloModeler
 IloObjective addMaximize(java.lang.String name)
          See IloModeler
 IloObjective addMinimize()
          See IloModeler
 IloObjective addMinimize(IloNumExpr expr)
          See IloModeler
 IloObjective addMinimize(IloNumExpr expr, java.lang.String name)
          See IloModeler
 IloObjective addMinimize(java.lang.String name)
          See IloModeler
 IloObjective addObjective(IloObjectiveSense sense)
          See IloModeler
 IloObjective addObjective(IloObjectiveSense sense, IloNumExpr expr)
          See IloModeler
 IloObjective addObjective(IloObjectiveSense sense, IloNumExpr expr, java.lang.String name)
          See IloModeler
 IloObjective addObjective(IloObjectiveSense sense, java.lang.String name)
          See IloModeler
 IloRange addRange(double lb, double ub)
          See IloMPModeler
 IloRange addRange(double lb, double ub, java.lang.String name)
          See IloMPModeler
 IloRange addRange(double lb, IloNumExpr expr, double ub)
          See IloMPModeler
 IloRange addRange(double lb, IloNumExpr expr, double ub, java.lang.String name)
          See IloMPModeler
 IloSOS1 addSOS1(IloNumVar[] var, double[] val)
          See IloMPModeler
 IloSOS1 addSOS1(IloNumVar[] var, double[] val, int start, int num)
          See IloMPModeler
 IloSOS1 addSOS1(IloNumVar[] var, double[] val, int start, int num, java.lang.String name)
          See IloMPModeler
 IloSOS1 addSOS1(IloNumVar[] var, double[] val, java.lang.String name)
          See IloMPModeler
 IloSOS2 addSOS2(IloNumVar[] var, double[] val)
          See IloMPModeler
 IloSOS2 addSOS2(IloNumVar[] var, double[] val, int start, int num)
          See IloMPModeler
 IloSOS2 addSOS2(IloNumVar[] var, double[] val, int start, int num, java.lang.String name)
          See IloMPModeler
 IloSOS2 addSOS2(IloNumVar[] var, double[] val, java.lang.String name)
          See IloMPModeler
 void addToExpr(IloObjective obj, IloNumExpr expr)
          See IloMPModeler
 void addToExpr(IloRange obj, IloNumExpr expr)
          See IloMPModeler
 IloIntVar boolVar()
          See IloModeler
 IloIntVar boolVar(IloColumn column)
          See IloModeler
 IloIntVar boolVar(IloColumn column, java.lang.String name)
          See IloModeler
 IloIntVar boolVar(java.lang.String name)
          See IloModeler
 IloIntVar[] boolVarArray(IloColumnArray cols)
          See IloModeler
 IloIntVar[] boolVarArray(IloColumnArray cols, java.lang.String[] name)
          See IloModeler
 IloIntVar[] boolVarArray(int n)
          See IloModeler
 IloIntVar[] boolVarArray(int n, java.lang.String[] name)
          See IloModeler
 void clearCallbacks()
          Removes all callbacks.
 void clearCuts()
          Deletes all user cuts added to the invoking IloCplex object with the methods addCut and addCuts.
 void clearModel()
          Removes objects from the IloCplex model.
 IloColumn column(IloLPMatrix lp)
          See IloMPModeler
 IloColumn column(IloLPMatrix lp, int[] ind, double[] val)
          See IloMPModeler
 IloColumn column(IloLPMatrix lp, int[] ind, double[] val, int start, int num)
          See IloMPModeler
 IloColumn column(IloObjective obj, double val)
          See IloMPModeler
 IloColumn column(IloRange rng, double val)
          See IloMPModeler
 IloColumnArray columnArray(IloLPMatrix lp, int num)
          See IloMPModeler
 IloColumnArray columnArray(IloLPMatrix lp, int num, int[][] ind, double[][] val)
          See IloMPModeler
 IloColumnArray columnArray(IloObjective obj, double[] val)
          See IloMPModeler
 IloColumnArray columnArray(IloObjective obj, double[] val, int start, int num)
          See IloMPModeler
 IloColumnArray columnArray(IloRange rng, double[] val)
          See IloMPModeler
 IloColumnArray columnArray(IloRange rng, double[] val, int start, int num)
          See IloMPModeler
 IloNumExpr constant(double x)
          See IloModeler
 IloIntExpr constant(int x)
          See IloModeler
 IloConversion conversion(IloNumVar[] ilovar, IloNumVarType type)
          See IloMPModeler
 IloConversion conversion(IloNumVar[] ilovar, IloNumVarType[] type)
          See IloMPModeler
 IloConversion conversion(IloNumVar[] ilovar, IloNumVarType[] type, java.lang.String name)
          See IloMPModeler
 IloConversion conversion(IloNumVar[] ilovar, IloNumVarType type, java.lang.String name)
          See IloMPModeler
 IloConversion conversion(IloNumVar var, IloNumVarType type)
          See IloMPModeler
 IloConversion conversion(IloNumVar var, IloNumVarType type, java.lang.String name)
          See IloMPModeler
 java.util.Iterator conversionIterator()
          Returns an iterator over all IloConversion objects in the IloCplex model.
 void delDirection(IloNumVar var)
          Removes any existing branching direction assignments from the variable array var.
 void delDirections(IloNumVar[] var)
          Removes any existing branching direction assignments from the variable array var.
 void delDirections(IloNumVar[] var, int start, int num)
          Removes any existing branching direction assignments from num variables in the array var, starting with variable start.
 void delete(IloCopyable obj)
          Removes the extractable from the extracted model, and all the extractables in the model.
 void delete(IloCopyable[] obj)
          See IloMPModeler
 void delete(IloCopyable[] obj, int beg, int num)
          Removes extractables from the extracted model, and all the extractables in the model.
 void delPriorities(IloNumVar[] var)
          Removes any existing priority order assignments from the array of variables var.
 void delPriorities(IloNumVar[] var, int start, int num)
          Removes any existing priority order assignments from num variables in the array var, starting with variable start.
 void delPriority(IloNumVar var)
          Removes any existing priority order assignment from variable var.
 IloNumExpr diff(double v, IloNumExpr e1)
          See IloModeler
 IloIntExpr diff(IloIntExpr e1, IloIntExpr e2)
          See IloModeler
 IloIntExpr diff(IloIntExpr e, int v)
          See IloModeler
 IloNumExpr diff(IloNumExpr e, double v)
          See IloModeler
 IloNumExpr diff(IloNumExpr e1, IloNumExpr e2)
          See IloModeler
 IloIntExpr diff(int v, IloIntExpr e1)
          See IloModeler
 void end()
          Releases IloCplex license.
 IloRange eq(double v, IloNumExpr e)
          See IloMPModeler
 IloRange eq(double v, IloNumExpr e, java.lang.String name)
          See IloMPModeler
 IloRange eq(IloNumExpr e, double v)
          See IloMPModeler
 IloRange eq(IloNumExpr e, double v, java.lang.String name)
          See IloMPModeler
 IloRange eq(IloNumExpr e1, IloNumExpr e2)
          See IloMPModeler
 IloRange eq(IloNumExpr e1, IloNumExpr e2, java.lang.String name)
          See IloMPModeler
 void exportModel(java.lang.String name)
          Writes IloCplex a model to a file.
 IloRange ge(double v, IloNumExpr e)
          See IloMPModeler
 IloRange ge(double v, IloNumExpr e, java.lang.String name)
          See IloMPModeler
 IloRange ge(IloNumExpr e, double v)
          See IloMPModeler
 IloRange ge(IloNumExpr e, double v, java.lang.String name)
          See IloMPModeler
 IloRange ge(IloNumExpr e1, IloNumExpr e2)
          See IloMPModeler
 IloRange ge(IloNumExpr e1, IloNumExpr e2, java.lang.String name)
          See IloMPModeler
 int getAlgorithm()
          Returns the algorithm that has been used for generating the current solution.
 double[] getAX(IloLPMatrix matrix)
          Gets the vector of row activity values for the rows of an LP matrix.
 double[] getAX(IloLPMatrix matrix, int first, int num)
          Gets the row activity values for a range of rows of an LP matrix.
 double getAX(IloRange rng)
          Gets the row activity value for a range constraint.
 double[] getAX(IloRange[] irng)
          Gets row activity values for an array of range constraints.
 double[] getAX(IloRange[] irng, int first, int num)
          Queries row activity values for a set of range constraints.
 IloCplex.BasisStatus getBasisStatus(IloNumVar var)
          Gets the basis status for variable var.
 IloCplex.BasisStatus getBasisStatus(IloRange rng)
          Gets the basis status for constraint rng.
 IloCplex.BasisStatus[] getBasisStatuses(IloNumVar[] var)
          Gets the basis status for the variables in array var.
 IloCplex.BasisStatus[] getBasisStatuses(IloNumVar[] var, int start, int num)
          Gets the basis status for a set of variables in array var.
 IloCplex.BasisStatus[] getBasisStatuses(IloRange[] rng)
          Gets the basis status for the constraints in array rng.
 IloCplex.BasisStatus[] getBasisStatuses(IloRange[] rng, int start, int num)
          Gets the basis status for a set of constraints in array rng.
 double getBestObjValue()
          Gets the objective value of the best active node in the current branch and cut tree.
 void getBoundSA(double[] lblower, double[] lbupper, double[] ublower, double[] ubupper, IloLPMatrix matrix)
          Computes and returns sensitivity analysis information.
 void getBoundSA(double[] lblower, double[] lbupper, double[] ublower, double[] ubupper, IloLPMatrix matrix, int start, int num)
          Computes and returns sensitivity analysis information for the variable bounds for all variables corresponding to the columns of the specified LP matrix.
 void getBoundSA(double[] lblower, double[] lbupper, double[] ublower, double[] ubupper, IloNumVar[] var)
          Computes and returns sensitivity analysis information for variable bounds.
 void getBoundSA(double[] lblower, double[] lbupper, double[] ublower, double[] ubupper, IloNumVar[] var, int start, int num)
          Computes and returns sensitivity analysis information for variable bounds.
 IloCplex.CplexStatus getCplexStatus()
          Gets the CPLEX algorithmic status code.
 IloCplex.CplexStatus getCplexSubStatus()
          This method is used to access the solution status of the last node problem solved in the event of an error termination in the previous invocation of solve.
 double getCutoff()
          Gets the cutoff for the objective value when solving nodes during branch and cut search.
 boolean getDefault(IloCplex.BooleanParam which)
          Gets the default value of a boolean parameter.
 double getDefault(IloCplex.DoubleParam which)
          Gets the default value of a double parameter.
 int getDefault(IloCplex.IntParam which)
          Gets the default value of an integer parameter.
 java.lang.String getDefault(IloCplex.StringParam which)
          Gets the default value of a string parameter.
 IloCplex.DeleteMode getDeleteMode()
          Returns the current delete mode of the invoking IloCplex.
 IloCplex.BranchDirection getDirection(IloNumVar var)
          Returns the branch direction.
 IloCplex.BranchDirection[] getDirections(IloNumVar[] var)
          Gets the branch directions for an array of variables.
 IloCplex.BranchDirection[] getDirections(IloNumVar[] var, int start, int num)
          Gets the branch directions for a set of variables.
 double getDual(IloRange irng)
          Gets the dual solution value for a range of constraints.
 double[] getDuals(IloLPMatrix matrix)
          Gets the dual solution vector for the rows of LP matrix.
 double[] getDuals(IloLPMatrix matrix, int first, int num)
          Gets the dual solution values for a range of rows of LP matrix.
 double[] getDuals(IloRange[] irng)
          Gets the dual solution values for an array of range constraints.
 double[] getDuals(IloRange[] irng, int first, int num)
          Gets the dual solution values for a set of range constraints.
 IloCplex.IIS getIIS()
          Computes the IIS (Irreducibly Inconsistent Set) of an infeasible model.
 int getIncumbentNode()
          Gets the node number of the incumbent.
 double getMax(IloCplex.DoubleParam which)
          Gets the maximum allowed value for a double parameter.
 int getMax(IloCplex.IntParam which)
          Gets the maximum allowed value for an integer parameter.
 double getMin(IloCplex.DoubleParam which)
          Gets the minimum value allowed for a double parameter.
 int getMin(IloCplex.IntParam which)
          Gets the minimum value allowed for an integer parameter.
 int getNbarrierIterations()
          Returns the number of barrier iterations from the last solve.
 int getNbinVars()
          Gets the number of binary variables in the matrix representation of the active model in the invoking IloCplex object.
 int getNcliques()
          Gets the number of clique cuts added to the problem.
 int getNcols()
          Gets the number of columns in the matrix representation of the IloCplex model.
 int getNcovers()
          Gets the number of cover cuts added to the problem.
 int getNcrossDExch()
          Gets the number of dual exchange operations in the crossover of the last solve.
 int getNcrossDPush()
          Gets the number of dual push operations in the crossover of the last solve.
 int getNcrossPExch()
          Gets the number of primal exchange operations in the crossover of the last solve.
 int getNcrossPPush()
          Gets the number of primal push operations in the crossover of the last solve.
 int getNdualSuperbasics()
          Gets the number of dual superbasic variables in the basis.
 int getNintVars()
          Gets the number of integer variables in the matrix representation of the active model in the invoking IloCplex object.
 int getNiterations()
          Gets the number of iterations from the last solve.
 int getNnodes()
          Gets the number of nodes processed in the current solution.
 int getNnodesLeft()
          Gets the number of nodes that remain to be processed in the current solution.
 int getNNZs()
          Gets the number of non-zero elements of the matrix representation of the IloCplex model.
 int getNphaseOneIterations()
          Gets the number of Phase I iterations from the last solve.
 int getNprimalSuperbasics()
          Gets the number of primal superbasic variables in the basis.
 int getNrows()
          Gets the number of rows of the matrix representation of the IloCplex model.
 int getNsemiContVars()
          Gets the number of semi-continuous variables in the matrix representation of the active model in the invoking IloCplex object.
 int getNsemiIntVars()
          Gets the number of semi-integer variables in the matrix representation of the active model in the invoking IloCplex object.
 int getNSOS1()
          Gets the number of SOSs of type 1, in the IloCplex model.
 int getNSOS2()
          Gets the number of SOSs of type 2, in the IloCplex model.
 int getNSOSs()
          Gets the number of SOSs of both types, 1 and 2, in the IloCplex model.
 IloObjective getObjective()
          Gets the IloObjective object of the IloCplex model, or null if no IloObject object is currently in the IloCplex model.
 void getObjSA(double[] lower, double[] upper, IloLPMatrix matrix)
          Computes and returns sensitivity analysis information for objective coefficients.
 void getObjSA(double[] lower, double[] upper, IloLPMatrix matrix, int start, int num)
          Computes and returns sensitivity analysis information for objective coefficients.
 void getObjSA(double[] lower, double[] upper, IloNumVar[] var)
          Computes and returns sensitivity analysis information for objective coefficients.
 void getObjSA(double[] lower, double[] upper, IloNumVar[] var, int start, int num)
          Computes and returns sensitivity analysis information for objective coefficients.
 double getObjValue()
          Gets the objective value of the current solution.
 boolean getParam(IloCplex.BooleanParam which)
          Gets the current value of a boolean parameter.
 double getParam(IloCplex.DoubleParam which)
          Gets the current value of a double parameter.
 int getParam(IloCplex.IntParam which)
          Gets the current value of an integer parameter.
 java.lang.String getParam(IloCplex.StringParam which)
          Gets the current value of a string parameter.
 int[] getPriorities(IloNumVar[] var)
          Gets the branch priorities for an array of variables.
 int[] getPriorities(IloNumVar[] var, int start, int num)
          Gets the branch priorities for a set of variables.
 int getPriority(IloNumVar var)
          Gets the branch priority for a variable.
 IloCplex.Quality getQuality(IloCplex.QualityType which)
          Gets an IloCplex.Quality object that contains the information for the requested quality measure.
 void getRangeSA(double[] lblower, double[] lbupper, double[] ublower, double[] ubupper, IloLPMatrix lp)
          Computes and returns sensitivity analysis information for all rows of the matrix lp constraint bounds.
 void getRangeSA(double[] lblower, double[] lbupper, double[] ublower, double[] ubupper, IloLPMatrix lp, int start, int num)
          Computes and returns sensitivity analysis information for range for num rows of the LP starting with row start in LP constraint matrix lp.
 void getRangeSA(double[] lblower, double[] lbupper, double[] ublower, double[] ubupper, IloRange[] rng)
          Computes and returns sensitivity analysis information for range constraint bounds.
 void getRangeSA(double[] lblower, double[] lbupper, double[] ublower, double[] ubupper, IloRange[] rng, int start, int num)
          Computes and returns sensitivity analysis information for range constraint bounds.
 double getReducedCost(IloNumVar ivar)
          Gets the reduced cost for a variable.
 double[] getReducedCosts(IloLPMatrix matrix)
          Gets reduced costs for the columns of LP matrix.
 double[] getReducedCosts(IloLPMatrix matrix, int begin, int num)
          Gets reduced costs for a range of columns of LP matrix.
 double[] getReducedCosts(IloNumVar[] ivar)
          Gets reduced costs for an array of variables.
 double[] getReducedCosts(IloNumVar[] ivar, int begin, int num)
          Gets reduced costs for a set of variables.
 void getRHSSA(double[] lower, double[] upper, IloLPMatrix lp)
          Computes and returns sensitivity analysis information for RHS values of constraints.
 void getRHSSA(double[] lower, double[] upper, IloLPMatrix lp, int start, int num)
          Computes and returns sensitivity analysis information for RHS values of constraints.
 void getRHSSA(double[] lower, double[] upper, IloRange[] rng)
          Computes and returns sensitivity analysis information for RHS values of constraints.
 void getRHSSA(double[] lower, double[] upper, IloRange[] rng, int start, int num)
          Computes and returns sensitivity analysis information for RHS values of constraints.
 double getSlack(IloRange rng)
          Gets the slack value for a range constraint.
 double[] getSlacks(IloLPMatrix matrix)
          Gets the vector of slack values for the rows of an LP matrix.
 double[] getSlacks(IloLPMatrix matrix, int first, int num)
          Gets slack values for a range of rows of an LP matrix.
 double[] getSlacks(IloRange[] irng)
          Gets slack values for an array of range constraints.
 double[] getSlacks(IloRange[] irng, int first, int num)
          Gets slack values for a set of range constraints.
 IloCplex.Status getStatus()
          Gets the solution status of the IloCplex model.
 int getSubAlgorithm()
          Returns the algorithm that has been used for generating the solution of the last branch and cut node that was solved.
 double getValue(IloNumExpr expr)
          Gets the value that expr takes for the current solution.
 double getValue(IloNumVar ivar)
          Gets the solution value for a variable.
 double[] getValues(IloLPMatrix matrix)
          Gets the solution vector for the columns of an LP matrix.
 double[] getValues(IloLPMatrix matrix, int begin, int num)
          Gets the solution vector for a range of columns of an LP matrix.
 double[] getValues(IloNumVar[] ivar)
          Gets solution values of an array of variables.
 double[] getValues(IloNumVar[] ivar, int first, int num)
          Gets solution values for a set of variables.
 java.lang.String getVersion()
          Gets the string that indicates the version of CPLEX.
 void importModel(java.lang.String name)
          Reads a model into IloCplex model.
 IloIntVar intVar(IloColumn column, int lb, int ub)
          See IloModeler
 IloIntVar intVar(IloColumn column, int lb, int ub, java.lang.String name)
          See IloModeler
 IloIntVar intVar(int lb, int ub)
          See IloModeler
 IloIntVar intVar(int lb, int ub, java.lang.String name)
          See IloModeler
 IloIntVar[] intVarArray(IloColumnArray cols, int[] lb, int[] ub)
          See IloModeler
 IloIntVar[] intVarArray(IloColumnArray cols, int[] lb, int[] ub, java.lang.String[] name)
          See IloModeler
 IloIntVar[] intVarArray(IloColumnArray cols, int lb, int ub)
          See IloModeler
 IloIntVar[] intVarArray(IloColumnArray cols, int lb, int ub, java.lang.String[] name)
          See IloModeler
 IloIntVar[] intVarArray(int n, int[] lb, int[] ub)
          See IloModeler
 IloIntVar[] intVarArray(int n, int[] lb, int[] ub, java.lang.String[] name)
          See IloModeler
 IloIntVar[] intVarArray(int n, int lb, int ub)
          See IloModeler
 IloIntVar[] intVarArray(int n, int lb, int ub, java.lang.String[] name)
          See IloModeler
 boolean isMIP()
          Returns true if the IloCplex model is a MIP.
 boolean isQP()
          Returns true if the IloCplex model is a QP.
 IloRange le(double v, IloNumExpr e)
          See IloMPModeler
 IloRange le(double v, IloNumExpr e, java.lang.String name)
          See IloMPModeler
 IloRange le(IloNumExpr e, double v)
          See IloMPModeler
 IloRange le(IloNumExpr e, double v, java.lang.String name)
          See IloMPModeler
 IloRange le(IloNumExpr e1, IloNumExpr e2)
          See IloMPModeler
 IloRange le(IloNumExpr e1, IloNumExpr e2, java.lang.String name)
          See IloMPModeler
 IloLinearIntExpr linearIntExpr()
          See IloModeler
 IloLinearIntExpr linearIntExpr(int val)
          See IloModeler
 IloLinearNumExpr linearNumExpr()
          See IloModeler
 IloLinearNumExpr linearNumExpr(double val)
          See IloModeler
 IloLPMatrix LPMatrix()
          See IloMPModeler
 IloLPMatrix LPMatrix(java.lang.String name)
          See IloMPModeler
 java.util.Iterator LPMatrixIterator()
          Returns an iterator over all IloLPMatrix objects in the IloCplex model.
 IloObjective maximize()
          See IloModeler
 IloObjective maximize(IloNumExpr expr)
          See IloModeler
 IloObjective maximize(IloNumExpr expr, java.lang.String name)
          See IloModeler
 IloObjective maximize(java.lang.String name)
          See IloModeler
 IloObjective minimize()
          See IloModeler
 IloObjective minimize(IloNumExpr expr)
          See IloModeler
 IloObjective minimize(IloNumExpr expr, java.lang.String name)
          See IloModeler
 IloObjective minimize(java.lang.String name)
          See IloModeler
 IloIntExpr negative(IloIntExpr e)
          See IloModeler
 IloNumExpr negative(IloNumExpr e)
          See IloModeler
 IloNumVar numVar(double lb, double ub)
          See IloModeler
 IloNumVar numVar(double lb, double ub, IloNumVarType type)
          See IloModeler
 IloNumVar numVar(double lb, double ub, IloNumVarType type, java.lang.String name)
          See IloModeler
 IloNumVar numVar(double lb, double ub, java.lang.String name)
          See IloModeler
 IloNumVar numVar(IloColumn column, double lb, double ub)
          See IloModeler
 IloNumVar numVar(IloColumn column, double lb, double ub, IloNumVarType type)
          See IloModeler
 IloNumVar numVar(IloColumn column, double lb, double ub, IloNumVarType type, java.lang.String name)
          See IloModeler
 IloNumVar numVar(IloColumn column, double lb, double ub, java.lang.String name)
          See IloModeler
 IloNumVar[] numVarArray(IloColumnArray cols, double[] lb, double[] ub)
          See IloModeler
 IloNumVar[] numVarArray(IloColumnArray cols, double[] lb, double[] ub, IloNumVarType[] type)
          See IloModeler
 IloNumVar[] numVarArray(IloColumnArray cols, double[] lb, double[] ub, IloNumVarType[] type, java.lang.String[] name)
          See IloModeler
 IloNumVar[] numVarArray(IloColumnArray cols, double[] lb, double[] ub, java.lang.String[] name)
          See IloModeler
 IloNumVar[] numVarArray(IloColumnArray cols, double lb, double ub)
          See IloModeler
 IloNumVar[] numVarArray(IloColumnArray cols, double lb, double ub, IloNumVarType type)
          See IloModeler
 IloNumVar[] numVarArray(IloColumnArray cols, double lb, double ub, IloNumVarType type, java.lang.String[] name)
          See IloModeler
 IloNumVar[] numVarArray(IloColumnArray cols, double lb, double ub, java.lang.String[] name)
          See IloModeler
 IloNumVar[] numVarArray(int n, double[] lb, double[] ub)
          See IloModeler
 IloNumVar[] numVarArray(int n, double[] lb, double[] ub, IloNumVarType[] type)
          See IloModeler
 IloNumVar[] numVarArray(int n, double[] lb, double[] ub, IloNumVarType[] type, java.lang.String[] name)
          See IloModeler
 IloNumVar[] numVarArray(int n, double[] lb, double[] ub, java.lang.String[] name)
          See IloModeler
 IloNumVar[] numVarArray(int n, double lb, double ub)
          See IloModeler
 IloNumVar[] numVarArray(int n, double lb, double ub, IloNumVarType type)
          See IloModeler
 IloNumVar[] numVarArray(int n, double lb, double ub, IloNumVarType type, java.lang.String[] name)
          See IloModeler
 IloNumVar[] numVarArray(int n, double lb, double ub, java.lang.String[] name)
          See IloModeler
 IloObjective objective(IloObjectiveSense sense)
          See IloModeler
 IloObjective objective(IloObjectiveSense sense, IloNumExpr expr)
          See IloModeler
 IloObjective objective(IloObjectiveSense sense, IloNumExpr expr, java.lang.String name)
          See IloModeler
 IloObjective objective(IloObjectiveSense sense, java.lang.String name)
          See IloModeler out()
          Gets the output stream of the invoking IloCplex object.
 IloNumExpr piecewiseLinear(IloNumExpr base, double[] points, double[] slopes, double a, double fa)
          See IloModeler
 IloNumExpr piecewiseLinear(IloNumExpr base, double[] points, int startPoints, int num, double[] slopes, int startSlopes, double a, double fa)
          See IloModeler
 IloNumExpr prod(double v, IloNumExpr e1)
          See IloModeler
 IloIntExpr prod(IloIntExpr e1, IloIntExpr e2)
          See IloModeler
 IloIntExpr prod(IloIntExpr e, int v)
          See IloModeler
 IloNumExpr prod(IloNumExpr e, double v)
          See IloModeler
 IloNumExpr prod(IloNumExpr e1, IloNumExpr e2)
          See IloModeler
 IloIntExpr prod(int v, IloIntExpr e1)
          See IloModeler
 IloRange range(double lb, double ub)
          See IloMPModeler
 IloRange range(double lb, double ub, java.lang.String name)
          See IloMPModeler
 IloRange range(double lb, IloNumExpr expr, double ub)
          See IloMPModeler
 IloRange range(double lb, IloNumExpr expr, double ub, java.lang.String name)
          See IloMPModeler
 java.util.Iterator rangeIterator()
          Returns an iterator over all IloRange objects in the IloCplex model.
 IloLinearNumExpr scalProd(double[] vals, IloNumVar[] vars)
          See IloModeler
 IloLinearNumExpr scalProd(double[] vals, IloNumVar[] vars, int start, int num)
          See IloModeler
 IloLinearIntExpr scalProd(IloIntVar[] vars, int[] vals)
          See IloModeler
 IloLinearIntExpr scalProd(IloIntVar[] vars, int[] vals, int start, int num)
          See IloModeler
 IloLinearNumExpr scalProd(IloNumVar[] vars, double[] vals)
          See IloModeler
 IloLinearNumExpr scalProd(IloNumVar[] vars, double[] vals, int start, int num)
          See IloModeler
 IloLinearNumExpr scalProd(IloNumVar[] vars, int[] vals)
          See IloModeler
 IloLinearNumExpr scalProd(IloNumVar[] vars, int[] vals, int start, int num)
          See IloModeler
 IloLinearIntExpr scalProd(int[] vals, IloIntVar[] vars)
          See IloModeler
 IloLinearIntExpr scalProd(int[] vals, IloIntVar[] vars, int start, int num)
          See IloModeler
 IloLinearNumExpr scalProd(int[] vals, IloNumVar[] vars)
          See IloModeler
 IloLinearNumExpr scalProd(int[] vals, IloNumVar[] vars, int start, int num)
          See IloModeler
 IloSemiContVar semiContVar(double lb, double ub, IloNumVarType type)
          See IloMPModeler
 IloSemiContVar semiContVar(double lb, double ub, IloNumVarType type, java.lang.String name)
          See IloMPModeler
 IloSemiContVar semiContVar(IloColumn column, double lb, double ub, IloNumVarType type)
          See IloMPModeler
 IloSemiContVar semiContVar(IloColumn column, double lb, double ub, IloNumVarType type, java.lang.String name)
          See IloMPModeler
 IloSemiContVar[] semiContVarArray(IloColumnArray cols, double[] lb, double[] ub, IloNumVarType[] type)
          See IloMPModeler
 IloSemiContVar[] semiContVarArray(IloColumnArray cols, double[] lb, double[] ub, IloNumVarType[] type, java.lang.String[] name)
          See IloMPModeler
 IloSemiContVar[] semiContVarArray(IloColumnArray cols, double lb, double ub, IloNumVarType type)
          See IloMPModeler
 IloSemiContVar[] semiContVarArray(IloColumnArray cols, double lb, double ub, IloNumVarType type, java.lang.String[] name)
          See IloMPModeler
 IloSemiContVar[] semiContVarArray(int n, double[] lb, double[] ub, IloNumVarType[] type)
          See IloMPModeler
 IloSemiContVar[] semiContVarArray(int n, double[] lb, double[] ub, IloNumVarType[] type, java.lang.String[] name)
          See IloMPModeler
 IloSemiContVar[] semiContVarArray(int n, double lb, double ub, IloNumVarType type)
          See IloMPModeler
 IloSemiContVar[] semiContVarArray(int n, double lb, double ub, IloNumVarType type, java.lang.String[] name)
          See IloMPModeler
 void setBasisStatuses(IloNumVar[] var, IloCplex.BasisStatus[] cstat, IloRange[] rng, IloCplex.BasisStatus[] rstat)
          Sets the basis status for variables.
 void setBasisStatuses(IloNumVar[] var, IloCplex.BasisStatus[] cstat, int cstart, int cnum, IloRange[] rng, IloCplex.BasisStatus[] rstat, int rstart, int rnum)
          Sets the basis status for variables.
 void setDefaults()
          Resets all CPLEX parameters to their default values.
 void setDeleteMode(IloCplex.DeleteMode mode)
          Sets the delete mode.
 void setDirection(IloNumVar var, IloCplex.BranchDirection dir)
          Sets the branching direction for a variable.
 void setDirections(IloNumVar[] var, IloCplex.BranchDirection[] brdir)
          Sets the branching direction for an array of variables.
 void setDirections(IloNumVar[] var, IloCplex.BranchDirection[] brdir, int start, int num)
          Sets the branching direction for a set of variables.
 void setLinearCoef(IloObjective obj, double val, IloNumVar var)
          See IloMPModeler
 void setLinearCoef(IloObjective obj, IloNumVar var, double val)
          See IloMPModeler
 void setLinearCoef(IloRange obj, double val, IloNumVar var)
          See IloMPModeler
 void setLinearCoef(IloRange obj, IloNumVar var, double val)
          See IloMPModeler
 void setLinearCoefs(IloObjective obj, double[] val, IloNumVar[] var)
          See IloMPModeler
 void setLinearCoefs(IloObjective obj, double[] val, IloNumVar[] var, int start, int num)
          See IloMPModeler
 void setLinearCoefs(IloObjective obj, IloNumVar[] var, double[] val)
          See IloMPModeler
 void setLinearCoefs(IloObjective obj, IloNumVar[] var, double[] val, int start, int num)
          See IloMPModeler
 void setLinearCoefs(IloRange obj, double[] val, IloNumVar[] var)
          See IloMPModeler
 void setLinearCoefs(IloRange obj, double[] val, IloNumVar[] var, int start, int num)
          See IloMPModeler
 void setLinearCoefs(IloRange obj, IloNumVar[] var, double[] val)
          See IloMPModeler
 void setLinearCoefs(IloRange obj, IloNumVar[] var, double[] val, int start, int num)
          See IloMPModeler
 void setOut( s)
          Sets the default output stream of the invoking IloCplex object.
 void setParam(IloCplex.BooleanParam which, boolean val)
          Sets a boolean parameter to value val.
 void setParam(IloCplex.DoubleParam which, double val)
          Sets a double parameter to value val.
 void setParam(IloCplex.IntParam which, int val)
          Sets an integer parameter to value val.
 void setParam(IloCplex.StringParam which, java.lang.String val)
          Sets a string parameter to value val.
 void setPriorities(IloNumVar[] var, int[] pri)
          Sets the branch priority for an array of variables.
 void setPriorities(IloNumVar[] var, int[] pri, int start, int num)
          Sets the branch priority for a set of variables.
 void setPriority(IloNumVar var, int pri)
          Sets the branch priority for variable var.
 void setVectors(double[] x, double[] dj, IloNumVar[] var, double[] slack, double[] pi, IloRange[] rng)
          Specifies an array of starting points for the invocation of method solve().
 void setVectors(double[] x, double[] dj, IloNumVar[] var, int vstart, int vnum, double[] slack, double[] pi, IloRange[] rng, int rstart, int rnum)
          Specifiies a starting point for the invocation of method solve().
 void setWarning( s)
          Sets the warning stream of the invoking IloCplex object.
 boolean solve()
          Solves the IloCplex model.
 boolean solveFixed()
          Solves the fixed IloCplex model.
 boolean solveRelaxed()
          Solves the LP relaxation IloCplex model.
 boolean solveZeroedQP()
          Solves the LP part of a QP IloCplex model.
 IloSOS1 SOS1(IloNumVar[] var, double[] val)
          See IloMPModeler
 IloSOS1 SOS1(IloNumVar[] var, double[] val, int start, int num)
          See IloMPModeler
 IloSOS1 SOS1(IloNumVar[] var, double[] val, int start, int num, java.lang.String name)
          See IloMPModeler
 IloSOS1 SOS1(IloNumVar[] var, double[] val, java.lang.String name)
          See IloMPModeler
 java.util.Iterator SOS1iterator()
          Returns an iterator over all IloSOS1 objects in the IloCplex model.
 IloSOS2 SOS2(IloNumVar[] var, double[] val)
          See IloMPModeler
 IloSOS2 SOS2(IloNumVar[] var, double[] val, int start, int num)
          See IloMPModeler
 IloSOS2 SOS2(IloNumVar[] var, double[] val, int start, int num, java.lang.String name)
          See IloMPModeler
 IloSOS2 SOS2(IloNumVar[] var, double[] val, java.lang.String name)
          See IloMPModeler
 java.util.Iterator SOS2iterator()
          Returns an iterator over all IloSOS2 objects in the IloCplex model.
 IloIntExpr square(IloIntExpr e)
          See IloModeler
 IloNumExpr square(IloNumExpr e)
          See IloModeler
 IloNumExpr sum(double v, IloNumExpr e1)
          See IloModeler
 IloIntExpr sum(IloIntExpr[] expr)
          See IloModeler
 IloIntExpr sum(IloIntExpr[] expr, int start, int num)
          See IloModeler
 IloIntExpr sum(IloIntExpr expr1, IloIntExpr expr2)
          See IloModeler
 IloIntExpr sum(IloIntExpr expr1, IloIntExpr expr2, IloIntExpr expr3)
          See IloModeler
 IloIntExpr sum(IloIntExpr expr1, IloIntExpr expr2, IloIntExpr expr3, IloIntExpr expr4)
          See IloModeler
 IloIntExpr sum(IloIntExpr expr1, IloIntExpr expr2, IloIntExpr expr3, IloIntExpr expr4, IloIntExpr expr5)
          See IloModeler
 IloIntExpr sum(IloIntExpr expr1, IloIntExpr expr2, IloIntExpr expr3, IloIntExpr expr4, IloIntExpr expr5, IloIntExpr expr6)
          See IloModeler
 IloIntExpr sum(IloIntExpr expr1, IloIntExpr expr2, IloIntExpr expr3, IloIntExpr expr4, IloIntExpr expr5, IloIntExpr expr6, IloIntExpr expr7)
          See IloModeler
 IloIntExpr sum(IloIntExpr expr1, IloIntExpr expr2, IloIntExpr expr3, IloIntExpr expr4, IloIntExpr expr5, IloIntExpr expr6, IloIntExpr expr7, IloIntExpr expr8)
          See IloModeler
 IloIntExpr sum(IloIntExpr e, int v)
          See IloModeler
 IloNumExpr sum(IloNumExpr[] expr)
          See IloModeler
 IloNumExpr sum(IloNumExpr[] expr, int start, int num)
          See IloModeler
 IloNumExpr sum(IloNumExpr e, double v)
          See IloModeler
 IloNumExpr sum(IloNumExpr e1, IloNumExpr e2)
          See IloModeler
 IloNumExpr sum(IloNumExpr expr1, IloNumExpr expr2, IloNumExpr expr3)
          See IloModeler
 IloNumExpr sum(IloNumExpr expr1, IloNumExpr expr2, IloNumExpr expr3, IloNumExpr expr4)
          See IloModeler
 IloNumExpr sum(IloNumExpr expr1, IloNumExpr expr2, IloNumExpr expr3, IloNumExpr expr4, IloNumExpr expr5)
          See IloModeler
 IloNumExpr sum(IloNumExpr expr1, IloNumExpr expr2, IloNumExpr expr3, IloNumExpr expr4, IloNumExpr expr5, IloNumExpr expr6)
          See IloModeler
 IloNumExpr sum(IloNumExpr expr1, IloNumExpr expr2, IloNumExpr expr3, IloNumExpr expr4, IloNumExpr expr5, IloNumExpr expr6, IloNumExpr expr7)
          See IloModeler
 IloNumExpr sum(IloNumExpr expr1, IloNumExpr expr2, IloNumExpr expr3, IloNumExpr expr4, IloNumExpr expr5, IloNumExpr expr6, IloNumExpr expr7, IloNumExpr expr8)
          See IloModeler
 IloIntExpr sum(int v, IloIntExpr e1)
          See IloModeler
 void use(IloCplex.Callback cb)
          Sets a callback. warning()
          Gets the warning output stream of the invoking IloCplex object.
 void writeOrder(java.lang.String name)
          Write priority order file name.

Constructor Detail


public IloCplex()
         throws IloException
This constructor creates an IloCplex object with an empty IloCplex model.
Method Detail


public IloNumVar numVar(double lb,
                        double ub,
                        IloNumVarType type)
                 throws IloException
See IloModeler


public IloNumVar numVar(double lb,
                        double ub,
                        IloNumVarType type,
                        java.lang.String name)
                 throws IloException
See IloModeler


public IloNumVar numVar(IloColumn column,
                        double lb,
                        double ub,
                        IloNumVarType type)
                 throws IloException
See IloModeler
Specified by:
numVar in interface IloMPModeler


public IloNumVar numVar(IloColumn column,
                        double lb,
                        double ub,
                        IloNumVarType type,
                        java.lang.String name)
                 throws IloException
See IloModeler
Specified by:
numVar in interface IloMPModeler


public IloNumVar[] numVarArray(int n,
                               double lb,
                               double ub,
                               IloNumVarType type)
                        throws IloException
See IloModeler


public IloNumVar[] numVarArray(int n,
                               double lb,
                               double ub,
                               IloNumVarType type,
                               java.lang.String[] name)
                        throws IloException
See IloModeler


public IloNumVar[] numVarArray(int n,
                               double[] lb,
                               double[] ub,
                               IloNumVarType[] type)
                        throws IloException
See IloModeler


public IloNumVar[] numVarArray(int n,
                               double[] lb,
                               double[] ub,
                               IloNumVarType[] type,
                               java.lang.String[] name)
                        throws IloException
See IloModeler


public IloNumVar[] numVarArray(IloColumnArray cols,
                               double lb,
                               double ub,
                               IloNumVarType type)
                        throws IloException
See IloModeler
Specified by:
numVarArray in interface IloMPModeler


public IloNumVar[] numVarArray(IloColumnArray cols,
                               double lb,
                               double ub,
                               IloNumVarType type,
                               java.lang.String[] name)
                        throws IloException
See IloModeler
Specified by:
numVarArray in interface IloMPModeler


public IloNumVar[] numVarArray(IloColumnArray cols,
                               double[] lb,
                               double[] ub,
                               IloNumVarType[] type)
                        throws IloException
See IloModeler
Specified by:
numVarArray in interface IloMPModeler


public IloNumVar[] numVarArray(IloColumnArray cols,
                               double[] lb,
                               double[] ub,
                               IloNumVarType[] type,
                               java.lang.String[] name)
                        throws IloException
See IloModeler
Specified by:
numVarArray in interface IloMPModeler


public IloNumVar numVar(double lb,
                        double ub,
                        java.lang.String name)
                 throws IloException
See IloModeler


public IloNumVar numVar(double lb,
                        double ub)
                 throws IloException
See IloModeler


public IloNumVar numVar(IloColumn column,
                        double lb,
                        double ub,
                        java.lang.String name)
                 throws IloException
See IloModeler
Specified by:
numVar in interface IloMPModeler


public IloNumVar numVar(IloColumn column,
                        double lb,
                        double ub)
                 throws IloException
See IloModeler
Specified by:
numVar in interface IloMPModeler


public IloNumVar[] numVarArray(int n,
                               double lb,
                               double ub)
                        throws IloException
See IloModeler


public IloNumVar[] numVarArray(int n,
                               double[] lb,
                               double[] ub)
                        throws IloException
See IloModeler


public IloNumVar[] numVarArray(int n,
                               double lb,
                               double ub,
                               java.lang.String[] name)
                        throws IloException
See IloModeler


public IloNumVar[] numVarArray(int n,
                               double[] lb,
                               double[] ub,
                               java.lang.String[] name)
                        throws IloException
See IloModeler


public IloNumVar[] numVarArray(IloColumnArray cols,
                               double lb,
                               double ub)
                        throws IloException
See IloModeler
Specified by:
numVarArray in interface IloMPModeler


public IloNumVar[] numVarArray(IloColumnArray cols,
                               double[] lb,
                               double[] ub)
                        throws IloException
See IloModeler
Specified by:
numVarArray in interface IloMPModeler


public IloNumVar[] numVarArray(IloColumnArray cols,
                               double lb,
                               double ub,
                               java.lang.String[] name)
                        throws IloException
See IloModeler
Specified by:
numVarArray in interface IloMPModeler


public IloNumVar[] numVarArray(IloColumnArray cols,
                               double[] lb,
                               double[] ub,
                               java.lang.String[] name)
                        throws IloException
See IloModeler
Specified by:
numVarArray in interface IloMPModeler


public IloIntVar intVar(int lb,
                        int ub,
                        java.lang.String name)
                 throws IloException
See IloModeler


public IloIntVar intVar(int lb,
                        int ub)
                 throws IloException
See IloModeler


public IloIntVar intVar(IloColumn column,
                        int lb,
                        int ub)
                 throws IloException
See IloModeler
Specified by:
intVar in interface IloMPModeler


public IloIntVar intVar(IloColumn column,
                        int lb,
                        int ub,
                        java.lang.String name)
                 throws IloException
See IloModeler
Specified by:
intVar in interface IloMPModeler


public IloIntVar[] intVarArray(int n,
                               int lb,
                               int ub)
                        throws IloException
See IloModeler


public IloIntVar[] intVarArray(int n,
                               int[] lb,
                               int[] ub)
                        throws IloException
See IloModeler


public IloIntVar[] intVarArray(int n,
                               int lb,
                               int ub,
                               java.lang.String[] name)
                        throws IloException
See IloModeler


public IloIntVar[] intVarArray(int n,
                               int[] lb,
                               int[] ub,
                               java.lang.String[] name)
                        throws IloException
See IloModeler


public IloIntVar[] intVarArray(IloColumnArray cols,
                               int lb,
                               int ub,
                               java.lang.String[] name)
                        throws IloException
See IloModeler
Specified by:
intVarArray in interface IloMPModeler


public IloIntVar[] intVarArray(IloColumnArray cols,
                               int[] lb,
                               int[] ub,
                               java.lang.String[] name)
                        throws IloException
See IloModeler
Specified by:
intVarArray in interface IloMPModeler


public IloIntVar[] intVarArray(IloColumnArray cols,
                               int lb,
                               int ub)
                        throws IloException
See IloModeler
Specified by:
intVarArray in interface IloMPModeler


public IloIntVar[] intVarArray(IloColumnArray cols,
                               int[] lb,
                               int[] ub)
                        throws IloException
See IloModeler
Specified by:
intVarArray in interface IloMPModeler


public IloIntVar boolVar(java.lang.String name)
                  throws IloException
See IloModeler


public IloIntVar boolVar()
                  throws IloException
See IloModeler


public IloIntVar boolVar(IloColumn column,
                         java.lang.String name)
                  throws IloException
See IloModeler
Specified by:
boolVar in interface IloMPModeler


public IloIntVar boolVar(IloColumn column)
                  throws IloException
See IloModeler
Specified by:
boolVar in interface IloMPModeler


public IloIntVar[] boolVarArray(int n)
                         throws IloException
See IloModeler


public IloIntVar[] boolVarArray(int n,
                                java.lang.String[] name)
                         throws IloException
See IloModeler


public IloIntVar[] boolVarArray(IloColumnArray cols)
                         throws IloException
See IloModeler
Specified by:
boolVarArray in interface IloMPModeler


public IloIntVar[] boolVarArray(IloColumnArray cols,
                                java.lang.String[] name)
                         throws IloException
See IloModeler
Specified by:
boolVarArray in interface IloMPModeler


public IloObjective minimize(IloNumExpr expr,
                             java.lang.String name)
                      throws IloException
See IloModeler


public IloObjective maximize(IloNumExpr expr,
                             java.lang.String name)
                      throws IloException
See IloModeler


public IloObjective objective(IloObjectiveSense sense,
                              IloNumExpr expr,
                              java.lang.String name)
                       throws IloException
See IloModeler


public IloObjective minimize()
                      throws IloException
See IloModeler
Specified by:
minimize in interface IloMPModeler


public IloObjective maximize()
                      throws IloException
See IloModeler
Specified by:
maximize in interface IloMPModeler


public IloObjective objective(IloObjectiveSense sense)
                       throws IloException
See IloModeler
Specified by:
objective in interface IloMPModeler


public IloObjective minimize(java.lang.String name)
                      throws IloException
See IloModeler
Specified by:
minimize in interface IloMPModeler


public IloObjective maximize(java.lang.String name)
                      throws IloException
See IloModeler
Specified by:
maximize in interface IloMPModeler


public IloObjective objective(IloObjectiveSense sense,
                              java.lang.String name)
                       throws IloException
See IloModeler
Specified by:
objective in interface IloMPModeler


public IloObjective minimize(IloNumExpr expr)
                      throws IloException
See IloModeler


public IloObjective maximize(IloNumExpr expr)
                      throws IloException
See IloModeler


public IloObjective objective(IloObjectiveSense sense,
                              IloNumExpr expr)
                       throws IloException
See IloModeler


public IloObjective addMinimize(IloNumExpr expr,
                                java.lang.String name)
                         throws IloException
See IloModeler


public IloObjective addMaximize(IloNumExpr expr,
                                java.lang.String name)
                         throws IloException
See IloModeler


public IloObjective addObjective(IloObjectiveSense sense,
                                 IloNumExpr expr,
                                 java.lang.String name)
                          throws IloException
See IloModeler


public IloObjective addMinimize()
                         throws IloException
See IloModeler
Specified by:
addMinimize in interface IloMPModeler


public IloObjective addMaximize()
                         throws IloException
See IloModeler
Specified by:
addMaximize in interface IloMPModeler


public IloObjective addObjective(IloObjectiveSense sense)
                          throws IloException
See IloModeler
Specified by:
addObjective in interface IloMPModeler


public IloObjective addMinimize(java.lang.String name)
                         throws IloException
See IloModeler
Specified by:
addMinimize in interface IloMPModeler


public IloObjective addMaximize(java.lang.String name)
                         throws IloException
See IloModeler
Specified by:
addMaximize in interface IloMPModeler


public IloObjective addObjective(IloObjectiveSense sense,
                                 java.lang.String name)
                          throws IloException
See IloModeler
Specified by:
addObjective in interface IloMPModeler


public IloObjective addMinimize(IloNumExpr expr)
                         throws IloException
See IloModeler


public IloObjective addMaximize(IloNumExpr expr)
                         throws IloException
See IloModeler


public IloObjective addObjective(IloObjectiveSense sense,
                                 IloNumExpr expr)
                          throws IloException
See IloModeler


public IloLinearNumExpr linearNumExpr()
                               throws IloException
See IloModeler


public IloLinearNumExpr linearNumExpr(double val)
                               throws IloException
See IloModeler


public IloLinearNumExpr scalProd(double[] vals,
                                 IloNumVar[] vars)
                          throws IloException
See IloModeler


public IloLinearNumExpr scalProd(IloNumVar[] vars,
                                 double[] vals)
                          throws IloException
See IloModeler


public IloLinearNumExpr scalProd(double[] vals,
                                 IloNumVar[] vars,
                                 int start,
                                 int num)
                          throws IloException
See IloModeler


public IloLinearNumExpr scalProd(IloNumVar[] vars,
                                 double[] vals,
                                 int start,
                                 int num)
                          throws IloException
See IloModeler


public IloLinearNumExpr scalProd(int[] vals,
                                 IloNumVar[] vars)
                          throws IloException
See IloModeler


public IloLinearNumExpr scalProd(IloNumVar[] vars,
                                 int[] vals)
                          throws IloException
See IloModeler


public IloLinearNumExpr scalProd(int[] vals,
                                 IloNumVar[] vars,
                                 int start,
                                 int num)
                          throws IloException
See IloModeler


public IloLinearNumExpr scalProd(IloNumVar[] vars,
                                 int[] vals,
                                 int start,
                                 int num)
                          throws IloException
See IloModeler


public IloLinearIntExpr linearIntExpr()
                               throws IloException
See IloModeler


public IloLinearIntExpr linearIntExpr(int val)
                               throws IloException
See IloModeler


public IloLinearIntExpr scalProd(int[] vals,
                                 IloIntVar[] vars)
                          throws IloException
See IloModeler


public IloLinearIntExpr scalProd(IloIntVar[] vars,
                                 int[] vals)
                          throws IloException
See IloModeler


public IloLinearIntExpr scalProd(int[] vals,
                                 IloIntVar[] vars,
                                 int start,
                                 int num)
                          throws IloException
See IloModeler


public IloLinearIntExpr scalProd(IloIntVar[] vars,
                                 int[] vals,
                                 int start,
                                 int num)
                          throws IloException
See IloModeler


public IloNumExpr piecewiseLinear(IloNumExpr base,
                                  double[] points,
                                  double[] slopes,
                                  double a,
                                  double fa)
                           throws IloException
See IloModeler
Specified by:
piecewiseLinear in interface IloMPModeler


public IloNumExpr piecewiseLinear(IloNumExpr base,
                                  double[] points,
                                  int startPoints,
                                  int num,
                                  double[] slopes,
                                  int startSlopes,
                                  double a,
                                  double fa)
                           throws IloException
See IloModeler
Specified by:
piecewiseLinear in interface IloMPModeler


public IloNumExpr negative(IloNumExpr e)
                    throws IloException
See IloModeler


public IloNumExpr sum(IloNumExpr e,
                      double v)
               throws IloException
See IloModeler


public IloNumExpr sum(IloNumExpr e1,
                      IloNumExpr e2)
               throws IloException
See IloModeler


public IloNumExpr sum(double v,
                      IloNumExpr e1)
               throws IloException
See IloModeler


public IloNumExpr sum(IloNumExpr[] expr,
                      int start,
                      int num)
               throws IloException
See IloModeler


public IloNumExpr sum(IloNumExpr[] expr)
               throws IloException
See IloModeler


public IloNumExpr sum(IloNumExpr expr1,
                      IloNumExpr expr2,
                      IloNumExpr expr3)
               throws IloException
See IloModeler


public IloNumExpr sum(IloNumExpr expr1,
                      IloNumExpr expr2,
                      IloNumExpr expr3,
                      IloNumExpr expr4)
               throws IloException
See IloModeler


public IloNumExpr sum(IloNumExpr expr1,
                      IloNumExpr expr2,
                      IloNumExpr expr3,
                      IloNumExpr expr4,
                      IloNumExpr expr5)
               throws IloException
See IloModeler


public IloNumExpr sum(IloNumExpr expr1,
                      IloNumExpr expr2,
                      IloNumExpr expr3,
                      IloNumExpr expr4,
                      IloNumExpr expr5,
                      IloNumExpr expr6)
               throws IloException
See IloModeler


public IloNumExpr sum(IloNumExpr expr1,
                      IloNumExpr expr2,
                      IloNumExpr expr3,
                      IloNumExpr expr4,
                      IloNumExpr expr5,
                      IloNumExpr expr6,
                      IloNumExpr expr7)
               throws IloException
See IloModeler


public IloNumExpr sum(IloNumExpr expr1,
                      IloNumExpr expr2,
                      IloNumExpr expr3,
                      IloNumExpr expr4,
                      IloNumExpr expr5,
                      IloNumExpr expr6,
                      IloNumExpr expr7,
                      IloNumExpr expr8)
               throws IloException
See IloModeler


public IloNumExpr diff(IloNumExpr e,
                       double v)
                throws IloException
See IloModeler


public IloNumExpr diff(IloNumExpr e1,
                       IloNumExpr e2)
                throws IloException
See IloModeler


public IloNumExpr diff(double v,
                       IloNumExpr e1)
                throws IloException
See IloModeler


public IloNumExpr prod(IloNumExpr e,
                       double v)
                throws IloException
See IloModeler


public IloNumExpr prod(IloNumExpr e1,
                       IloNumExpr e2)
                throws IloException
See IloModeler


public IloNumExpr prod(double v,
                       IloNumExpr e1)
                throws IloException
See IloModeler


public IloNumExpr square(IloNumExpr e)
                  throws IloException
See IloModeler


public IloNumExpr constant(double x)
                    throws IloException
See IloModeler


public IloIntExpr negative(IloIntExpr e)
                    throws IloException
See IloModeler


public IloIntExpr sum(IloIntExpr e,
                      int v)
               throws IloException
See IloModeler


public IloIntExpr sum(int v,
                      IloIntExpr e1)
               throws IloException
See IloModeler


public IloIntExpr sum(IloIntExpr expr1,
                      IloIntExpr expr2)
               throws IloException
See IloModeler


public IloIntExpr sum(IloIntExpr expr1,
                      IloIntExpr expr2,
                      IloIntExpr expr3)
               throws IloException
See IloModeler


public IloIntExpr sum(IloIntExpr expr1,
                      IloIntExpr expr2,
                      IloIntExpr expr3,
                      IloIntExpr expr4)
               throws IloException
See IloModeler


public IloIntExpr sum(IloIntExpr expr1,
                      IloIntExpr expr2,
                      IloIntExpr expr3,
                      IloIntExpr expr4,
                      IloIntExpr expr5)
               throws IloException
See IloModeler


public IloIntExpr sum(IloIntExpr expr1,
                      IloIntExpr expr2,
                      IloIntExpr expr3,
                      IloIntExpr expr4,
                      IloIntExpr expr5,
                      IloIntExpr expr6)
               throws IloException
See IloModeler


public IloIntExpr sum(IloIntExpr expr1,
                      IloIntExpr expr2,
                      IloIntExpr expr3,
                      IloIntExpr expr4,
                      IloIntExpr expr5,
                      IloIntExpr expr6,
                      IloIntExpr expr7)
               throws IloException
See IloModeler


public IloIntExpr sum(IloIntExpr expr1,
                      IloIntExpr expr2,
                      IloIntExpr expr3,
                      IloIntExpr expr4,
                      IloIntExpr expr5,
                      IloIntExpr expr6,
                      IloIntExpr expr7,
                      IloIntExpr expr8)
               throws IloException
See IloModeler


public IloIntExpr sum(IloIntExpr[] expr,
                      int start,
                      int num)
               throws IloException
See IloModeler


public IloIntExpr sum(IloIntExpr[] expr)
               throws IloException
See IloModeler


public IloIntExpr diff(IloIntExpr e,
                       int v)
                throws IloException
See IloModeler


public IloIntExpr diff(IloIntExpr e1,
                       IloIntExpr e2)
                throws IloException
See IloModeler


public IloIntExpr diff(int v,
                       IloIntExpr e1)
                throws IloException
See IloModeler


public IloIntExpr prod(IloIntExpr e,
                       int v)
                throws IloException
See IloModeler


public IloIntExpr prod(IloIntExpr e1,
                       IloIntExpr e2)
                throws IloException
See IloModeler


public IloIntExpr prod(int v,
                       IloIntExpr e1)
                throws IloException
See IloModeler


public IloIntExpr square(IloIntExpr e)
                  throws IloException
See IloModeler


public IloIntExpr constant(int x)
                    throws IloException
See IloModeler


public void addToExpr(IloObjective obj,
                      IloNumExpr expr)
               throws IloException
See IloMPModeler
Specified by:
addToExpr in interface IloMPModeler


public void setLinearCoef(IloObjective obj,
                          double val,
                          IloNumVar var)
                   throws IloException
See IloMPModeler
Specified by:
setLinearCoef in interface IloMPModeler


public void setLinearCoef(IloObjective obj,
                          IloNumVar var,
                          double val)
                   throws IloException
See IloMPModeler
Specified by:
setLinearCoef in interface IloMPModeler


public void setLinearCoefs(IloObjective obj,
                           double[] val,
                           IloNumVar[] var)
                    throws IloException
See IloMPModeler
Specified by:
setLinearCoefs in interface IloMPModeler


public void setLinearCoefs(IloObjective obj,
                           IloNumVar[] var,
                           double[] val)
                    throws IloException
See IloMPModeler
Specified by:
setLinearCoefs in interface IloMPModeler


public void setLinearCoefs(IloObjective obj,
                           double[] val,
                           IloNumVar[] var,
                           int start,
                           int num)
                    throws IloException
See IloMPModeler
Specified by:
setLinearCoefs in interface IloMPModeler


public void setLinearCoefs(IloObjective obj,
                           IloNumVar[] var,
                           double[] val,
                           int start,
                           int num)
                    throws IloException
See IloMPModeler
Specified by:
setLinearCoefs in interface IloMPModeler


public IloSemiContVar semiContVar(double lb,
                                  double ub,
                                  IloNumVarType type,
                                  java.lang.String name)
                           throws IloException
See IloMPModeler
Specified by:
semiContVar in interface IloMPModeler


public IloSemiContVar semiContVar(double lb,
                                  double ub,
                                  IloNumVarType type)
                           throws IloException
See IloMPModeler
Specified by:
semiContVar in interface IloMPModeler


public IloSemiContVar semiContVar(IloColumn column,
                                  double lb,
                                  double ub,
                                  IloNumVarType type,
                                  java.lang.String name)
                           throws IloException
See IloMPModeler
Specified by:
semiContVar in interface IloMPModeler


public IloSemiContVar semiContVar(IloColumn column,
                                  double lb,
                                  double ub,
                                  IloNumVarType type)
                           throws IloException
See IloMPModeler
Specified by:
semiContVar in interface IloMPModeler


public IloSemiContVar[] semiContVarArray(int n,
                                         double lb,
                                         double ub,
                                         IloNumVarType type)
                                  throws IloException
See IloMPModeler
Specified by:
semiContVarArray in interface IloMPModeler


public IloSemiContVar[] semiContVarArray(int n,
                                         double[] lb,
                                         double[] ub,
                                         IloNumVarType[] type)
                                  throws IloException
See IloMPModeler
Specified by:
semiContVarArray in interface IloMPModeler


public IloSemiContVar[] semiContVarArray(int n,
                                         double lb,
                                         double ub,
                                         IloNumVarType type,
                                         java.lang.String[] name)
                                  throws IloException
See IloMPModeler
Specified by:
semiContVarArray in interface IloMPModeler


public IloSemiContVar[] semiContVarArray(int n,
                                         double[] lb,
                                         double[] ub,
                                         IloNumVarType[] type,
                                         java.lang.String[] name)
                                  throws IloException
See IloMPModeler
Specified by:
semiContVarArray in interface IloMPModeler


public IloSemiContVar[] semiContVarArray(IloColumnArray cols,
                                         double lb,
                                         double ub,
                                         IloNumVarType type)
                                  throws IloException
See IloMPModeler
Specified by:
semiContVarArray in interface IloMPModeler


public IloSemiContVar[] semiContVarArray(IloColumnArray cols,
                                         double[] lb,
                                         double[] ub,
                                         IloNumVarType[] type)
                                  throws IloException
See IloMPModeler
Specified by:
semiContVarArray in interface IloMPModeler


public IloSemiContVar[] semiContVarArray(IloColumnArray cols,
                                         double lb,
                                         double ub,
                                         IloNumVarType type,
                                         java.lang.String[] name)
                                  throws IloException
See IloMPModeler
Specified by:
semiContVarArray in interface IloMPModeler


public IloSemiContVar[] semiContVarArray(IloColumnArray cols,
                                         double[] lb,
                                         double[] ub,
                                         IloNumVarType[] type,
                                         java.lang.String[] name)
                                  throws IloException
See IloMPModeler
Specified by:
semiContVarArray in interface IloMPModeler


public IloConversion conversion(IloNumVar var,
                                IloNumVarType type,
                                java.lang.String name)
                         throws IloException
See IloMPModeler
Specified by:
conversion in interface IloMPModeler


public IloConversion conversion(IloNumVar var,
                                IloNumVarType type)
                         throws IloException
See IloMPModeler
Specified by:
conversion in interface IloMPModeler


public IloConversion conversion(IloNumVar[] ilovar,
                                IloNumVarType type,
                                java.lang.String name)
                         throws IloException
See IloMPModeler
Specified by:
conversion in interface IloMPModeler


public IloConversion conversion(IloNumVar[] ilovar,
                                IloNumVarType type)
                         throws IloException
See IloMPModeler
Specified by:
conversion in interface IloMPModeler


public IloConversion conversion(IloNumVar[] ilovar,
                                IloNumVarType[] type,
                                java.lang.String name)
                         throws IloException
See IloMPModeler
Specified by:
conversion in interface IloMPModeler


public IloConversion conversion(IloNumVar[] ilovar,
                                IloNumVarType[] type)
                         throws IloException
See IloMPModeler
Specified by:
conversion in interface IloMPModeler


public IloLPMatrix addLPMatrix(java.lang.String name)
                        throws IloException
See IloMPModeler
Specified by:
addLPMatrix in interface IloMPModeler


public IloLPMatrix addLPMatrix()
                        throws IloException
See IloMPModeler
Specified by:
addLPMatrix in interface IloMPModeler


public IloLPMatrix LPMatrix(java.lang.String name)
                     throws IloException
See IloMPModeler
Specified by:
LPMatrix in interface IloMPModeler


public IloLPMatrix LPMatrix()
                     throws IloException
See IloMPModeler
Specified by:
LPMatrix in interface IloMPModeler


public IloRange addRange(double lb,
                         IloNumExpr expr,
                         double ub,
                         java.lang.String name)
                  throws IloException
See IloMPModeler


public IloRange addRange(double lb,
                         IloNumExpr expr,
                         double ub)
                  throws IloException
See IloMPModeler


public IloRange addRange(double lb,
                         double ub,
                         java.lang.String name)
                  throws IloException
See IloMPModeler
Specified by:
addRange in interface IloMPModeler


public IloRange addRange(double lb,
                         double ub)
                  throws IloException
See IloMPModeler
Specified by:
addRange in interface IloMPModeler


public IloRange addEq(IloNumExpr e,
                      double v)
               throws IloException
See IloMPModeler


public IloRange addEq(IloNumExpr e,
                      double v,
                      java.lang.String name)
               throws IloException
See IloMPModeler


public IloRange addEq(IloNumExpr e1,
                      IloNumExpr e2)
               throws IloException
See IloMPModeler


public IloRange addEq(IloNumExpr e1,
                      IloNumExpr e2,
                      java.lang.String name)
               throws IloException
See IloMPModeler


public IloRange addEq(double v,
                      IloNumExpr e)
               throws IloException
See IloMPModeler


public IloRange addEq(double v,
                      IloNumExpr e,
                      java.lang.String name)
               throws IloException
See IloMPModeler


public IloRange addGe(IloNumExpr e,
                      double v)
               throws IloException
See IloMPModeler


public IloRange addGe(IloNumExpr e,
                      double v,
                      java.lang.String name)
               throws IloException
See IloMPModeler


public IloRange addGe(IloNumExpr e1,
                      IloNumExpr e2)
               throws IloException
See IloMPModeler


public IloRange addGe(IloNumExpr e1,
                      IloNumExpr e2,
                      java.lang.String name)
               throws IloException
See IloMPModeler


public IloRange addGe(double v,
                      IloNumExpr e)
               throws IloException
See IloMPModeler


public IloRange addGe(double v,
                      IloNumExpr e,
                      java.lang.String name)
               throws IloException
See IloMPModeler


public IloRange addLe(IloNumExpr e,
                      double v)
               throws IloException
See IloMPModeler


public IloRange addLe(IloNumExpr e,
                      double v,
                      java.lang.String name)
               throws IloException
See IloMPModeler


public IloRange addLe(IloNumExpr e1,
                      IloNumExpr e2)
               throws IloException
See IloMPModeler


public IloRange addLe(IloNumExpr e1,
                      IloNumExpr e2,
                      java.lang.String name)
               throws IloException
See IloMPModeler


public IloRange addLe(double v,
                      IloNumExpr e)
               throws IloException
See IloMPModeler


public IloRange addLe(double v,
                      IloNumExpr e,
                      java.lang.String name)
               throws IloException
See IloMPModeler


public IloRange range(double lb,
                      IloNumExpr expr,
                      double ub,
                      java.lang.String name)
               throws IloException
See IloMPModeler


public IloRange range(double lb,
                      IloNumExpr expr,
                      double ub)
               throws IloException
See IloMPModeler


public IloRange range(double lb,
                      double ub,
                      java.lang.String name)
               throws IloException
See IloMPModeler
Specified by:
range in interface IloMPModeler


public IloRange range(double lb,
                      double ub)
               throws IloException
See IloMPModeler
Specified by:
range in interface IloMPModeler


public IloRange eq(IloNumExpr e,
                   double v)
            throws IloException
See IloMPModeler


public IloRange eq(IloNumExpr e,
                   double v,
                   java.lang.String name)
            throws IloException
See IloMPModeler


public IloRange eq(IloNumExpr e1,
                   IloNumExpr e2)
            throws IloException
See IloMPModeler


public IloRange eq(IloNumExpr e1,
                   IloNumExpr e2,
                   java.lang.String name)
            throws IloException
See IloMPModeler


public IloRange eq(double v,
                   IloNumExpr e)
            throws IloException
See IloMPModeler


public IloRange eq(double v,
                   IloNumExpr e,
                   java.lang.String name)
            throws IloException
See IloMPModeler


public IloRange ge(IloNumExpr e,
                   double v)
            throws IloException
See IloMPModeler


public IloRange ge(IloNumExpr e,
                   double v,
                   java.lang.String name)
            throws IloException
See IloMPModeler


public IloRange ge(IloNumExpr e1,
                   IloNumExpr e2)
            throws IloException
See IloMPModeler


public IloRange ge(IloNumExpr e1,
                   IloNumExpr e2,
                   java.lang.String name)
            throws IloException
See IloMPModeler


public IloRange ge(double v,
                   IloNumExpr e)
            throws IloException
See IloMPModeler


public IloRange ge(double v,
                   IloNumExpr e,
                   java.lang.String name)
            throws IloException
See IloMPModeler


public IloRange le(IloNumExpr e,
                   double v)
            throws IloException
See IloMPModeler


public IloRange le(IloNumExpr e,
                   double v,
                   java.lang.String name)
            throws IloException
See IloMPModeler


public IloRange le(IloNumExpr e1,
                   IloNumExpr e2)
            throws IloException
See IloMPModeler


public IloRange le(IloNumExpr e1,
                   IloNumExpr e2,
                   java.lang.String name)
            throws IloException
See IloMPModeler


public IloRange le(double v,
                   IloNumExpr e)
            throws IloException
See IloMPModeler


public IloRange le(double v,
                   IloNumExpr e,
                   java.lang.String name)
            throws IloException
See IloMPModeler


public void addToExpr(IloRange obj,
                      IloNumExpr expr)
               throws IloException
See IloMPModeler
Specified by:
addToExpr in interface IloMPModeler


public void setLinearCoef(IloRange obj,
                          double val,
                          IloNumVar var)
                   throws IloException
See IloMPModeler
Specified by:
setLinearCoef in interface IloMPModeler


public void setLinearCoef(IloRange obj,
                          IloNumVar var,
                          double val)
                   throws IloException
See IloMPModeler
Specified by:
setLinearCoef in interface IloMPModeler


public void setLinearCoefs(IloRange obj,
                           double[] val,
                           IloNumVar[] var)
                    throws IloException
See IloMPModeler
Specified by:
setLinearCoefs in interface IloMPModeler


public void setLinearCoefs(IloRange obj,
                           IloNumVar[] var,
                           double[] val)
                    throws IloException
See IloMPModeler
Specified by:
setLinearCoefs in interface IloMPModeler


public void setLinearCoefs(IloRange obj,
                           double[] val,
                           IloNumVar[] var,
                           int start,
                           int num)
                    throws IloException
See IloMPModeler
Specified by:
setLinearCoefs in interface IloMPModeler


public void setLinearCoefs(IloRange obj,
                           IloNumVar[] var,
                           double[] val,
                           int start,
                           int num)
                    throws IloException
See IloMPModeler
Specified by:
setLinearCoefs in interface IloMPModeler


public IloSOS1 addSOS1(IloNumVar[] var,
                       double[] val)
                throws IloException
See IloMPModeler
Specified by:
addSOS1 in interface IloMPModeler


public IloSOS1 addSOS1(IloNumVar[] var,
                       double[] val,
                       int start,
                       int num)
                throws IloException
See IloMPModeler
Specified by:
addSOS1 in interface IloMPModeler


public IloSOS1 addSOS1(IloNumVar[] var,
                       double[] val,
                       java.lang.String name)
                throws IloException
See IloMPModeler
Specified by:
addSOS1 in interface IloMPModeler


public IloSOS1 addSOS1(IloNumVar[] var,
                       double[] val,
                       int start,
                       int num,
                       java.lang.String name)
                throws IloException
See IloMPModeler
Specified by:
addSOS1 in interface IloMPModeler


public IloSOS1 SOS1(IloNumVar[] var,
                    double[] val)
             throws IloException
See IloMPModeler
Specified by:
SOS1 in interface IloMPModeler


public IloSOS1 SOS1(IloNumVar[] var,
                    double[] val,
                    int start,
                    int num)
             throws IloException
See IloMPModeler
Specified by:
SOS1 in interface IloMPModeler


public IloSOS1 SOS1(IloNumVar[] var,
                    double[] val,
                    java.lang.String name)
             throws IloException
See IloMPModeler
Specified by:
SOS1 in interface IloMPModeler


public IloSOS1 SOS1(IloNumVar[] var,
                    double[] val,
                    int start,
                    int num,
                    java.lang.String name)
             throws IloException
See IloMPModeler
Specified by:
SOS1 in interface IloMPModeler


public IloSOS2 addSOS2(IloNumVar[] var,
                       double[] val)
                throws IloException
See IloMPModeler
Specified by:
addSOS2 in interface IloMPModeler


public IloSOS2 addSOS2(IloNumVar[] var,
                       double[] val,
                       int start,
                       int num)
                throws IloException
See IloMPModeler
Specified by:
addSOS2 in interface IloMPModeler


public IloSOS2 addSOS2(IloNumVar[] var,
                       double[] val,
                       java.lang.String name)
                throws IloException
See IloMPModeler
Specified by:
addSOS2 in interface IloMPModeler


public IloSOS2 addSOS2(IloNumVar[] var,
                       double[] val,
                       int start,
                       int num,
                       java.lang.String name)
                throws IloException
See IloMPModeler
Specified by:
addSOS2 in interface IloMPModeler


public IloSOS2 SOS2(IloNumVar[] var,
                    double[] val)
             throws IloException
See IloMPModeler
Specified by:
SOS2 in interface IloMPModeler


public IloSOS2 SOS2(IloNumVar[] var,
                    double[] val,
                    int start,
                    int num)
             throws IloException
See IloMPModeler
Specified by:
SOS2 in interface IloMPModeler


public IloSOS2 SOS2(IloNumVar[] var,
                    double[] val,
                    java.lang.String name)
             throws IloException
See IloMPModeler
Specified by:
SOS2 in interface IloMPModeler


public IloSOS2 SOS2(IloNumVar[] var,
                    double[] val,
                    int start,
                    int num,
                    java.lang.String name)
             throws IloException
See IloMPModeler
Specified by:
SOS2 in interface IloMPModeler


public void delete(IloCopyable obj)
            throws IloException
Removes the extractable from the extracted model, and all the extractables in the model.
Specified by:
delete in interface IloMPModeler
obj - extractable to remove


public IloColumn column(IloRange rng,
                        double val)
                 throws IloException
See IloMPModeler
Specified by:
column in interface IloMPModeler


public IloColumnArray columnArray(IloRange rng,
                                  double[] val)
                           throws IloException
See IloMPModeler
Specified by:
columnArray in interface IloMPModeler


public IloColumnArray columnArray(IloRange rng,
                                  double[] val,
                                  int start,
                                  int num)
                           throws IloException
See IloMPModeler
Specified by:
columnArray in interface IloMPModeler


public IloColumn column(IloObjective obj,
                        double val)
                 throws IloException
See IloMPModeler
Specified by:
column in interface IloMPModeler


public IloColumnArray columnArray(IloObjective obj,
                                  double[] val)
                           throws IloException
See IloMPModeler
Specified by:
columnArray in interface IloMPModeler


public IloColumnArray columnArray(IloObjective obj,
                                  double[] val,
                                  int start,
                                  int num)
                           throws IloException
See IloMPModeler
Specified by:
columnArray in interface IloMPModeler


public IloColumn column(IloLPMatrix lp)
                 throws IloException
See IloMPModeler
Specified by:
column in interface IloMPModeler


public IloColumn column(IloLPMatrix lp,
                        int[] ind,
                        double[] val)
                 throws IloException
See IloMPModeler
Specified by:
column in interface IloMPModeler


public IloColumn column(IloLPMatrix lp,
                        int[] ind,
                        double[] val,
                        int start,
                        int num)
                 throws IloException
See IloMPModeler
Specified by:
column in interface IloMPModeler


public IloColumnArray columnArray(IloLPMatrix lp,
                                  int num,
                                  int[][] ind,
                                  double[][] val)
                           throws IloException
See IloMPModeler
Specified by:
columnArray in interface IloMPModeler


public IloColumnArray columnArray(IloLPMatrix lp,
                                  int num)
                           throws IloException
See IloMPModeler
Specified by:
columnArray in interface IloMPModeler


public void delete(IloCopyable[] obj)
            throws IloException
See IloMPModeler
Specified by:
delete in interface IloMPModeler


public void delete(IloCopyable[] obj,
                   int beg,
                   int num)
            throws IloException
Removes extractables from the extracted model, and all the extractables in the model.
Specified by:
delete in interface IloMPModeler
obj - the array containing extractables to be removed.
start - the index the of first extractable in obj to be removed.
num - the number of extractables in obj to be removed.


public IloRange addCut(IloRange rng)
                throws IloException
Adds rng as a cut to the invoking IloCplex object. The cut is not extracted as the range in a model, but is copied only when invoking method addCut. Thus, rng may be deleted or modified after addCut has been called, and the change will not be notified to the invoking IloCplex object.

When columns are deleted from the extracted model, all cuts are deleted as well and need to be re-extracted if they should be considered. Cuts are not part of the root problem, but are considered on an as-needed basis. A solution computed by IloCplex is guaranteed to satisfy all cuts.

rng - The range constraints to add as a cut.
rng The range constraints to add as a cut.


public IloRange[] addCuts(IloRange[] rng)
                   throws IloException
Adds IloRange[] array rng as a cut to the invoking IloCplex object. Cuts are not extracted as the ranges in a model, but are copied only when invoking method addCut. Thus, rng may be deleted or modified after addCut has been called, and the change will not be notified to the invoking IloCplex object.

When columns are deleted from the extracted model, all cuts are deleted as well and need to be re-extracted if they should be considered. Cuts are not part of the root problem, but are considered on an as-needed basis. A solution computed by IloCplex is guaranteed to satisfy all cuts.

rng - An IloRange[] array range constraints to add as a cut.
The IloRange[] array range constraints to add as a cut.


public IloRange[] addCuts(IloRange[] rng,
                          int start,
                          int num)
                   throws IloException
Adds rng as a user cut to the invoking IloCplex object. User cuts are not extracted as the ranges in a model, but are copied only when invoking the method addCut. Thus, rng may be deleted or modified after addCut has been called and the change will not be notified to the invoking IloCplex object.

When columns are deleted from the extracted model, all user cuts are deleted as well and need to be re-extracted if they should be considered. User cuts are not part of the root problem, but are considered on an as-needed basis. A solution computed by IloCplex is guaranteed to satisfy all user cuts.

rng - An IloRange[] array containing constraints to add as a cut.
start - The index of the first constraint in rng to be added as a cut.
num - The number of constraints in rng to be added as a cut.
The rng, start and num of constraints to be added as cuts.


public void clearCuts()
               throws IloException
Deletes all user cuts added to the invoking IloCplex object with the methods addCut and addCuts.


public void exportModel(java.lang.String name)
                 throws IloException
Writes IloCplex a model to a file. The file format is determined by the extension of the filename. The following extensions are recognized: If for a variable or constraint, getName() returns null (that is no name has been assigned by the user to the variable/range), then IloCplex uses default names when writing a model or in the optimization log. These names are IloXj for variables and IloCi where i and j are internal indices of IloCplex.
name - The name of the file to which the model is written. The extension of the filename determines the format in which to write the model file.


public void importModel(java.lang.String name)
                 throws IloException
Reads a model into IloCplex model. The format of the file is determined by the extension of the filename. The following extensions are recognized: When reading a file, the existing IloCplex model is first cleaned out and then new modeling objects, as required by the input file, are added to it. In particular, one IloObjective object and one IloLPMatrix object is always added to the IloCplex model. The IloLPMatrix object will contain all the constraints of the imported model. IloSOS1 and IloSOS2 objects are added as needed.
name - The name of the file from which the model is read. The extension of the filename determines the format in which to read the model file.


public void clearModel()
                throws IloException
Removes objects from the IloCplex model. All modeling objects are removed from the IloCplex models, leaving behind an empty model.


public int getNcols()
Gets the number of columns in the matrix representation of the IloCplex model. Note that this does not necessarily correspond to the number of variables in the IloCplex model, as some mapping of modeling objects may neccessitate the introduction of added matrix columns.
The number of columns of the matrix representation of the IloCplex model.


public int getNrows()
Gets the number of rows of the matrix representation of the IloCplex model. Note that this does not necessarily correspond to the number of constraints in the IloCplex model, as some mapping of modeling objects may require the introduction of added matrix rows.
The number of rows of the matrix representation of the IloCplex model.


public int getNSOS1()
Gets the number of SOSs of type 1, in the IloCplex model.
The number of SOSs of type 1 in the IloCplex model.


public int getNSOS2()
Gets the number of SOSs of type 2, in the IloCplex model.
The number of SOSs of type 2 in the IloCplex model.


public int getNSOSs()
Gets the number of SOSs of both types, 1 and 2, in the IloCplex model.
The number of SOSs in the IloCplex model.


public int getNNZs()
Gets the number of non-zero elements of the matrix representation of the IloCplex model.
The number of non-zero elements of the matrix representation of the IloCplex model.


public int getNintVars()
Gets the number of integer variables in the matrix representation of the active model in the invoking IloCplex object.
The number of integer variables in the matrix representation of the active model in the invoking IloCplex object.


public int getNbinVars()
Gets the number of binary variables in the matrix representation of the active model in the invoking IloCplex object.
The number of binary variables in the matrix representation of the active model in the invoking IloCplex object.


public int getNsemiContVars()
Gets the number of semi-continuous variables in the matrix representation of the active model in the invoking IloCplex object.
The number of semi-continuous variables in the matrix representation of the active model in the invoking IloCplex object.


public int getNsemiIntVars()
Gets the number of semi-integer variables in the matrix representation of the active model in the invoking IloCplex object.
The number of semi-integer variables in the matrix representation of the IloCplex model.


public boolean isMIP()
Returns true if the IloCplex model is a MIP.
true if the IloCplex model is a MIP.


public boolean isQP()
Returns true if the IloCplex model is a QP.
true if the IloCplex model is a QP.


public java.util.Iterator LPMatrixIterator()
Returns an iterator over all IloLPMatrix objects in the IloCplex model.
An iterator over all IloLPMatrix objects in the IloCplex model.


public java.util.Iterator rangeIterator()
Returns an iterator over all IloRange objects in the IloCplex model. This iterator only accounts for the IloRange objects directly added to the IloCplex model and not the objects that may be in an IloLPMatrix and have been added indirectly.
An iterator over all IloRange objects in the IloCplex model.


public java.util.Iterator conversionIterator()
Returns an iterator over all IloConversion objects in the IloCplex model.
An iterator over all IloConversion objects in the IloCplex model.


public java.util.Iterator SOS1iterator()
Returns an iterator over all IloSOS1 objects in the IloCplex model.
An iterator over all IloSOS1 objects in the IloCplex model.


public java.util.Iterator SOS2iterator()
Returns an iterator over all IloSOS2 objects in the IloCplex model.
An iterator over all IloSOS2 objects in the IloCplex model.


public IloObjective getObjective()
Gets the IloObjective object of the IloCplex model, or null if no IloObject object is currently in the IloCplex model.
The IloObjective object in the IloCplex model, or null if there is no IloObjective


public IloCplex.Status getStatus()
                          throws IloException
Gets the solution status of the IloCplex model.
The solution status of the IloCplex model.
See Also:


public void setParam(IloCplex.IntParam which,
                     int val)
              throws IloException
Sets an integer parameter to value val.
which - The identifier to set for the integer parameter.
val - The new value for the integer parameter.
IloException - If the method fails, an exception of type IloException, or one of its derived classes, is thrown.


public int getParam(IloCplex.IntParam which)
             throws IloException
Gets the current value of an integer parameter.
which - The identifier to be queried for the integer parameter.
The current value of the integer parameter.
IloException - If the method fails, an exception of type IloException, or one of its derived classes is thrown.


public int getMin(IloCplex.IntParam which)
           throws IloException
Gets the minimum value allowed for an integer parameter.
which - The identifier of the integer parameter to be queried.
The minimum allowed value for the queried integer parameter.
IloException - If the method fails, an exception of type IloException, or one of its derived classes is thrown.


public int getMax(IloCplex.IntParam which)
           throws IloException
Gets the maximum allowed value for an integer parameter.
which - The identifier of the integer parameter to be queried.
The maximum allowed value for the queried integer parameter.
IloException - If the method fails, an exception of type IloException, or one of its derived classes is thrown.


public int getDefault(IloCplex.IntParam which)
               throws IloException
Gets the default value of an integer parameter.
which - The identifier of the integer parameter to be queried.
The default value of the integer parameter.
IloException - If the method fails, an exception of type IloException, or one of its derived classes is thrown.


public void setParam(IloCplex.BooleanParam which,
                     boolean val)
              throws IloException
Sets a boolean parameter to value val.
which - The identifier to set for the boolean parameter.
val - The new value for the boolean parameter.
IloException - If the method fails, an exception of type IloException, or one of its derived classes is thrown.


public boolean getParam(IloCplex.BooleanParam which)
                 throws IloException
Gets the current value of a boolean parameter.
which - The identifier of the boolean parameter to be queried.
The current value of the boolean parameter.
IloException - If the method fails, an exception of type IloException, or one of its derived classes is thrown.


public boolean getDefault(IloCplex.BooleanParam which)
                   throws IloException
Gets the default value of a boolean parameter.
which - The identifier of the boolean parameter to be queried.
The default value of the boolean parameter.
IloException - If the method fails, an exception of type IloException, or one of its derived classes is thrown.


public void setParam(IloCplex.DoubleParam which,
                     double val)
              throws IloException
Sets a double parameter to value val.
which - The identifier of the double parameter to be set.
val - The new value for the double parameter
IloException - If the method fails, an exception of type IloException, or one of its derived classes is thrown.


public double getParam(IloCplex.DoubleParam which)
                throws IloException
Gets the current value of a double parameter.
which - The identifier to be queried for the double parameter.
The current value of the double parameter.
IloException - If the method fails, an exception of type IloException, or one of its derived classes is thrown.


public double getMin(IloCplex.DoubleParam which)
              throws IloException
Gets the minimum value allowed for a double parameter.
which - The identifier of the double parameter to be queried.
The minimum allowed value for the queried double parameter.
IloException - If the method fails, an exception of type IloException, or one of its derived classes is thrown.


public double getMax(IloCplex.DoubleParam which)
              throws IloException
Gets the maximum allowed value for a double parameter.
which - The identifier of the double parameter to be queried.
The maximum allowed value for the queried double parameter.
IloException - If the method fails, an exception of type IloException, or one of its derived classes is thrown.


public double getDefault(IloCplex.DoubleParam which)
                  throws IloException
Gets the default value of a double parameter.
which - The identifier of the double parameter to be queried.
The default value of the queried double parameter.
IloException - If the method fails, an exception of type IloException, or one of its derived classes is thrown.


public void setParam(IloCplex.StringParam which,
                     java.lang.String val)
              throws IloException
Sets a string parameter to value val.
which - The identifier of the string parameter to set.
val - The new value for the string parameter.
IloException - If the method fails, an exception of type IloException, or one of its derived classes is thrown.


public java.lang.String getParam(IloCplex.StringParam which)
                          throws IloException
Gets the current value of a string parameter.
which - The identifier of the string parameter to be queried.
The current value of the string parameter.
IloException - If the method fails, an exception of type IloException, or one of its derived classes is thrown.


public java.lang.String getDefault(IloCplex.StringParam which)
                            throws IloException
Gets the default value of a string parameter.
which - The identifier of the string parameter to be queried.
The default value of the string parameter.
IloException - If the method fails, an exception of type IloException, or one of its derived classes is thrown.


public void setDefaults()
                 throws IloException
Resets all CPLEX parameters to their default values.
IloException - If the method fails, an exception of type IloException, or one of its derived classes is thrown.


public java.lang.String getVersion()
                            throws IloException
Gets the string that indicates the version of CPLEX.
The string that indicates the version of CPLEX.
IloException - If the method fails, an exception of type IloException, or one of its derived classes is thrown.


public void setDeleteMode(IloCplex.DeleteMode mode)
Sets the delete mode. Sets the delete mode in the invoking IloCplex object to mode.
mode - The delete mode to be set, FixBasis or LeaveBasis.


public IloCplex.DeleteMode getDeleteMode()
Returns the current delete mode of the invoking IloCplex. object.


public IloCplex.CplexStatus getCplexStatus()
                                    throws IloException
Gets the CPLEX algorithmic status code. CPLEX algorithmic statuses provide more information about the optimizer's status. See the CPLEX reference manual for a list of possible return codes.
The CPLEX algorithmic status code.
IloException - If the method fails, an exception of type IloException, or one of its derived classes is thrown.


public IloCplex.CplexStatus getCplexSubStatus()
                                       throws IloException
This method is used to access the solution status of the last node problem solved in the event of an error termination in the previous invocation of solve. getCplexSubStatus returns a 0 in the event of a normal termination. CPLEX algorithmic statuses give you more information about the optimizer's status. See the CPLEX Reference Manual for a list of possible return codes.
The CPLEX algorithmic status code.
IloException - If the method fails, an exception of type IloException, or one of its derived classes is thrown.


public int getAlgorithm()
                 throws IloException
Returns the algorithm that has been used for generating the current solution.


public int getSubAlgorithm()
                    throws IloException
Returns the algorithm that has been used for generating the solution of the last branch and cut node that was solved.


public double getObjValue()
                   throws IloException
Gets the objective value of the current solution.
The objective value of the current solution.
IloException - If the method fails, an exception of type IloException, or one of its derived classes is thrown.


public double getBestObjValue()
                       throws IloException
Gets the objective value of the best active node in the current branch and cut tree. In the case of a minimization problem, for example, the best objective value is the lowest objective value of all active nodes. This value is thus a lower bound for the objective value of all feasible solutions of the MIP being solved.
The objective value of the best active node.
IloException - If the method fails, an exception of type IloException, or one of its derived classes is thrown.


public double getCutoff()
                 throws IloException
Gets the cutoff for the objective value when solving nodes during branch and cut search. This value is typically computed from the objective value of an incumbent solution and the optimality gap. In the case of a minimization problem, for example, if the objective value of a node exceeds the cutoff value, the node will be pruned without need to solve the node LP to optimality.
The objective value cutoff.
IloException - If the method fails, an exception of type IloException, or one of its derived classes is thrown.


public double[] getValues(IloLPMatrix matrix)
                   throws IloCplex.UnknownObjectException,
Gets the solution vector for the columns of an LP matrix.
matrix - The LP matrix for which to query the solution values. This LP matrix must be in the IloCplex model.
The solution vector for columns of an LP matrix. If x is the array returned by this method, x[j] will be the solution value for the variable corresponding to column j of the IloLPMatrix matrix.
IloCplex.UnknownObjectException - The specified LP matrix object is unknown in IloCplex.
IloException - If the method fails, an exception of type IloException, or one of its derived classes is thrown.


public double[] getValues(IloLPMatrix matrix,
                          int begin,
                          int num)
                   throws IloException
Gets the solution vector for a range of columns of an LP matrix.
matrix - The LP matrix for which to query the solution values. This LP matrix must be in the IloCplex model.
begin - The index of the first column for which to query the solution value.
num - The number of columns for which to query the solution value.
The solution vector for columns of LP matrix. If x is the array returned by this method, x[j] will be the solution value for the variable corresponding to column j+begin of the IloLPMatrix matrix.


public double getValue(IloNumVar ivar)
                throws IloCplex.UnknownObjectException,
Gets the solution value for a variable.
ivar - The variable for which to query the solution value. This variable must be in the IloCplex model.
The solution value for the variable ivar.
IloCplex.UnknownObjectException - if ivar is unknown in IloCplex.
IloException - If the method fails, an exception of type IloException, or one of its derived classes is thrown.


public double[] getValues(IloNumVar[] ivar)
                   throws IloCplex.UnknownObjectException,
Gets solution values of an array of variables.
ivar - An array containing the variables for which to query the solution value. These variables must be in the IloCplex model.
The solution values for the variables in ivar. If x is the array returned by this method, x[j] will be the solution value for the variable var[j].
IloCplex.UnknownObjectException - if ivar is unknown in IloCplex.


public double[] getValues(IloNumVar[] ivar,
                          int first,
                          int num)
                   throws IloCplex.UnknownObjectException,
Gets solution values for a set of variables.
ivar - An array containing the variables for which to query the solution value. These variables must be in the IloCplex model.
first - The index of the first variable in ivar for which to query the solution value.
num - The number of variables in ivar for which to query the solution value.
The solution values for the specified variables. If x is the array returned by this method, x[j] will be the solution value for the variable var[j+first].
IloCplex.UnknownObjectException - if ivar is unknown in IloCplex.


public double[] getReducedCosts(IloLPMatrix matrix)
                         throws IloCplex.UnknownObjectException,
Gets reduced costs for the columns of LP matrix.
matrix - The LP matrix for which to query the reduced costs. This LP matrix must be in the IloCplex model.
The reduced costs for columns of an LP matrix. If dj is the array returned by this method, dj[j] will be the reduced cost for the variable corresponding to column j of the IloLPMatrix matrix.
IloCplex.UnknownObjectException - matrix is unknown in IloCplex.


public double[] getReducedCosts(IloLPMatrix matrix,
                                int begin,
                                int num)
                         throws IloException
Gets reduced costs for a range of columns of LP matrix.
matrix - The LP matrix for which to query the reduced costs. This LP matrix must be in the IloCplex model.
begin - The index of the first column for which to query the reduced cost.
num - The number of columns for which to query the reduced cost.
The reduced costs for the specified columns of LP matrix. If dj is the array returned by this method, dj[j] will be the reduced cost for the variable corresponding to column j+begin of the IloLPMatrix matrix.


public double getReducedCost(IloNumVar ivar)
                      throws IloCplex.UnknownObjectException,
Gets the reduced cost for a variable.
var - The variable for which to query the reduced cost. This variable must be in the IloCplex model.
The reduced cost for variable var.
IloCplex.UnknownObjectException - var is unknown in IloCplex.


public double[] getReducedCosts(IloNumVar[] ivar)
                         throws IloCplex.UnknownObjectException,
Gets reduced costs for an array of variables.
var - The array of variables for which to query the reduced cost. This array must be in the IloCplex model.
The reduced costs for the variables in ivar. If dj is the array returned by this method, dj[j] will be the reduced cost for the variable corresponding to variable var[j].
IloCplex.UnknownObjectException - var is unknown in IloCplex.


public double[] getReducedCosts(IloNumVar[] ivar,
                                int begin,
                                int num)
                         throws IloCplex.UnknownObjectException,
Gets reduced costs for a set of variables.
ivar - An array containing the variables for which to query the reduced cost. These variables must be in the IloCplex model.
first - The index of the first variable in ivar for which to query the reduced cost.
num - The number of variables in ivar for which to query the reduced cost.
The reduced costs for the specified variables. If dj is the array returned by this method, dj[j] will be the reduced cost for the variable corresponding to variable var[j+first].
IloCplex.UnknownObjectException - if ivar is unknown in IloCplex.


public double[] getDuals(IloLPMatrix matrix)
                  throws IloCplex.UnknownObjectException,
Gets the dual solution vector for the rows of LP matrix.
matrix - The LP matrix for which to query the dual solution values. This LP matrix must be in the IloCplex model.
The dual solution vector for rows of LP matrix. If pi is the array returned by this method, pi[i] will be the dual solution value for the range constraint corresponding to row i of the IloLPMatrix matrix.
IloCplex.UnknownObjectException - matrix is unknown in IloCplex.


public double[] getDuals(IloLPMatrix matrix,
                         int first,
                         int num)
                  throws IloException
Gets the dual solution values for a range of rows of LP matrix.
matrix - The LP matrix for which to query the dual solution values. This LP matrix must be in the IloCplex model.
first - The index of the first row for which to query the dual solution value.
num - The number of rows for which to query the dual solution value.
The dual solution vector for rows of LP matrix. If pi is the array returned by this method, pi[i] will be the dual solution value for the range constraint corresponding to row i+first of the IloLPMatrix matrix.


public double getDual(IloRange irng)
               throws IloCplex.UnknownObjectException,
Gets the dual solution value for a range of constraints.
irng - The range constraint for which to query the dual solution value. This range constraint must be in the IloCplex model, either directly or though an IloLPMatrix object.
The dual solution value for a range constraint.
IloCplex.UnknownObjectException - irng is unknown in IloCplex.


public double[] getDuals(IloRange[] irng)
                  throws IloCplex.UnknownObjectException,
Gets the dual solution values for an array of range constraints.
irng - The array of range constraints for which to query the dual solution values. This range constraints must be in the IloCplex model, either directly or though an IloLPMatrix object.
The dual solution values for the range constraints in irng. If pi is the array returned by this method, pi[j] will be the dual solution value for the range constraint irng[j].
IloCplex.UnknownObjectException - irng is unknown in IloCplex.


public double[] getDuals(IloRange[] irng,
                         int first,
                         int num)
                  throws IloCplex.UnknownObjectException,
Gets the dual solution values for a set of range constraints.
irng - An array containing the range constraints for which to query the dual solution values. These range constraints must be in the IloCplex model, either directly or though an IloLPMatrix object.
first - The index of the first range constraint in irng for which to query the dual solution value.
num - The number of range constraints in irng for which to query the dual solution value.
The dual solution values for the specified range constraints. If pi is the array returned by this method, pi[j] will be the dual solution value for the range constraint var[j+first].
IloCplex.UnknownObjectException - irng is unknown in IloCplex.


public double[] getSlacks(IloLPMatrix matrix)
                   throws IloCplex.UnknownObjectException,
Gets the vector of slack values for the rows of an LP matrix.
matrix - The LP matrix for which to query the slack values. This LP matrix must be in the IloCplex model.
The vector of slack values for the rows of LP matrix. If s is the array returned by this method, s[i] will be the slack value for the range constraint corresponding to row i of the IloLPMatrix matrix.
IloCplex.UnknownObjectException - matrix is unknown in IloCplex.


public double[] getSlacks(IloLPMatrix matrix,
                          int first,
                          int num)
                   throws IloException
Gets slack values for a range of rows of an LP matrix.
matrix - The LP matrix for which to query the slack values. This LP matrix must be in the IloCplex model.
first - The index of the first rows for which to query the slack value.
num - The number of rows for which to query the slack value.
The slack vector for rows of LP matrix. If s is the array returned by this method, s[i] will be the slack value for the range constraint corresponding to row i+first of the IloLPMatrix matrix.


public double getSlack(IloRange rng)
                throws IloCplex.UnknownObjectException,
Gets the slack value for a range constraint.
rng - The range constraint for which to query the slack value. This range constraint must be in the IloCplex model, either directly or though an IloLPMatrix object.
The slack value for a range constraint.
IloCplex.UnknownObjectException - rng is unknown in IloCplex.


public double[] getSlacks(IloRange[] irng)
                   throws IloCplex.UnknownObjectException,
Gets slack values for an array of range constraints.
irng - The range constraints for which to query the slack values. These range constraints must be in the IloCplex model, either directly or though an IloLPMatrix object.
The slack values for the range constraints in irng. If s is the array returned by this method, s[j] will be the slack value for the range constraint irng[j].
IloCplex.UnknownObjectException - irng is unknown in IloCplex.


public double[] getSlacks(IloRange[] irng,
                          int first,
                          int num)
                   throws IloCplex.UnknownObjectException,
Gets slack values for a set of range constraints.
irng - An array containing the range constraints for which to query the slack values. These range constraints must be in the IloCplex model, either directly or through an IloLPMatrix object.
first - The index of the first range constraint in irng for which to query the slack value.
num - The number of range constraints in irng for which to query the slack value.
The slack values for the specified range constraints. If s is the array returned by this method, s[j] will be the slack value for the range constraint irng[j+first].
IloCplex.UnknownObjectException - irng is unknown in IloCplex.


public double getValue(IloNumExpr expr)
                throws IloException
Gets the value that expr takes for the current solution.
expr - The expression for which to evaluate the current solution.
The value expr takes for the current solution.


public double[] getAX(IloLPMatrix matrix)
               throws IloCplex.UnknownObjectException,
Gets the vector of row activity values for the rows of an LP matrix.
matrix - The LP matrix for which to query the row activity values. This LP matrix must be in the IloCplex model.
The vector of row activity values for the rows of the LP matrix. If ax is the array returned by this method, ax[i] will be the row activity value for the range constraint corresponding to row i of the IloLPMatrix matrix.
IloCplex.UnknownObjectException - matrix is unknown in IloCplex.


public double[] getAX(IloLPMatrix matrix,
                      int first,
                      int num)
               throws IloException
Gets the row activity values for a range of rows of an LP matrix.
matrix - The LP matrix for which to query the row activity values. This LP matrix must be in the IloCplex model.
first - The index of the first row for which to query the row activity value.
num - The number of rows for which to query the row activity value.
The row activity vector for specified rows of LP matrix. If ax is the array returned by this method, ax[i] will be the row activity value for the range constraint corresponding to row i+first of the IloLPMatrix matrix.


public double getAX(IloRange rng)
             throws IloCplex.UnknownObjectException,
Gets the row activity value for a range constraint.
rng - The range constraint for which to query the row activity value. This range constraint must be in the IloCplex model, either directly or though an IloLPMatrix object.
The row activity value for a range constraint.
IloCplex.UnknownObjectException - matrix is unknown in IloCplex.


public double[] getAX(IloRange[] irng)
               throws IloCplex.UnknownObjectException,
Gets row activity values for an array of range constraints.
irng - The range constraints for which to query the row activity values. These range constraints must be in the IloCplex model, either directly or though an IloLPMatrix object.
The row activity values for the range constraints in irng. If s is the array returned by this method, s[j] will be the row activity value for the range constraint irng[j].
IloCplex.UnknownObjectException - matrix is unknown in IloCplex.


public double[] getAX(IloRange[] irng,
                      int first,
                      int num)
               throws IloCplex.UnknownObjectException,
Queries row activity values for a set of range constraints.
irng - An array containing the range constraints for which to query the row activity values. These range constraints must be in the IloCplex model, either directly or through an IloLPMatrix object.
first - The index of the first range constraint in irng for which to query the row activity value.
num - The number of range constraints in irng for which to query the row activity value.
The row activity values for the specified range constraints. If s is the array returned by this method, s[j] will be the row activity value for the range constraint irng[j+first].
IloCplex.UnknownObjectException - matrix is unknown in IloCplex.


public IloCplex.BasisStatus getBasisStatus(IloNumVar var)
                                    throws IloException
Gets the basis status for variable var. This function only succeeds if a basic solution is available in the invoking IloCplex optimizer.
var - The variable for which to return the basis status.
The basis status for variable var.


public IloCplex.BasisStatus[] getBasisStatuses(IloNumVar[] var)
                                        throws IloException
Gets the basis status for the variables in array var. This function only succeeds if a basic solution is available in the invoking IloCplex optimizer.
var - The array of variables for which to return basis statuses.
The basis statuses for variables var. If b is the returned array, b[j] will be the basis status for variable var[j].


public IloCplex.BasisStatus[] getBasisStatuses(IloNumVar[] var,
                                               int start,
                                               int num)
                                        throws IloException
Gets the basis status for a set of variables in array var. This function only succeeds if a basic solution is available in the invoking IloCplex optimizer.
var - An array containing the variables for which to return basis statuses.
start - The index of the first variable in array var for which to return the basis status.
num - The number of variables in array var for which to return the basis status.
The basis statuses for variables in var. If b is the returned array, b[j] will be the basis status for variable var[j+start].


public IloCplex.BasisStatus getBasisStatus(IloRange rng)
                                    throws IloException
Gets the basis status for constraint rng. This function only succeeds if a basic solution is available in the invoking IloCplex optimizer.
rng - Constraint for which to return basis status.
The basis status for constraint rng.


public IloCplex.BasisStatus[] getBasisStatuses(IloRange[] rng)
                                        throws IloException
Gets the basis status for the constraints in array rng. This function only succeeds if a basic solution is available in the invoking IloCplex optimizer.
rng - The array of constraints for which to return basis statuses.
The basis statuses for constraints rng. If b is the returned array, b[i] will be the basis status for constraints rng[i].


public IloCplex.BasisStatus[] getBasisStatuses(IloRange[] rng,
                                               int start,
                                               int num)
                                        throws IloException
Gets the basis status for a set of constraints in array rng. This function only succeeds if a basic solution is available in the invoking IloCplex optimizer.
rng - An array containing the constraints for which to return basis statuses.
start - The index of the first constraint in array rng for which to return the basis status.
num - The number of constraint in array rng for which to return the basis status.
The basis statuses for constraints in rng. If b is the returned array, b[i] will be the basis status for constraint rng[i+start].


public void setBasisStatuses(IloNumVar[] var,
                             IloCplex.BasisStatus[] cstat,
                             IloRange[] rng,
                             IloCplex.BasisStatus[] rstat)
                      throws IloException
Sets the basis status for variables.
var - The array of variables for which to set basis statuses.
cstat - The new basis statuses for variables in var.
rng - The array of range constraints for which to set basis statuses.
rstat - The new basis statuses for ranges in rng.


public void setBasisStatuses(IloNumVar[] var,
                             IloCplex.BasisStatus[] cstat,
                             int cstart,
                             int cnum,
                             IloRange[] rng,
                             IloCplex.BasisStatus[] rstat,
                             int rstart,
                             int rnum)
                      throws IloException
Sets the basis status for variables.
var - The array of variables for which to set basis statuses.
cstat - The corresponding new array of basis statuses for variables in var.
cstart - The first element in var and cstat to consider.
cnum - The number of column statuses to set.
rng - array of range constraints for which to set basis statuses.
rstat - The new basis statuses for ranges in rng.
rstart - The first element in var and rstat to consider.
rnum - The number of range statuses to set.


public void setVectors(double[] x,
                       double[] dj,
                       IloNumVar[] var,
                       double[] slack,
                       double[] pi,
                       IloRange[] rng)
                throws IloException
Specifies an array of starting points for the invocation of method solve(). Zero can be passed for any of the parameters. However if x or dj are not 0, var must not be 0. Similarly, if slack or pi are not 0, rng must not be 0.

For all variables given in var, x[i] specifies the starting value for variable var[i]. Similarly, dj[i] specifies the starting reduced cost for variable var[i]. For all ranges specified in rng, slack[i] specifies the starting slack value for rng[i]. Similarly, pi[i] specifies the starting dual value for rng[i].

This information is exploited at the next call to solve, to construct a starting point for the algorithm. In particular, if the extracted model is an LP, and the root algorithm is Dual, Primal, BarrierDual, or BarrierPrimal, the information is used to construct a starting basis for the Simplex method.

If the extracted model is a MIP, only x values can be used, and a value must be specified for all variables of type ILOINT. If the provided values are compatible with an integer feasible solution, that solution becomes the incumbent for the next search, otherwise the starting information is ignored. Parameter MIPStart must be turned on (set to IloTrue) for the starting point to take effect.

x - The array of starting values for var.
dj - The array of starting reduced costs for var.
var - The array of variables at the starting point.
slack - The array of starting slack values for rng.
pi - The array of starting dual values for rng.
rng - The array of ranges of values for var.


public void setVectors(double[] x,
                       double[] dj,
                       IloNumVar[] var,
                       int vstart,
                       int vnum,
                       double[] slack,
                       double[] pi,
                       IloRange[] rng,
                       int rstart,
                       int rnum)
                throws IloException
Specifiies a starting point for the invocation of method solve(). Zero can be passed for any of the parameters. However if x or dj are not 0, var must not be 0. Similarly, if slack or pi are not 0, rng must not be 0.

For all variables given in var, x[i] specifies the starting value for variable var[i]. Similarly, dj[i] specifies the starting reduced cost for variable var[i]. For all ranges specified in rng, slack[i] specifies the starting slack value for rng[i]. Similarly, pi[i] specifies the starting dual value for rng[i].

This information is exploited at the next call to solve, to construct a starting point for the algorithm. In particular, if the extracted model is an LP, and the root algorithm is Dual, Primal, BarrierDual, or BarrierPrimal, the information is used to construct a starting basis for the Simplex method.

If the extracted model is a MIP, only x values can be used, and a value must be specified for all variables of type ILOINT. If the provided values are compatible with an integer feasible solution, that solution becomes the incumbent for the next search, otherwise the starting information is ignored. Parameter MIPStart must be turned on (set to IloTrue) for the starting point to take effect.

x - The array of starting values for var.
dj - The array of starting reduced costs for var.
vstart - The index number of the first variable in the array var to set as a starting point.
vnum - The number of variables in the array var to be set as starting points.
var - The array of variables at the starting point.
slack - The array of starting slack values for rng.
pi - The array of starting dual values for rng.
rng - The array of ranges of values for var.
rstart - The index of the first range value in rng which corresponds to the first variable in var.
rnum - The number of range values in rng which correspond to the variables in var.


public IloCplex.IIS getIIS()
                    throws IloException
Computes the IIS (Irreducibly Inconsistent Set) of an infeasible model.


public void getBoundSA(double[] lblower,
                       double[] lbupper,
                       double[] ublower,
                       double[] ubupper,
                       IloLPMatrix matrix)
                throws IloException
Computes and returns sensitivity analysis information. Computes and returns sensitivity analysis information for the variable bounds of all variables corresponding to the columns of the specified LP matrix.
lblower - lblower[i] will contain the lowest value that the lower bound of variable matrix[i] can be set to without affecting the optimality of the basis. If this information is not required null may be passed. Otherwise, the length of the array must be at least the number of columns in the matrix.
lbupper - lbupper[i] will contain the highest value that the lower bound of variable matrix[i] can be set to without affecting the optimality of the basis. If this information is not required null may be passed. Otherwise, the length of the array must be at least the number of columns in the matrix.
ublower - ublower[i] will contain the lowest value that the upper bound of variable matrix[i] can be set to without affecting the optimality of the basis. If this information is not required null may be passed. Otherwise, the length of the array must be at least the number of columns in the matrix.
ubupper - ubupper[i] will contain the highest value that the upper bound of variable matrix[i] can be set to without affecting the optimality of the basis. If this information is not required null may be passed. Otherwise, the length of the array must be at least the number of columns in the matrix.
matrix - The LP matrix of the columns for which the bound sensitivity analysis information is to be computed.


public void getBoundSA(double[] lblower,
                       double[] lbupper,
                       double[] ublower,
                       double[] ubupper,
                       IloLPMatrix matrix,
                       int start,
                       int num)
                throws IloException
Computes and returns sensitivity analysis information for the variable bounds for all variables corresponding to the columns of the specified LP matrix. For j >= start the SA value for the variable corresponding to column matrix[j] will be returned in {lb/ub}{lower/upper}[j-start].
lblower - lblower[i] will contain the lowest value that the lower bound of variable matrix[i] can be set to without affecting the optimality of the basis. If this information is not required, null may be passed. Otherwise, the length of the array must be at least num.
lbupper - lbupper[i] will contain the highest value that the lower bound of variable matrix[i] can be set to without affecting the optimality of the basis. If this information is not required null may be passed. Otherwise, the length of the array must be at least num.
ublower - ublower[i] will contain the lowest value that the upper bound of variable matrix[i] can be set to without affecting the optimality of the basis. If this information is not required null may be passed. Otherwise, the length of the array must be at least num.
ubupper - ubupper[i] will contain the highest value that the upper bound of variable matrix[i] can be set to without affecting the optimality of the basis. If this information is not required null may be passed. Otherwise, the length of the array must be at least num.
matrix - The column matrix for which bound sensitivity analysis information is returned.
start - The index of the first column of the matrix for which bound sensitivity analysis information is returned.
num - The number of columns in matrix for which to return bound sensitivity analysis information.


public void getBoundSA(double[] lblower,
                       double[] lbupper,
                       double[] ublower,
                       double[] ubupper,
                       IloNumVar[] var)
                throws IloException
Computes and returns sensitivity analysis information for variable bounds.
lblower - lblower[i] will contain the lowest value of the lower bound to which variable var[i] can be set without affecting the optimality of the basis. If this information is not required null may be passed. Otherwise, the array must have at least the same length as var.
lbupper - lbupper[i] will contain the highest value of the lower bound to which variable var[i] can be set without affecting the optimality of the basis. If this information is not required null may be passed. Otherwise, the array must have at least the same length as var.
ublower - ublower[i] will contain the lowest value of the upper bound to which variable var[i] can be set without affecting the optimality of the basis. If this information is not required null may be passed. Otherwise, the array must have at least the same length as var.
ubupper - ubupper[i] will contain the highest value of the upper bound to which variable var[i] can be set without affecting the optimality of the basis. If this information is not required null may be passed. Otherwise, the array must have at least the same length as var.
var - An array containing the variables for which to return bound sensitivity analysis information.


public void getBoundSA(double[] lblower,
                       double[] lbupper,
                       double[] ublower,
                       double[] ubupper,
                       IloNumVar[] var,
                       int start,
                       int num)
                throws IloException
Computes and returns sensitivity analysis information for variable bounds.
lblower - lblower[i] will contain the lowest value of the lower bound to which variable var[i+start] can be set without affecting the optimality of the basis. If this information is not required null may be passed. Otherwise, the array must have at least length num.
lbupper - lbupper[i] will contain the highest value of the lower bound to which variable var[i+start] can be set without affecting the optimality of the basis. If this information is not required null may be passed. Otherwise, the array must have at least length num.
ublower - ublower[i] will contain the lowest value of of the upper bound to which variable var[i+start] can be set without affecting the optimality of the basis. If this information is not required null may be passed. Otherwise, the array must have at least length num.
ubupper - ubupper[i] will contain the highest value of the upper bound to which variable var[i+start] can be set without affecting the optimality of the basis. If this information is not required null may be passed. Otherwise, the array must have at least length num.
var - An array containing the variables for which bound sensitivity analysis information is returned.
start - The index of first variable in var for which to return bound sensitivity analysis information.
num - The number of variables in var for which to return bound sensitivity analysis information.


public void getObjSA(double[] lower,
                     double[] upper,
                     IloLPMatrix matrix)
              throws IloException
Computes and returns sensitivity analysis information for objective coefficients.
lower - lower[i] is the lowest value to which the objective coefficient of the variable corresponding to column i of the matrix can be set without affecting the optimality of the basis. If this information is not required null may be passed. Otherwise, the array must have a length at least equal to the number of columns in the matrix.
upper - upper[i] is the highest value to which the objective coefficient of the variable corresponding to of column i of matrix that can be set without affecting the optimality of the basis. If this information is not required null may be passed. Otherwise, the array must have a length at least equal to the number of columns in the matrix.
matrix - The LP matrix which contains the column for which objective sensitivity analysis information will be returned.


public void getObjSA(double[] lower,
                     double[] upper,
                     IloLPMatrix matrix,
                     int start,
                     int num)
              throws IloException
Computes and returns sensitivity analysis information for objective coefficients.
lower - lower[i] will contain the lowest value to which the objective coefficient of the variable corresponding to column i+start of the matrix that can be set, without affecting the optimality of the basis. If this information is not required null may be passed. Otherwise, the array must have at least length num.
upper - upper[i] will contain the highest value to which the objective coefficient of the variable corresponding to column i+start of the matrix that can be set, without affecting the optimality of the basis. If this information is not required null may be passed. Otherwise, the array must have at least length num.
matrix - The LP matrix which contains the column for which objective sensitivity analysis information is to be returned.
start - The index of the first variable in var for which to return objective sensitivity analysis information.
num - The number of variables in var for which to return objective sensitivity analysis information.


public void getObjSA(double[] lower,
                     double[] upper,
                     IloNumVar[] var)
              throws IloException
Computes and returns sensitivity analysis information for objective coefficients.
lower - lower[i] will contain the lowest value to which the objective coefficient of the variable var[i] can be set without affecting the optimality of the basis. If this information is not required null may be passed. Otherwise, the array must have a length at least equal to the length of the array var.
upper - upper[i] will contain the highest value to which the objective coefficient of the variable var[i] can be set without affecting the optimality of the basis. If this information is not required null may be passed. Otherwise, the array must have a length at least equal to the length of the array var.
var - An array containing the variables for which objective sensitivity analysis information will be returned.


public void getObjSA(double[] lower,
                     double[] upper,
                     IloNumVar[] var,
                     int start,
                     int num)
              throws IloException
Computes and returns sensitivity analysis information for objective coefficients.
lower - lower[i] will contain the lowest value to which the objective coefficient of the variable var[i+start] can be set without affecting the optimality of the basis. If this information is not required, null may be passed. Otherwise, the array must have at least length num.
upper - uppper[i] will contain the highest value to which the objective coefficient of the variable var[i+start] can be set without affecting the optimality of the basis. If this information is not required, null may be passed. Otherwise, the array must have at least length num.
var - An array containing the variables for which objective sensitivity analysis information will be returned.
start - The index of first variable in var for which objective sensitivity analysis information will be returned.
num - The number of variables in var for which objective sensitivity analysis information will be returned.


public void getRangeSA(double[] lblower,
                       double[] lbupper,
                       double[] ublower,
                       double[] ubupper,
                       IloRange[] rng)
                throws IloException
Computes and returns sensitivity analysis information for range constraint bounds.
lblower - lblower[i] will contain the lowest value to which the lower bound of range rng[i] can be set without affecting the optimality of the basis. If this information is not required, null may be passed. Otherwise, the array must have at least the same length as rng.
lbupper - lbupper[i] will contain the highest value to which the lower bound of range rng[i] can be set without affecting the optimality of the basis. If this information is not required, null may be passed. Otherwise, the array must have at least the same length as rng.
ublower - ublower[i] will contain the lowest value to which the upper bound of range rng[i] can be set without affecting the optimality of the basis. If this information is not required, null may be passed. Otherwise, the array must have at least the same length as rng.
ubupper - ubupper[i] will contain the highest value to which the upper bound of range rng[i] can be set without affecting the optimality of the basis. If this information is not required, null may be passed. Otherwise, the array must have at least the same length as rng.
rng - The IloRange for which the sensitivity analysis is being computed.


public void getRangeSA(double[] lblower,
                       double[] lbupper,
                       double[] ublower,
                       double[] ubupper,
                       IloRange[] rng,
                       int start,
                       int num)
                throws IloException
Computes and returns sensitivity analysis information for range constraint bounds.
lblower - lblower[i] will contain the lowest value to which the lower bound of range rng[i+start] can be set without affecting the optimality of the basis. If this information is not required, null may be passed. Otherwise, the array must have at least the same length as rng.
lbupper - lbupper[i] will contain the highest value to which the lower bound of range rng[i+start] can be set without affecting the optimality of the basis. If this information is not required, null may be passed. Otherwise, the array must have at least the same length as rng.
ublower - ublower[i] will contain the lowest value to which the upper bound of range rng[i+start] can be set without affecting the optimality of the basis. If this information is not required, null may be passed. Otherwise, the array must have at least the same length as rng.
ubupper - ubupper[i] will contain the highest value to which the upper bound of range rng[i+start] can be set to without affecting the optimality of the basis. If this information is not required, null may be passed. Otherwise, the array must have at least the same length as rng.
start - The index of the first element in rng.
rng - The range of constraint bounds for which the sensitivity analysis information is required.
num - The number of elements in rng for which the sensitivity information is required.


public void getRangeSA(double[] lblower,
                       double[] lbupper,
                       double[] ublower,
                       double[] ubupper,
                       IloLPMatrix lp,
                       int start,
                       int num)
                throws IloException
Computes and returns sensitivity analysis information for range for num rows of the LP starting with row start in LP constraint matrix lp.
lblower - lblower[i] will contain the lowest value to which the lower bound of range rng[i] can be set without affecting the optimality of the basis. If this information is not required, null may be passed. Otherwise, the array must have at least the same length as num.
lbupper - lbupper[i] will contain the highest value to which the lower bound of range rng[i] can be set without affecting the optimality of the basis. If this information is not required, null may be passed. Otherwise, the array must have at least the same length as num.
ublower - ublower[i] will contain the lowest value the upper bound of range rng[i] can be set to without affecting the optimality of the basis. If this information is not required null may be passed. Otherwise, the array must have at least the same length as num.
ubupper - ubupper[i] will contain the highest value to which the upper bound of range rng[i] can be set without affecting the optimality of the basis. If this information is not required, null may be passed. Otherwise, the array must have at least the same length as num.
lp - The LP constraint matrix for which sensitivity analysis information is to be computed.
start - The first row in the matrix lp for which sensitivity analysis information is to be computed.
num - The number of rows in the matrix lp for which sensitivity analysis information is to be computed.


public void getRangeSA(double[] lblower,
                       double[] lbupper,
                       double[] ublower,
                       double[] ubupper,
                       IloLPMatrix lp)
                throws IloException
Computes and returns sensitivity analysis information for all rows of the matrix lp constraint bounds.
lblower - lblower[i] will contain the lowest value to which the lower bound of range rng[i] can be set without affecting the optimality of the basis. If this information is not required, null may be passed. Otherwise, the array must have at least the same length as the number of rows in lp.
lbupper - lbupper[i] will contain the highest value to which the lower bound of range rng[i] can be set without affecting the optimality of the basis. If this information is not required, null may be passed. Otherwise, the array must have at least the same length as the number of rows in lp.
ublower - lblower[i] will contain the lowest value to which the upper bound of range rng[i] can be set without affecting the optimality of the basis. If this information is not required, null may be passed. Otherwise, the array must have at least the same length as the number of rows in lp.
ubupper - lbupper[i] will contain the highest value to which the upper bound of range rng[i] can be set without affecting the optimality of the basis. If this information is not required, null may be passed. Otherwise, the array must have at least the same length as the number of rows in lp.
lp - The constraint matrix for which sensitivity analysis information is to be computed.


public void getRHSSA(double[] lower,
                     double[] upper,
                     IloRange[] rng)
              throws IloException
Computes and returns sensitivity analysis information for RHS values of constraints. The returned bounds represent the interval in which both bounds can simultaneously be moved without affecting the solution. This is useful for equality constraints, that is, ranged constraints where the upper and lower bound match. In this case the returned bounds indicate within which interval the value b for a constraint in the form a'x = b can be moved. This information would not be possible to obtain using getRangeSA, since both bounds are moved independently.
lower - lower[i] will contain the lowest value to which the lower bound of range rng[i] can be set without affecting the optimality of the basis. If this information is not required, null may be passed. Otherwise, the array must have at least the same length as rng.
upper - upper[i] will contain the highest value to which the lower bound of range rng[i] can be set without affecting the optimality of the basis. If this information is not required, null may be passed. Otherwise, the array must have at least the same length as rng.
rng - The IloRange for which the sensitivity analysis is being computed.


public void getRHSSA(double[] lower,
                     double[] upper,
                     IloRange[] rng,
                     int start,
                     int num)
              throws IloException
Computes and returns sensitivity analysis information for RHS values of constraints. The returned bounds represent the interval in which both bounds can simultaneously be moved without affecting the solution. This is useful for equality constraints, that is, ranged constraints where the upper and lower bound match. In this case the returned bounds indicate within which interval the value b for a constraint in the form a'x = b can be moved. This information would not be possible to obtain using getRangeSA, since both bounds are moved independently.
lower - lower[i] will contain the lowest value to which the lower bound of range rng[i+start] can be set without affecting the optimality of the basis. If this information is not required, null may be passed. Otherwise, the array must have at least the same length as num.
upper - upper[i] will contain the highest value to which the lower bound of range rng[i+start] can be set without affecting the optimality of the basis. If this information is not required, null may be passed. Otherwise, the array must have at least the same length as num.
rng - The IloRange for which the sensitivity analysis is being computed.
start - The first element of rng for which the sensitivity analysis is being computed.
num - The number of elements in rng for which to compute the sensitivity analysis values.


public void getRHSSA(double[] lower,
                     double[] upper,
                     IloLPMatrix lp)
              throws IloException
Computes and returns sensitivity analysis information for RHS values of constraints. The returned bounds represent the interval in which both bounds can simultaneously be moved without affecting the solution. This is useful for equality constraints, the is, ranged constraints where the upper and lower bound match. In this case the returned bounds indicate within which interval the value b for a constraint in the form a'x = b can be moved. This information would not be possible to obtain getRangeSA, since both bounds are moved independently.
lower - lower[i] will contain the lowest value to which the lower bound of the range corresponding to row i of lp can be set without affecting the optimality of the basis. If this information is not required, null may be passed. Otherwise, the array must have at least the same length as rng.
upper - upper[i] will contain the highest value to which the lower bound of the range corresponding to row i of lp can be set without affecting the optimality of the basis. If this information is not required, null may be passed. Otherwise, the array must have at least the same length as rng.
lp - The matrix with RHS values for which sensitivity analysis is to be computed.


public void getRHSSA(double[] lower,
                     double[] upper,
                     IloLPMatrix lp,
                     int start,
                     int num)
              throws IloException
Computes and returns sensitivity analysis information for RHS values of constraints. The returned bounds represent the interval in which both bounds can simultaneously be moved without affecting the solution. This is useful for equality constraints, that is, ranged constraints where the upper and lower bound match. In this case the returned bounds indicate within which interval the value b for a constraint in the form a'x = b can be moved. This information would not be possible to obtain getRangeSA, since both bounds are moved independently.
lower - lower[i] will contain the lowest value to which the lower bound of the range corresponding to row i+start of lp can be set without affecting the optimality of the basis. If this information is not required, null may be passed. Otherwise, the array must have at least the same length as rng.
upper - upper[i] will contain the highest value to which the lower bound of the range corresponding to row i+start of lp can be set without affecting the optimality of the basis. If this information is not required, null may be passed. Otherwise, the array must have at least the same length as rng.
lp - The matrix with RHS values for which sensitivity analysis is being computed.
start - The first element of lp for which the sensitivity analysis is being computed.
num - The number of elements in lp for which to sensitivity analysis is being computed.


public IloCplex.Quality getQuality(IloCplex.QualityType which)
                            throws IloException
Gets an IloCplex.Quality object that contains the information for the requested quality measure.
which - The IloCplex.QualityType which should be computed.
An IloCplex.Quality object for the requested quality measure.
See Also:
IloCplex.Quality, IloCplex.QualityType


public out()
Gets the output stream of the invoking IloCplex object. This stream is used by IloCplex for printing logged information. It can be set with method setOut().
The output stream of the invoking IloCplex object.
See Also:


public warning()
Gets the warning output stream of the invoking IloCplex object. This stream is used by IloCplex for printing warnings. It can be set with method setWarning().
The warning stream of the invoking IloCplex object.
See Also:


public void setOut( s)
Sets the default output stream of the invoking IloCplex object. After this call, all logging output will be output via the new stream. Passing null as the new output stream will turn off the output.
s - The new default output stream.


public void setWarning( s)
Sets the warning stream of the invoking IloCplex object. After this call, all warnings will be output via the new stream. Passing null as the new output stream will turn off warnings.
s - The new warnings output stream.


public boolean solve()
              throws IloException
Solves the IloCplex model.
A boolean indicating whether a solution has been found. This solution is not necessarily a feasible one.


public boolean solveRelaxed()
                     throws IloException
Solves the LP relaxation IloCplex model.
A boolean indicating whether a solution has been found. This solution is not necessarily a feasible one.


public boolean solveFixed()
                   throws IloException
Solves the fixed IloCplex model. The fixed model is generated from a MIP problem, and a solution to it, by fixing all integer variables to their solution values.
A boolean indicating whether a solution has been found. This solution is not necessarily a feasible one.


public boolean solveZeroedQP()
                      throws IloException
Solves the LP part of a QP IloCplex model. The LP part of a QP is generated from a QP by setting the matrix of quadratic terms Q to 0.
A boolean indicating whether a solution has been found. This solution is not necessarily a feasible one.


public int getNiterations()
Gets the number of iterations from the last solve.
The number of iterations from the last solve.


public int getNbarrierIterations()
Returns the number of barrier iterations from the last solve.
The number of barrier iterations from the last solve.


public int getNphaseOneIterations()
Gets the number of Phase I iterations from the last solve.
The number of Phase I iterations from the last solve.


public int getNcrossDExch()
Gets the number of dual exchange operations in the crossover of the last solve.
The number of dual exchange operations in the crossover of the last solve.


public int getNcrossDPush()
Gets the number of dual push operations in the crossover of the last solve.
The number of dual push operations in the crossover of the last solve.


public int getNcrossPExch()
Gets the number of primal exchange operations in the crossover of the last solve.
The number of primal exchange operations in the crossover of the last solve.


public int getNcrossPPush()
Gets the number of primal push operations in the crossover of the last solve.
The number of primal push operations in the crossover of the last solve.


public int getNdualSuperbasics()
Gets the number of dual superbasic variables in the basis.
The number of dual superbasic variables in the basis.


public int getNprimalSuperbasics()
Gets the number of primal superbasic variables in the basis.
The number of primal superbasic variables in the basis.


public int getNcliques()
Gets the number of clique cuts added to the problem.
The number of clique cuts added to the problem.


public int getNcovers()
Gets the number of cover cuts added to the problem.
The number of cover cuts added to the problem.


public int getNnodes()
Gets the number of nodes processed in the current solution.
The number of nodes processed in the current solution.


public int getNnodesLeft()
Gets the number of nodes that remain to be processed in the current solution.
The number of nodes that remain to be processed in the current solution.


public int getIncumbentNode()
Gets the node number of the incumbent.
The node number of the incumbent solution.


public void setPriority(IloNumVar var,
                        int pri)
                 throws IloException
Sets the branch priority for variable var. Branching priorities must be positive integers or 0 to reset the default priority.
var - The variable for which to set a priority value.
pri - The priority value to set for variable var.


public void setPriorities(IloNumVar[] var,
                          int[] pri)
                   throws IloException
Sets the branch priority for an array of variables. Branching priorities must be positive integers or 0 to reset the default priority.
var - The array of variable for which to set priority values.
pri - The array priority value to use. The priority for variable var[i] will be set to pri[i].


public void setPriorities(IloNumVar[] var,
                          int[] pri,
                          int start,
                          int num)
                   throws IloException
Sets the branch priority for a set of variables. Branching priorities must be positive integers or 0 to reset the default priority.
var - The array containing the variable for which to set priority values.
pri - The array containing the priority value to use. The priority for variable var[i] will be set to pri[i], for i = start, ..., start+num-1.
start - The first elements in var and pri to consider.
num - The number of elements in var and pri to consider.


public void setDirection(IloNumVar var,
                         IloCplex.BranchDirection dir)
                  throws IloException
Sets the branching direction for a variable.
var - The variable for which to set the branching direction.
dir - The branching direction to set for variable var.
See Also:


public void setDirections(IloNumVar[] var,
                          IloCplex.BranchDirection[] brdir)
                   throws IloException
Sets the branching direction for an array of variables.
var - The array of variables for which to set the branching directions.
brdir - The array of branching directions to use. The branching direction of variable var[i] will be set to brdir[i].
See Also:


public void setDirections(IloNumVar[] var,
                          IloCplex.BranchDirection[] brdir,
                          int start,
                          int num)
                   throws IloException
Sets the branching direction for a set of variables.
var - The array containing the variables for which to set the branching directions.
brdir - The array containing the branching directions to use. The branching direction of variable var[i] will be set to brdir[i] for i = start, ..., start+num-1.
start - The first elements in var and brdir to consider.
num - The number of elements in var and brdir to consider.
See Also:


public void delPriority(IloNumVar var)
                 throws IloException
Removes any existing priority order assignment from variable var.
var - The variable from which the priority order assignment is to be removed.


public void delPriorities(IloNumVar[] var)
                   throws IloException
Removes any existing priority order assignments from the array of variables var.
var - The variable array from which the priority order assignments are to be removed.


public void delPriorities(IloNumVar[] var,
                          int start,
                          int num)
                   throws IloException
Removes any existing priority order assignments from num variables in the array var, starting with variable start.
var - The variable array from which the priority order assignment is to be removed.
num - The number of variables in var from which the priority order assignments are to be removed.
start - The index of the first variable in var from which the priority order assignment is to be removed.


public void delDirection(IloNumVar var)
                  throws IloException
Removes any existing branching direction assignments from the variable array var.
var - The variable array from which the branching direction assignments are to be removed.


public void delDirections(IloNumVar[] var)
                   throws IloException
Removes any existing branching direction assignments from the variable array var.
var - The variable array from which the branching direction assignments are to be removed.


public void delDirections(IloNumVar[] var,
                          int start,
                          int num)
                   throws IloException
Removes any existing branching direction assignments from num variables in the array var, starting with variable start.
var - The variable array from which the branching direction assignments are to be removed.
num - The number of variables in var from which the branching direction assignments are to be removed.
start - The index of the first variable in var from which the branching direction assignment is to be removed.


public int getPriority(IloNumVar var)
                throws IloException
Gets the branch priority for a variable.
var - The variable for which to query the branch priority.
The branch priority for variable var. A value of 0 indicates the IloCplex default.


public IloCplex.BranchDirection getDirection(IloNumVar var)
                                      throws IloException
Returns the branch direction. This method returns the branch direction previously assigned to variable var with the method setDirection()or setDirections().
var - The variable for which to return the assigned branch direction.
The previously set branch direction.


public int[] getPriorities(IloNumVar[] var)
                    throws IloException
Gets the branch priorities for an array of variables.
var - The array of variables for which to query the branch priorities.
The branch priorities for the variables in var. A value of 0 indicates the IloCplex default.


public IloCplex.BranchDirection[] getDirections(IloNumVar[] var)
                                         throws IloException
Gets the branch directions for an array of variables.
var - The array of variables for which to query the branch directions.
The branch directions for the variables in var.


public int[] getPriorities(IloNumVar[] var,
                           int start,
                           int num)
                    throws IloException
Gets the branch priorities for a set of variables.
var - The array containing the variables for which to query the branch priorities.
start - The index of the first variable in var for which to query the branch priority.
num - The number of variables in var for which to query the branch priorities.
The branch priorities for the specified variables. A value of 0 indicates the IloCplex default.


public IloCplex.BranchDirection[] getDirections(IloNumVar[] var,
                                                int start,
                                                int num)
                                         throws IloException
Gets the branch directions for a set of variables.
var - The array containing the variables for which to query the branch directions.
start - The index of the first variable in var for which to query the branch directions.
num - The number of variables in var for which to query the branch directions.
The branch directions for the specified variables.


public void writeOrder(java.lang.String name)
                throws IloException
Write priority order file name.
name - The name of the file in which write priority order is written.


public void use(IloCplex.Callback cb)
         throws IloException
Sets a callback. Callbacks are objects with a user-written method main() that is called regularly during the optimization of the IloCplex model. This object must be implemented as a class derived from an IloCplex.Callback class, and define the abstract method main().
There are several places where the IloCplex algorithms call a callback, and each of these callbacks is related to a seperate callback type. The callback type is determined by the base class used for implementing callbacks, which is IloCplex.Callback.
cb - The callback to be used from now on. The type of the callback object being passed determines which callback is being set. If a callback of the same type has previously been set, the new callback will replace the old one.
See Also:


public void clearCallbacks()
                    throws IloException
Removes all callbacks.


public void end()
Releases IloCplex license. When done using a Concert model created with and IloCplex object and the IloCplex object itself, the method end() should be called to release the license. After a call of method end() the invoking IloCplex object and all objects that have been created with it (such as variables and constraints) may no longer be used. Doing so will cause exception IloCplex.CplexEndedException to be thrown.