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Leire Citores, Cristina Corchero, F.-Javier Heredia, "A stochastic programming model for the tertiary control of microgrids", 12th International Conference on the European Energy Market (EEM15), Lisbon, Portugal., IEEE, pp. 1-6, 19-22/05/2015. Abstract Tagged XML BibTex
Cristina Corchero, Eugenio Mijangos, F.-Javier Heredia, "A new optimal electricity market bid model solved through perspective cuts", TOP, vol. 21, issue 1: Springer, pp. 25, 04/2013. Abstract Tagged XML BibTex
F.-Javier Heredia, Marcos J. Rider, C. Corchero, "A stochastic programming model for the optimal electricity market bid problem with bilateral contracts for thermal and combined cycle units", Annals of Operations Research, vol. 193, issue 1: Springer, pp. 107-127, 2012. Abstract Tagged XML BibTex
Cristina Corchero, F.-Javier Heredia, "A Stochastic Programming Model for the Thermal Optimal Day-Ahead Bid Problem with Physical Futures Contracts", Computers & Operations Research, vol. 38, issue 11: Elsevier, pp. 1501-1512, 2011. Tagged XML BibTex
F.-Javier Heredia, Cristina Corchero, "A multistage stochastic programming model for the optimal multimarket electricity bid problem", Optimization, Theory, Algorithms and Applications in Economics (OPT 2011), Centre de Recerca Matemàtica. Barcelona, Spain., 24-28/10/2011. Abstract Tagged XML BibTex
M.-Teresa Vespucci, Cristina Corchero, Mario Innorta, F.-Javier Heredia, "A decision support procedure for the short-term scheduling problem of a generation company operating on day-ahead and physical derivatives electricity markets", 11th International Conference on the Modern Information Technology in the Innovation Processes of the Industrial Enterprises (MITIP 2009), Bergamo, Italy, 15-16/10/2009. Tagged XML BibTex
F.-Javier Heredia, "Ampliació d'Investigació Operativa determinista // Advanced Deterministic Operations Research", 26297- AIOD, 2009  . Abstract Tagged XML BibTex
Beltran C., F.-Javier Heredia, "An Effective Line Search for the Subgradient Method", Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, vol. 125, issue 1, pp. 19, 2005  . Abstract Tagged XML BibTex
Mattia Barbero, Cristina Corchero, Lluc Canals, Lucia Igualada, F.-Javier Heredia, "Critical evaluation of European balancing markets to enable the participation of Demand Aggregators", Applied Energy, vol. 264: Elsevier, 04/2020. Abstract Tagged XML BibTex
J. Minguella-Canela, A. Muguruza, D.R. Lumbierres: F.-Javier Heredia, R. Gimeno, P. Guo, M. Hamilton, K.Shastry, S.Webb, "Comparison of production strategies and degree of postponement when incorporating additive manufacturing to product supply chains", Manufacturing Engineering Society International Conference 2017, MESIC 201, vol. 13, Vigo, Spain, Elsevier, pp. 754-761, 18/06/2017. Abstract Tagged XML BibTex
F.-Javier Heredia, Coordinación hidrotérmica a corto y largo plazo de la generación eléctrica en un mercado competitivo (DPI2002-03330)., , 01/2003 -12/2005. Tagged XML BibTex
F.-Javier Heredia, CASC : Computational Aspects of Statistical Confidentiality (IST-2000-25069)., , 01/2001-12/2003. Tagged XML BibTex
F.-Javier Heredia, Joaquim Minguella, Digitalizing Supply Chain Strategy with 3D Printing, , 06/2015-07/2016. Abstract Tagged XML BibTex
Heredia, F. J., Nabona, N., "Development and computational test of an undecoupled optimum short-term hydrothermal scheduling code using network flows", TOP, vol. 2, issue 1: Springer, pp. 28, 1994  . Tagged XML BibTex
F.-Javier Heredia, Desarrollo y suministro de programas de Coordinación Hidrotérmica a Largo Plazo de la Generación Eléctrica empleando flujos multiartículo en redes (UPC C0606)., , 01/1989-12/1992. Tagged XML BibTex
F.-Javier Heredia, Jordi Riera, Montserrat Mata, Joan Escuer, Jordi Romeu, "Economic analysis of battery electric storage systems operating in electricity markets", 12th International Conference on the European Energy Market (EEM15), Lisbone, Portugal., IEEE, pp. 1- 5, 19/05/2015. Abstract Tagged XML BibTex
Cristina Corchero, F.-Javier Heredia, Eugenio Mijangos, "Efficient Solution of Optimal Multimarket Electricity Bid Models", 8th International Conference on the European Energy Market (EEM11), Zagreb, Croatia, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., 25-27/05/2011. Abstract Tagged XML BibTex
Cristina Corchero, F.-Javier Heredia, Eugenio Mijangos, "Efficient Solution of Optimal Multimarket Electricity Bid Models", 8th International Conference on the European Energy Market (EEM11), Zagreb, Croatia, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., pp. 244-249, 25/05/2011. Abstract Tagged XML BibTex
F.-Javier Heredia, Cristina Corchero, M.-Pilar Muñoz, Eugenio Mijangos, "Electricity Market Optimization: finding the best bid through stochastic programming.", Conference on Numerical Optimization and Applications in Engineering (NUMOPEN-2010), Centre de Recerca Matemàtica. UAB. Barcelona, Spain., 13-15/10/2010. Abstract Tagged XML BibTex
F.- Javier Heredia, Ma. Pilar Muñoz, Josep Anton Sánchez, Maria Dolores Márquez, Eugenio Mijangos, Marlyn Dayana Cuadrado Guevara, Forecasting and optimization of wind generation in energy markets, , 01/2014-12/2016. Abstract Tagged XML BibTex
M.Pilar Muñoz, Cristina Corchero, F.-Javier Heredia, "Improving Electricity Market Price Forecasting with Factor Models for the Optimal Generation Bid", International Statistical Review, vol. 81, issue 2: Wiley, pp. 18 (289-306), August 2013. Abstract Tagged XML BibTex
F.-Javier Heredia, "Investigació Operativa Determinista // Deterministic Operations Research", 26266 - IOD, 2009  . Abstract Tagged XML BibTex
M.Pilar Muñoz, Cristina Corchero, F.-Javier Heredia, "Improving electricity market price scenarios by means of forecasting factor models", 57^th Session of the International Statistical Institute, 2009  . Abstract Tagged XML BibTex
Jordi Castro, F.-Javier Heredia, José Antonio Gonzalez, Maria Albareda, Jesica González, Modelling and Optimization of StruCtured problems and Applications (MOSCA), , 09/2023-08/2026. Abstract Tagged XML BibTex
Grace Kelly Maureira, Jaume Masip, F.-Javier Heredia, Modelos de optimización matemática en la gestión de centros comerciales (MOMGeCC), , 09/2020-09/2023. Abstract Tagged XML BibTex