Optimization through quantum computing

Publication TypeTesis de Grau i Màster // BSc and MSc Thesis
Year of Publication2023
AuthorsAndrea Iglesias Munilla
DirectorF.-Javier heredia
Tipus de tesiMSc Thesis
TitulacióMaster in Data Science
CentreFacultat d'Informàtica de Barcelona
Data defensa30/06/2023
Nota // mark9.5
Key Wordsteaching; unit commitment; quantum computing; QUBO
AbstractThis thesis explores the application of quantum computing techniques to solve Quadratic Unconstrained Binary Optimization problems, with a focus on the Unit Commitment problem. The thesis provides an introduction to quantum computing, including its mathematical foundation and the distinction between classical and quantum systems. It then discusses Variational Quantum Algorithms and explores various quantum computing platforms. Then a novel formulation of the Unit Commitment problem is presented, along with its implementation using the Qiskit library. The results obtained from the implementation are summarized, highlighting the process of using quantum computing for solving optimization problems.
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Publication TypeDocència // Teaching
Year of Publication2012
Quadrimestre // Term2011-12 Q1
AuthorsF.-Javier Heredia; Jordi Castro; Narcís Nabona
Coordinator?yes (together with the rest of the lecturers)
Codi // CodeS1-C2-UPC
Idioma // LanguageEnglish
Key Wordsteaching; UPC; FIB; DMKM; assignatures; courses; OpDMKM
AbstractThe course introduces the basic concepts of optimization and the different types of optimization problems, the iterative algorithms to solve these problems, and their properties. The practice of optimization using modeling languages to describe a problem and commercial and publicly available solvers is also emphasized.
URLClick Here
Titolació // StudiesErasmus Mundus master course in Data Mining and Knowledge Management.
Centre // FacultyFIB - Barcelona School of Informatics.
Institució // InstitutionThe consortium is composed of six universities from four countries: France (University of Pierre and Marie Curie Paris 6, University of Lyon Lumière Lyon 2, Polytec’Nantes), Romania (University Polithenica of Bucharest), Italy (University of East Piedmont) and Spain (Technical University of Catalonia).
Horaris // ScheduleThurs. 10.00 - 13.00, broadcasted from Barcelona the rest of the master's sites through videoconference.
Consultes // tutoringContact.
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Publication TypeDocència // Teaching
Year of Publication2011
Quadrimestre // TermQ1
AuthorsF.-Javier Heredia; Jordi Castro; Narcís Nabona
Coordinator?yes (together with the rest of the lecturers)
Codi // CodeS1-C2-UPC
Key Wordsteaching; UPC; FIB; DMKM; assignatures; courses; OpDMKM
AbstractThe course introduces the basic concepts of optimization and the different types of optimization problems, the iterative algorithms to solve these problems, and their properties. The practice of optimization using modeling languages to describe a problem and commercial and publicly available solvers is also emphasized.
URLClick Here
Titolació // StudiesErasmus Mundus master course in Data Mining and Knowledge Management.
Centre // FacultyFIB - Barcelona School of Informatics.
Institució // InstitutionThe consortium is composed of six universities from four countries: France (University of Pierre and Marie Curie Paris 6, University of Lyon Lumière Lyon 2, Polytec’Nantes), Romania (University Polithenica of Bucharest), Italy (University of East Piedmont) and Spain (Technical University of Catalonia).
Horaris // ScheduleThurs. 10.00 - 13.00, broadcasted from Barcelona the rest of the master's sites through videoconference.
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Resolució de problemes de fluxos en xarxes sota Excel

Publication TypeTesis de Grau i Màster // BSc and MSc Thesis
Year of Publication2002
AuthorsDaniel Ormazabal Kirchner
DirectorF.-Javier Heredia
Tipus de tesiTesi Grau // BSc Thesis
TitulacióEnginyeria Informàtica // Computational Engineering
CentreFacultat d'Informàtica de Barcelona
Data defensa21/11/2002
Nota // mark10 (over 10) MH
Key Wordsteaching; UPC; FIB; EI; BSc Thesis
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Assignació d'unitats tèrmiques en la coordinació hidrotèrmica a curt termini

Publication TypeTesis de Grau i Màster // BSc and MSc Thesis
Year of Publication1998
AuthorsJosep Padrós Romeu
DirectorF.-Javier Heredia
Tipus de tesiTesi Grau // BSc Thesis
TitulacióEnginyeria Informàtica
CentreFacultat d'Informàtica de Barcelona
Data defensa12/02/1998
Nota // mark-
Key Wordsteaching; UPC; FIB; EI; BSc Thesis
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Publication TypeDocència // Teaching
Year of Publication2010
Quadrimestre // TermQ1
AuthorsF.-Javier Heredia; Jordi Castro; Narcís Nabona
Coordinator?yes (shared with the rest of the teachers)
Codi // CodeS1-C2-UPC
Key Wordsteaching; UPC; FIB; DMKM; assignatures; OpDMKM
AbstractThe course introduces the basic concepts of optimization and the different types of optimization problems, the iterative algorithms to solve these problems, and their properties. The practice of optimization using modeling languages to describe a problem and commercial and publicly available solvers is also emphasized.
URLClick Here
Titolació // StudiesErasmus Mundus master course in Data Mining and Knowledge Management.
Centre // FacultyFacultat d'Informàtica de Barcelona (FIB)
Institució // InstitutionThe consortium is composed of six universities from four countries: France (University of Pierre and Marie Curie Paris 6, University of Lyon Lumière Lyon 2, Polytec’Nantes), Romania (University Polithenica of Bucharest), Italy (University of East Piedmont) and Spain (Technical University of Catalonia).
Horaris // ScheduleThurs. 10.00 - 13.00, broadcasted from Barcelona the rest of the master's sites through videoconference.
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