Publication Type | Tesis de Grau i Màster // BSc and MSc Thesis |
Year of Publication | 2016 |
Authors | Maksims Sisovs |
Director | F.-Javier Heredia |
Tipus de tesi | MSc Thesis |
Titulació | "KIC InnoEnergy" Master of Science in Smart Electrical Networks and Systems |
Centre | Escola Tècnica Superior d'Enginyeria Industrial de Barcelona (ETSEIB) |
Data defensa | 16/09/2016 |
Nota // mark | 10 MH (A+ with honours) |
Key Words | teaching; BEES; battery energy storage systems; electrical vehicle; smart meters; retail energy market; MSc Thesis |
Abstract | The main focus of this master thesis project is to evaluate the economic, technical and regulatory feasibility of distributed battery energy storage systems (BESS) and the potential opportunity of electricity companies to increase their prots through advanced operation in energy services, such as electric energy time-shift, ancillary or electric vehicle incentives in Spanish electricity market. To assess the feasibility, an optimization tool has been developed. This tool simulates energy trading between different market participants with particular features extracted from data analysis and literature. Load consumption proles had been developed from smart meter real data by applying several data mining techniques. This part had been guided by external collaborating entity Minsait. Electricity market analysis includes the overview of its functionality principles and regulatory side regarding storage adaptation and specific service applicability. Market historical prices were used for further electricity trading simulation. A brief technical insight explains current storage situation and tells about high-potential technologies in emerging markets. Benchmark analysis covers several products of battery manufacturers with relevant technical and price information. Spanish electricity market showed low adaptability to distributed BESS solutions: energy arbitrage incomes have resulted being insuficient. Ancillary services, despite promising economic gures, are to a large extent prohibited to be provided by distributed storage. Electric vehicle incentives, though, resulted being of a high interest due to absence of direct investment. |
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Publication Type | Tesis de Grau i Màster // BSc and MSc Thesis |
Year of Publication | 2014 |
Authors | Andina Rosalia Brown |
Director | F.-Javier Heredia; Cristina Corchero |
Tipus de tesi | MSc Thesis |
Titulació | Master in Statistics and Operations Research |
Centre | Faculty of Mathematics and Statistics |
Data defensa | 27/01/2014 |
Nota // mark | 9.0 |
Key Words | Multi-objective Optimisation; Facility Location; Electric Vehicle; Fast Charging Stations; MSc Thesis |
Abstract | This study approaches the problem from the perspective of a central planner wishing to install fast charging stations. A multi-objective approach is used to simultaneously consider two conflicting objectives in the optimisation problem. The first objective is to minimise the distance that potential consumers would need to deviate from their normal journeys in order to reach their nearest fast charging station, and thus minimise the associated inconvenience. The second objective is to minimise the set up costs associated with the installation of the stations, which differ according to the number of facilities installed and their location. These objectives are normalised using a function transformation and then combined into a single objective function. A mathematical model is formulated and implemented using GAMS to obtain results for the case study of Barcelona, building on the existing literature. Using the weighted sums method, multiple Pareto optimal solutions are found by solving for different relative weights combinations applied to the two objectives. These solutions are used to depict the Pareto front, offering insight into the nature of the trade-offs between the objectives and aiding the decision making process. This study develops the existing methodology used for the EV infrastructure problem, and shows how the application of a multi-objective formulation can offer useful insight to decision makers, particularly when preferences are unclear a priori. |
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