
Estudi i optimització de l'oferta al Mercat Ibèric d'Electricitat (MIBEL)

Publication TypeTesis de Grau i Màster // BSc and MSc Thesis
Year of Publication2009
AuthorsSilvia Nieto; Iván Ruz
DirectorF.-Javier Heredia
Tipus de tesiTesi de Grau // BSC Thesis
TitulacióDiplomatura d'Estadística
CentreFacultat de Matemàtiques i Estadística, UPC
Data defensa09/07/2009
Nota // mark9.5 (over 10) E
Key Wordsteaching; PFC-DE; MIBEL; optimal bid; BSc Thesis
AbstractEstudi de les ofertes reals de les companyies productores d'energia elèctrica a MIBEL i comparació de dos models alternatius de optimització de l'oferta.
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Lectura de dos PFC's a la DE sobre oferta òptima als mercats d'energia elèctrica.

El passat dijous 9 de juliol de 2009 es va llegir el Projecte Final de Carrera dels alumnes Silvia Nieto i Ivan Ruz, que portava per títol "Estudi i optimització de l’oferta al Mercat Ibèric ’Electricitat (MIBEL)", dirigit pel professor Javier Heredia. Els objectius del treball han estat:

  • Fer una descriptiva de les dades obtingudes de les energies tèrmiques per veure el comportament que hi tenen.
  • Entendre el model d'optimització d'oferta presentat a l'article [1], i compendre la seva implementació.
  • Entendre el model d'optimització d'oferta de l'article [2] i resoldre una nova modelització adaptant aquest model a l'anterior fent els canvis pertinents.
  • Comparar els dos models i treure'n conclusions sobre quin és el més eficient.

Aquí teniu més informació.

[1] Arroyo, José M. ; Carrión, Miguel. A computationally efficient mixed-integer linear formulation for the termal unit commitment problem. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers transactions on power systems, vol. 21, nº3, agost 2006.

[2] Cristina Corchero, F. Javier Heredia, "A Stochastic Programming Model for the Thermal Optimal Day-Ahead Bid Problem with Physical Futures Contracts", Submitted to European Journal of Operations Research, Barcelona, Espanya, Dept. of Statistics and Operations Research, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 03/2009


A Stochastic Programming Model for the Thermal Optimal Day-Ahead Bid Problem with Physical Futures Contracts

Publication TypeReport
Year of Publication2009
AuthorsCristina Corchero; F. Javier Heredia
ReferenceResearch Report DR 2009/03, Dept. of Statistics and Operations Research, E-Prints UPC http://hdl.handle.net/2117/2795, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Prepared forAccepted for publication at Computers and Operations Research
CityBarcelona, Spain.
Key Wordsresearch; Stochastic programming; OR in energy; electricity day-ahead market; futures contracts; optimal bid
AbstractThe reorganization of the electricity industry in Spain completed a new step with the start-up of the Derivatives Market. One main characteristic of MIBEL’s Derivatives Market is the existence of physical futures contracts; they imply the obligation to settle physically the energy. The market regulation establishes the mechanism for including those physical futures in the day-ahead bidding of the Generation Companies. The goal of this work is to optimize coordination between physical futures contracts and the Day-Ahead bidding which follow this regulation. We propose a stochastic quadratic mixed-integer programming model which maximizes the expected profits, taking into account futures contracts settlement. The model gives the simultaneous optimization for the Day-Ahead Market bidding strategy and power planning production (unit commitment) for the thermal units of a price-taker Generation Company. The uncertainty of the day-ahead market price is included in the stochastic model through a set of scenarios. Implementation details and some first computational experiences for small real cases are presented.
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Optimization algorithms for electricity market models


  •  Calcular una LB mitjançant LR i passar-li aCPLEX.

Optimal Bidding Strategies for Thermal and Generic Programming Units in the Day-ahead Electricity Market

Publication TypeReport
Year of Publication2008
AuthorsHeredia, F.-Javier, Rider, Marcos.-J., Corchero, C.
ReferenceResearch report DR 2008/13, Dept. of Statistics and Operations Research. E-Prints UPC, http://hdl.handle.net/2117/2468. Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Prepared forPublished on august 2010 at IEEE Transactions on Power Systems
Key Wordsresearch; stochastic programming; electricity markets; day-ahead market, bilateral contracts; Virtual Power Plants; optimal bid
AbstractThis paper develops a stochastic programming model that integrates the day-ahead optimal bidding problem with the most recent regulation rules of the Iberian Electricity Market (MIBEL) for bilateral contracts, with a special consideration for the new mechanism to balance the competition of the production market, namely virtual power plants auctions (VPP). The model allows a price-taker generation company to decide the unit commitment of the thermal units, the economic dispatch of the bilateral contracts between the thermal units and the generic programming unit (GPU) and the optimal sale/purchase bids for all units (thermal and generic) observing the MIBEL regulation. The uncertainty of the spot prices is represented through scenario sets built from the most recent real data using scenario reduction techniques. The model was solved with real data from a Spanish generation company and spot prices, and the results are reported and analyzed.
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Short- and Medium-Term Multimarket Optimal Electricity Generation Planning with Risk and Environmental Constraints (DPI2008-02153)

Publication TypeFunded research projects
Year of Publication2008
AuthorsF.-Javier Heredia
Type of participationProject leader
CallProyectos de Investigación Fundamental no Orientada 2008. IV Plan Nacional de I+D+i (2008-2011)
Funding organizationMinisterio de Ciencia e Innovación, Gobierno de España
PartnersUnión Fenosa, Gas Natural, Universidad Politècnica de Catalunya, Universidad del País Vasco, Universidade Estadual de Campinas-UNICAMP, University of Edinburgh, Norwegian University of Science and Technology.
Full time researchers6 EDP
Project codeDPI2008-02153
Key Wordsresearch; stochastic programming; electricity markets; risc; multimarket; environmental constraints; project; public; competitive; micinn; energy
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Oferta de treball modelització i optimització de mercats elèctrics

El Grup d'Optimització Numèrica i Modelització (GNOM) del Departament d'Estadística I Investigació Operativa,
UPC, convoca dues places de tècnic de suport a la recerca. Els candidats seleccionats s'incorporaran al grup  de recerca GNOM realitzant tasques de suport a la recerca en modelització i optimització de mercats elèctrics dins del marc del projecte de recerca del Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (DPI2005-09117-C02-01), en col·laboració amb empreses del sector elèctric espanyol i sota la supervisió dels professors Narcís Nabona i F. Javier Heredia.

Second Order Conic Programming

Publication TypeConference/School/Seminar attendance
Year of Publication2008
AuthorsF.-Javier Heredia
Conference NameSummer School of the Master on Statistics and Operations Research
Event TypeSummer School
Conference OrganiserDept. of Statistics and Operations Research, Technical University of Catalonia
Conference Dates14-15/04/2008
Conference LocationBarcelona, Spain
AbstractConic quadratic optimization is an exciting extension of linear optimization. The excitement comes from that many important applications can be modeled as a conic quadratic optimization problem. Moreover, conic quadratic optimization problems can be effciently solved using an appropriate interior-point method. In this course we will review the topic conic quadratic optimization. The review will include basic theory, important applications, algorithms, and available software. Course topics: 1. Basic properties of Second Order Conic Programming (SOCP). Duality 2. Modelling. Important applications. 3. Algorithms for SOCP. 4. Software for SOCP.
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Modelling and Solution of Optimisation Problems

Publication TypeConference/School/Seminar attendance
Year of Publication2004
AuthorsF.-Javier Heredia
Event TypeWorkshop
Conference OrganiserBrunel University
Conference Dates20/06/2004
Conference LocationUxbridge, U.K.
Key WordsAMPL; AMPLStudio; research
AbstractOn Sunday 20 June 2004, there will be four parallel workshops on practical optimisation: MPL (Bjarni Kristjansson, Cormac Lucas), AIMMS (Jan Bisschop), AMPL (Robert Fourer, Patrick Valente) and LGO (Janos Pinter). Three of the workshop streams focus on MIP modelling staring with a simple application which is investigated and extended. By the end of the day the participants will not only have been instructed on how to model and solve efficiently their application but they will have been shown how to embed their applications as solutions behind Excel. During the course of the day each session will have case studies presented. The global optimisation workshop will be on applied nonlinear (global and convex) optimisation, with a focus on algorithm and software development and typically will include software demonstrations, as well as a review of engineering, economic, and scientific applications.
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