Ninth International Workshop on Simulation
The Department of Statistics and Operation Research of the Polytechnic U
Doctorats Industrials 2014
Inici de la campanya: a partir del 14 d'abril, empresa i universitat poden enviar el formulari emplenat a l'adreça del Pla de doctorats industrials, fins al 14 d'octubre de 2014 (tenint en compte que s'ha de publicar al web un mínim de 20 dies i que es preveu el tancament del període de presentació de sol·licituds a la convocatòria el 3 de novembre, amb la documentació que s'hi estableix).
8th System Analysis and Modelling Conference (SAM'14) CFP
The 8th System Analysis and Modelling Conference (SAM'14), co-sponsered by ACM, IEEE and the SDL Forum Society and in agreement with ITU-T Study Group 17 (responsible for ITU System Design Languages), will be held in incredible Valencia, Spain, from the 29th to the 30th of September, 2014.
Formal Languages for Computer Simulation: Transdisciplinary Models and Applications
Models and simulations are an important first step in developing computer applications to solve real-world problems. However, in order to be truly effective, computer programmers must use formal modeling languages to evaluate these simulations.
VI Summer School 2012
The MEIO Summer School is a specialized training program that increases the supply of both professional and research training in the Interuniversity Master in Statistics and Operations Research (MEIO UPC-UB), in 2nd cycle studies, the Degree in Statistical Science and Techniques, and the PhD in Statistics and Operations Research. This year we celebrate the fifth edition of the MEIO Summer School.
Modelling, Identification and Control
Innsbruck has always been valued as a European treasure by monarchs and civilians alike, and today remains a tourist favourite for its charm, history, and natural beauty. Scenically positioned between impressive mountain ranges and the Inn River, and several lakes nearby as well, the town is ideal for winter sports: skiing and snowboarding hills are right outside the door. If you prefer hiking, the area offers beautiful views for those seeking adventure or leisurely recreation.
Call for Papers for SAM2012
The Systems Analysis and Modeling (SAM) workshop provides an open arena for participants from academia and industry to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, experiences and concerns in modeling, specification, and analysis of distributed, communication and real-time systems using System Design Languages (SDL): that is, the ITU Specification and Description Language (incl. Message Sequence Charts) and related languages such as UML, ASN.1, TTCN-3, and URN.
Simulacions: explorar la realitat, predir el futur
Les tècniques de simulació informàtica faciliten la presa de decisions en l’àmbit industrial. No obstant això, durant els últims anys les simulacions estan emergint en aplicacions socials i mediambientals fins fa poc inimaginables. La recollida de dades i el comportament humà imprevisible són els dos grans reptes d’aquesta tecnologia, que avança amb el suport de supercomputadors cada vegada més potents.
Modelling surgical pavilions and a unit of anaesthesia on a Chilean hospital using Specification and Description Language
Abstract: This work addresses the problem of performing a formal modelling of the processes related to the surgical pavilions and an anaesthesia unit on a Chilean hospital. To perform this modelling we used Specification and Description Language (SDL). The model was very successful in order to document and to understand the tacit knowledge of the unit and facilitates the simulation.