Formal Languages for Computer Simulation: Transdisciplinary Models and Applications
Models and simulations are an important first step in developing computer applications to solve real-world problems. However, in order to be truly effective, computer programmers must use formal modeling languages to evaluate these simulations.
Modelling surgical pavilions and a unit of anaesthesia on a Chilean hospital using Specification and Description Language
Abstract: This work addresses the problem of performing a formal modelling of the processes related to the surgical pavilions and an anaesthesia unit on a Chilean hospital. To perform this modelling we used Specification and Description Language (SDL). The model was very successful in order to document and to understand the tacit knowledge of the unit and facilitates the simulation.
Experiences of Simulation Use in Industrial Projects
Abstract – This paper presents experiences obtained from our involvement in the development
of industrial simulation projects. Some important, common questions are covered, such as the
need to define model behavior using a conceptual model, the problem of choosing the
appropriate tool to code the model, and the validation and verification process required. As we
will see, the scope of applicability of simulation is broad and the tools are therefore diverse. A
Towards a SDL-DEVS Simulator
In this paper, we present the first version of a simulator that allows executing models defined using Discrete Event System Specification and models defined using Specification and Description Language. Specification and Description Language (SDL) is a graphical language, standardized under the ITU Z.100 recommendation, widely used to represent telecommunication systems, process control and real-time applications in general. Discrete Event System Specification (DEVS) is a formalism widely used on the simulation field to represent Discrete Event Systems.
Participació en les jornades de neu i allaus 2011
L’article introdueix un nou mètode per simular la dinàmica d’una allau de neu de placa. L’estructura del model està basada en una generalització d’autòmat cel·lular (AC) que permet utilitzar diferents capes (mn-CAk). Cada una d’aquestes capes representa la informació geogràfica necessària per caracteritzar l’evolució de l’allau.
Using specification and description language to represent users’ profiles in OMNET++ simulations
Omnet++ is a powerful and open-source simulation tool which is basically intended to model discrete-event systems. In particular, Omnet++ is extensively used to model and simulate computer networks. Typically, when a Wide Area Network needs to be modeled, different assumptions are made in order to simplify the complexity associated with human behavior. Nevertheless, human behavior can also be modeled, at least to some extent, by using Multi Agent Systems (MAS).
Simulación de mercados financieros
Este proyecto tiene como objetivo reproducir el marco de estudio del artículo Price manipulation in an experimental asset market, un estudio sobre la influencia que puede tener un agente manipulador, un robot que realiza operaciones bursátiles con la intención de distorsionar el mercado y así tratar de obtener un beneficio de sus operaciones, sobre el comportamiento del resto de brokers. Permitiendo así continuar con el trabajo de Helena Veiga y Marc Vorsatz, simulando en esta ocasión el comportamiento de los brokers humanos.
Sistemas de simulación
Durante la última década se ha avanzado mucho en la estandarización de una base teórica sólida gracias al asentamiento de un framework generalmente aceptado como DEVS. Asimismo, han aparecido un buen número de librerías y productos orientados a paradigmas más evolucionados como los basados en Agentes Inteligentes.
Towards a representation of environmenal models using specification and description language
In this paper we explore how we can use Specification and Description Language (SDL) to represent environmental models. Since the main concern in this kind of models is the representation of the geographical information data, we analyze how we can represent this information in the SDL diagrams. We base our approach using two examples, a representation of the Fibonacci function using a cellular automaton, and the representation of a wildfire model. To achieve this we propose the use of a language extension to Specification and Description Language.