MATLAB Functions | Help Desk |
This chapter lists MATLAB commands by functional area.
General Purpose Commands
Managing Commands and Functions | |
addpath | Add directories to MATLAB's search path |
doc | Load hypertext documentation |
help | Online help for MATLAB functions and M-files |
lasterr | Last error message |
lookfor | Keyword search through all help entries |
path | Control MATLAB's directory search path |
profile | Measure and display M-file execution profiles |
rmpath | Remove directories from MATLAB's search path |
type | List file |
version | MATLAB version number |
what | Directory listing of M-files, MAT-files, and MEX-files |
whatsnew | Display README files for MATLAB and toolboxes |
which | Locate functions and files |
Managing Variables and the Workspace | |
clear | Remove items from memory |
disp | Display text or array |
length | Length of vector |
load | Retrieve variables from disk |
pack | Consolidate workspace memory |
save | Save workspace variables on disk |
size | Array dimensions |
who, whos | List directory of variables in memory |
Controlling the Command Window | |
echo | Echo M-files during execution |
format | Control the output display format |
more | Control paged output for the command window |
Working with Files and the Operating Environment | |
applescript | Load a compiled AppleScript from a file and execute it |
cd | Change working directory |
delete | Delete files and graphics objects |
diary | Save session in a disk file |
dir | Directory listing |
edit | Edit an M-file |
fullfile | Build full filename from parts |
inmem | Functions in memory |
matlabroot | Root directory of MATLAB installation |
tempdir | Return the name of the system's temporary directory |
tempname | Unique name for temporary file |
! | Execute operating system command |
Starting and Quitting MATLAB | |
matlabrc | MATLAB startup M-file |
quit | Terminate MATLAB |
startup | MATLAB startup M-file |
Operators and Special Characters
+ | Plus |
- | Minus |
* | Matrix multiplication |
.* | Array multiplication |
^ | Matrix power |
.^ | Array power |
kron | Kronecker tensor product |
\ | Backslash or left division |
/ | Slash or right division |
./ and .\ | Array division, right and left |
: | Colon |
( ) | Parentheses |
[ ] | Brackets |
{} | Curly braces |
. | Decimal point |
... | Continuation |
, | Comma |
; | Semicolon |
% | Comment |
! | Exclamation point |
' | Transpose and quote |
.' | Nonconjugated transpose |
= | Assignment |
== | Equality |
< > | Relational operators |
& | Logical and |
| | Logical or |
~ | Logical not |
xor | Logical exclusive or |
Logical Functions
all | Test to determine if all elements are nonzero |
any | Test for any nonzeros |
exist | Check if a variable or file exists |
find | Find indices and values of nonzero elements |
is* | Detect state |
*isa | Detect an object of a given class |
logical | Convert numeric values to logical |
Language Constructs and Debugging
MATLAB as a Programming Language | |
builtin | Execute builtin function from overloaded method |
eval | Interpret strings containing MATLAB expressions |
feval | Function evaluation |
function | Function M-files |
global | Define global variables |
nargchk | Check number of input arguments |
script | Script M-files |
Control Flow | |
break | Break out of flow control structures |
case | Case switch |
else | Conditionally execute statements |
elseif | Conditionally execute statements |
end | Terminate for, while, switch, and if statements or indicate last index |
error | Display error messages |
for | Repeat statements a specific number of times |
if | Conditionally execute statements |
otherwise | Default part of switch statement |
return | Return to the invoking function |
switch | Switch among several cases based on expression |
warning | Display warning message |
while | Repeat statements an indefinite number of times |
Interactive Input | |
input | Request user input |
keyboard | Invoke the keyboard in an M-file |
menu | Generate a menu of choices for user input |
pause | Halt execution temporarily |
Object-Oriented Programming | |
class | Create object or return class of object |
double | Convert to double precision |
inferiorto | Inferior class relationship |
inline | Construct an inline object |
isa | Detect an object of a given class |
superiorto | Superior class relationship |
uint8 | Convert to unsigned 8-bit integer |
Debugging | |
dbclear | Clear breakpoints |
dbcont | Resume execution |
dbdown | Change local workspace context |
dbmex | Enable MEX-file debugging |
dbquit | Quit debug mode |
dbstack | Display function call stack |
dbstatus | List all breakpoints |
dbstep | Execute one or more lines from a breakpoint |
dbstop | Set breakpoints in an M-file function |
dbtype | List M-file with line numbers |
dbup | Change local workspace context |
Elementary Matrices and Matrix Manipulation
Elementary Matrices and Arrays | |
eye | Identity matrix |
linspace | Generate linearly spaced vectors |
logspace | Generate logarithmically spaced vectors |
ones | Create an array of all ones |
rand | Uniformly distributed random numbers and arrays |
randn | Normally distributed random numbers and arrays |
zeros | Create an array of all zeros |
: (colon) | Regularly spaced vector |
Special Variables and Constants | |
ans | The most recent answer |
computer | Identify the computer on which MATLAB is running |
eps | Floating-point relative accuracy |
flops | Count floating-point operations |
i | Imaginary unit |
Inf | Infinity |
inputname | Input argument name |
j | Imaginary unit |
NaN | Not-a-Number |
nargin, nargout | Number of function arguments |
pi | Ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter, |
realmax | Largest positive floating-point number |
realmin | Smallest positive floating-point number |
varargin, varargout | varargin, varargout |
Time and Dates | |
calendar | Calendar |
clock | Current time as a date vector |
cputime | Elapsed CPU time |
date | Current date string |
datenum | Serial date number |
datestr | Date string format |
datevec | Date components |
eomday | End of month |
etime | Elapsed time |
now | Current date and time |
tic, toc | Stopwatch timer |
weekday | Day of the week |
Matrix Manipulation | |
cat | Concatenate arrays |
diag | Diagonal matrices and diagonals of a matrix |
fliplr | Flip matrices left-right |
flipud | Flip matrices up-down |
repmat | Replicate and tile an array |
reshape | Reshape array |
rot90 | Rotate matrix 90 degrees |
tril | Lower triangular part of a matrix |
triu | Upper triangular part of a matrix |
: (colon) | Index into array, rearrange array |
Specialized Matrices
compan | Companion matrix |
gallery | Test matrices |
hadamard | Hadamard matrix |
hankel | Hankel matrix |
hilb | Hilbert matrix |
invhilb | Inverse of the Hilbert matrix |
magic | Magic square |
pascal | Pascal matrix |
toeplitz | Toeplitz matrix |
wilkinson | Wilkinson's eigenvalue test matrix |
Elementary Math Functions
abs | Absolute value and complex magnitude |
acos, acosh | Inverse cosine and inverse hyperbolic cosine |
acot, acoth | Inverse cotangent and inverse hyperbolic cotangent |
acsc, acsch | Inverse cosecant and inverse hyperbolic cosecant |
angle | angle Phase angle |
asec, asech | Inverse secant and inverse hyperbolic secant |
asin, asinh | Inverse sine and inverse hyperbolic sine |
atan, atanh | Inverse tangent and inverse hyperbolic tangent |
atan2 | Four-quadrant inverse tangent |
ceil | Round toward infinity |
conj | Complex conjugate |
cos, cosh | Cosine and hyperbolic cosine |
cot, coth | Cotangent and hyperbolic cotangent |
csc, csch | Cosecant and hyperbolic cosecant |
exp | Exponential |
fix | Round towards zero |
floor | Round towards minus infinity |
gcd | Greatest common divisor |
imag | Imaginary part of a complex number |
lcm | Least common multiple |
log | Natural logarithm |
log2 | Base 2 logarithm and dissect floating-point numbers into exponent and |
log10 | Common (base 10) logarithm |
mod | Modulus (signed remainder after division) |
real | Real part of complex number |
rem | Remainder after division |
round | Round to nearest integer |
sec, sech | Secant and hyperbolic secant |
sign | Signum function |
sin, sinh | Sine and hyperbolic sine |
sqrt | Square root |
tan, tanh | Tangent and hyperbolic tangent |
Specialized Math Functions
airy | Airy functions |
besselh | Bessel functions of the third kind (Hankel functions) |
besseli, besselk | |
besselj, bessely | |
beta, betainc, betaln | beta, betainc, betaln |
ellipj | Jacobi elliptic functions |
ellipke | Complete elliptic integrals of the first and second kind |
erf, erfc, erfcx, erfinv | erf, erfc, erfcx, erfinv |
expint | Exponential integral |
gamma, gammainc, gammaln | gamma, gammainc, gammaln |
legendre | Associated Legendre functions |
pow2 | Base 2 power and scale floating-point numbers |
rat, rats | Rational fraction approximation |
Coordinate System Conversion
cart2pol | Transform Cartesian coordinates to polar or cylindrical |
cart2sph | Transform Cartesian coordinates to spherical |
pol2cart | Transform polar or cylindrical coordinates to Cartesian |
sph2cart | Transform spherical coordinates to Cartesian |
Matrix Functions - Numerical Linear Algebra
Matrix Analysis | |
cond | Condition number with respect to inversion |
condeig | Condition number with respect to eigenvalues |
det | Matrix determinant |
norm | Vector and matrix norms |
null | Null space of a matrix |
orth | Range space of a matrix |
rank | Rank of a matrix |
rcond | Matrix reciprocal condition number estimate |
rref, rrefmovie | rref, rrefmovie |
subspace | Angle between two subspaces |
trace | Sum of diagonal elements |
Linear Equations | |
\ / | Linear equation solution |
chol | Cholesky factorization |
inv | Matrix inverse |
lscov | Least squares solution in the presence of known covariance |
lu | LU matrix factorization |
nnls | Nonnegative least squares |
pinv | Moore-Penrose pseudoinverse of a matrix |
qr | Orthogonal-triangular decomposition |
Eigenvalues and Singular Values | |
balance | Improve accuracy of computed eigenvalues |
cdf2rdf | Convert complex diagonal form to real block diagonal form |
eig | Eigenvalues and eigenvectors |
hess | Hessenberg form of a matrix |
poly | Polynomial with specified roots |
qz | QZ factorization for generalized eigenvalues |
rsf2csf | Convert real Schur form to complex Schur form |
schur | Schur decomposition |
svd | Singular value decomposition |
Matrix Functions | |
expm | Matrix exponential |
funm | Evaluate functions of a matrix |
logm | Matrix logarithm |
sqrtm | Matrix square root |
Low Level Functions | |
qrdelete | Delete column from QR factorization |
qrinsert | Insert column in QR factorization |
Data Analysis and Fourier Transform Functions
Basic Operations | |
convhull | Convex hull |
cumprod | Cumulative product |
cumsum | Cumulative sum |
cumtrapz | Cumulative trapezoidal numerical integration |
delaunay | Delaunay triangulation |
dsearch | Search for nearest point |
factor | Prime factors |
inpolygon | Detect points inside a polygonal region |
max | Maximum elements of an array |
mean | Average or mean value of arrays |
median | Median value of arrays |
min | Minimum elements of an array |
perms | All possible permutations |
polyarea | Area of polygon |
primes | Generate list of prime numbers |
prod | Product of array elements |
sort | Sort elements in ascending order |
sortrows | Sort rows in ascending order |
std | Standard deviation |
sum | Sum of array elements |
trapz | Trapezoidal numerical integration |
tsearch | Search for enclosing Delaunay triangle |
voronoi | Voronoi diagram |
Finite Differences | |
del2 | Discrete Laplacian |
diff | Differences and approximate derivatives |
gradient | Numerical gradient |
Correlation | |
corrcoef | Correlation coefficients |
cov | Covariance matrix |
Filtering and Convolution | |
conv | Convolution and polynomial multiplication |
conv2 | Two-dimensional convolution |
deconv | Deconvolution and polynomial division |
filter | Filter data with an infinite impulse response (IIR) or finite impulse response |
filter2 | Two-dimensional digital filtering |
Fourier Transforms | |
abs | Absolute value and complex magnitude |
angle | Phase angle |
cplxpair | Sort complex numbers into complex conjugate pairs |
fft | One-dimensional fast Fourier transform |
fft2 | Two-dimensional fast Fourier transform |
fftshift | Move zero'th lag to center of spectrum. |
ifft | Inverse one-dimensional fast Fourier transform |
ifft2 | Inverse two-dimensional fast Fourier transform |
nextpow2 | Next power of two |
unwrap | Correct phase angles |
Vector Functions | |
cross | Vector cross product |
intersect | Set intersection of two vectors |
ismember | Detect members of a set |
setdiff | Return the set difference of two vectors |
setxor | Set exclusive-or of two vectors |
union | Set union of two vectors |
unique | Unique elements of a vector |
Polynomial and Interpolation Functions
Polynomials | |
conv | Convolution and polynomial multiplication |
deconv | Deconvolution and polynomial division |
poly | Polynomial with specified roots |
polyder | Polynomial derivative |
polyeig | Polynomial eigenvalue problem |
polyfit | Polynomial curve fitting |
polyval | Polynomial evaluation |
polyvalm | Matrix polynomial evaluation |
residue | Convert between partial fraction expansion and polynomial coefficients |
roots | Polynomial roots |
Data Interpolation | |
griddata | Data gridding |
interp1 | One-dimensional data interpolation (table lookup) |
interp2 | Two-dimensional data interpolation (table lookup) |
interp3 | Three-dimensional data interpolation (table lookup) |
interpft | One-dimensional interpolation using the FFT method |
interpn | Multidimensional data interpolation (table lookup) |
meshgrid | Generate X and Y matrices for three-dimensional plots |
ndgrid | Generate arrays for multidimensional functions and interpolation |
spline | Cubic spline interpolation |
Function Functions - Nonlinear Numerical Methods
dblquad | Numerical double integration |
fmin | Minimize a function of one variable |
fmins | Minimize a function of several variables |
fzero | Zero of a function of one variable |
ode45, ode23, ode113, ode15s, ode23s | ode45, ode23, ode113, ode15s, ode23s |
odefile | Define a differential equation problem for ODE solvers |
odeget | Extract properties from options structure created with odeset |
odeset | Create or alter options structure for input to ODE solvers |
quad, quad8 | Numerical evaluation of integrals |
Sparse Matrix Functions
Elementary Sparse Matrices | |
spdiags | Extract and create sparse band and diagonal matrices |
speye | Sparse identity matrix |
sprand | Sparse uniformly distributed random matrix |
sprandn | Sparse normally distributed random matrix |
sprandsym | Sparse symmetric random matrix |
Full to Sparse Conversion | |
find | Find indices and values of nonzero elements |
full | Convert sparse matrix to full matrix |
sparse | Create sparse matrix |
spconvert | Import matrix from sparse matrix external format |
Working with Nonzero Entries of Sparse Matrices | |
nnz | Number of nonzero matrix elements |
nonzeros | Nonzero matrix elements |
nzmax | Amount of storage allocated for nonzero matrix elements |
spalloc | Allocate space for sparse matrix |
spfun | Apply function to nonzero sparse matrix elements |
spones | Replace nonzero sparse matrix elements with ones |
Visualizing Sparse Matrices | |
spy | Visualize sparsity pattern |
Reordering Algorithms | |
colmmd | Sparse column minimum degree permutation |
colperm | Sparse column permutation based on nonzero count |
dmperm | Dulmage-Mendelsohn decomposition |
randperm | Random permutation |
symmmd | Sparse symmetric minimum degree ordering |
symrcm | Sparse reverse Cuthill-McKee ordering |
Norm, Condition Number, and Rank | |
condest | 1-norm matrix condition number estimate |
normest | 2-norm estimate |
Sparse Systems of Linear Equations | |
bicg | BiConjugate Gradients method |
bicgstab | BiConjugate Gradients Stabilized method |
cgs | Conjugate Gradients Squared method |
cholinc | Incomplete Cholesky factorizations |
gmres | Generalized Minimum Residual method (with restarts) |
luinc | Incomplete LU matrix factorizations |
pcg | Preconditioned Conjugate Gradients method |
qmr | Quasi-Minimal Residual method |
Sparse Eigenvalues and Singular Values | |
eigs | Find a few eigenvalues and eigenvectors |
svds | A few singular values |
Miscellaneous | |
spparms | Set parameters for sparse matrix routines |
Sound Processing Functions
General Sound Functions | |
sound | Convert vector into sound |
SPARCstation-specific Sound Functions | |
auread | Read NeXT/SUN (.au) sound file |
auwrite | Write NeXT/SUN (.au) sound file |
.WAV Sound Functions | |
wavread | Read Microsoft WAVE (.wav) sound file |
wavwrite | Write Microsoft WAVE (.wav) sound file |
Character String Functions
General | |
abs | Absolute value and complex magnitude |
eval | Interpret strings containing MATLAB expressions |
real | Real part of complex number |
strings | MATLAB string handling |
String Manipulation | |
deblank | Strip trailing blanks from the end of a string |
findstr | Find one string within another |
lower | Convert string to lower case |
strcat | String concatenation |
strcmp | Compare strings |
strjust | Justify a character array |
strmatch | Find possible matches for a string |
strncmp | Compare the first n characters of two strings |
strrep | String search and replace |
strtok | First token in string |
strvcat | Vertical concatenation of strings |
upper | Convert string to upper case |
String to Number Conversion | |
char | Create character array (string) |
int2str | Integer to string conversion |
mat2str | Convert a matrix into a string |
num2str | Number to string conversion |
sprintf | Write formatted data to a string |
sscanf | Read string under format control |
str2num | String to number conversion |
Radix Conversion | |
bin2dec | Binary to decimal number conversion |
dec2bin | Decimal to binary number conversion |
dec2hex | Decimal to hexadecimal number conversion |
hex2dec | IEEE hexadecimal to decimal number conversion |
hex2num | Hexadecimal to double number conversion |
Low-Level File I/O Functions
File Opening and Closing | |
fclose | Close one or more open files |
fopen | Open a file or obtain information about open files |
Unformatted I/O | |
fread | Read binary data from file |
fwrite | Write binary data to a file |
Formatted I/O | |
fgetl | Return the next line of a file as a string without line terminator(s) |
fgets | Return the next line of a file as a string with line terminator(s) |
fprintf | Write formatted data to file |
fscanf | Read formatted data from file |
File Positioning | |
feof | Test for end-of-file |
ferror | Query MATLAB about errors in file input or output |
frewind | Rewind an open file |
fseek | Set file position indicator |
ftell | Get file position indicator |
String Conversion | |
sprintf | Write formatted data to a string |
sscanf | Read string under format control |
Specialized File I/O | |
dlmread | Read an ASCII delimited file into a matrix |
dlmwrite | Write a matrix to an ASCII delimited file |
imfinfo | Return information about a graphics file |
imread | Read image from graphics file |
imwrite | Write an image to a graphics file |
wk1read | Read a Lotus123 WK1 spreadsheet file into a matrix |
wk1write | Write a matrix to a Lotus123 WK1 spreadsheet file |
Bitwise Functions
bitand | Bit-wise AND |
bitcmp | Complement bits |
bitor | Bit-wise OR |
bitmax | Maximum floating-point integer |
bitset | Set bit |
bitshift | Bit-wise shift |
bitget | Get bit |
bitxor | Bit-wise XOR |
Structure Functions
fieldnames | Field names of a structure |
getfield | Get field of structure array |
rmfield | Remove structure fields |
setfield | Set field of structure array |
struct | Create structure array |
struct2cell | Structure to cell array conversion |
Object Functions
class | Create object or return class of object |
isa | Detect an object of a given class |
Cell Array Functions
cell | Create cell array |
cellstr | Create cell array of strings from character array |
cell2struct | Cell array to structure array conversion |
celldisp | Display cell array contents. |
cellplot | Graphically display the structure of cell arrays |
num2cell | Convert a numeric array into a cell array |
Multidimensional Array Functions
cat | Concatenate arrays |
flipdim | Flip array along a specified dimension |
ind2sub | Subscripts from linear index |
ipermute | Inverse permute the dimensions of a multidimensional array |
ndgrid | Generate arrays for multidimensional functions and interpolation |
ndims | Number of array dimensions |
permute | Rearrange the dimensions of a multidimensional array |
reshape | Reshape array |
shiftdim | Shift dimensions |
squeeze | Remove singleton dimensions |
sub2ind | Single index from subscripts |
Graphics Functions
Color Operations and Lighting | |
brighten | Brighten or darken color map |
caxis | Pseudocolor axis scaling |
colorbar | Display color bar (color scale) |
colordef | Set up color defaults |
colormap | Set the color look-up table |
contrast | Gray color map to enhance image contrast |
graymon | Graphics figure defaults set for gray-scale monitor |
hsv2rgb | Hue-saturation-value to red-green-blue conversion |
lighting | Lighting mode |
material | Material reflectance mode |
rgb2hsv | RGB to HSVconversion |
rgbplot | Plot color map |
shading | Color shading mode |
spinmap | Spin the colormap |
surfnorm | 3-D surface normals |
whitebg | Change axes background color for plots |
Basic Plots and Graphs | |
bar | Vertical bar chart |
barh | Horizontal bar chart |
hist | Plot histograms |
hold | Hold current graph |
loglog | Plot using log-log scales |
pie | Pie plot |
plot | Plot vectors or matrices. |
polar | Polar coordinate plot |
semilogx | Semi-log scale plot |
semilogy | Semi-log scale plot |
subplot | Create axes in tiled positions |
Hardcopy/File Output | |
orient | Hardcopy paper orientation |
Print graph or save graph to file | |
printopt | Configure local printer defaults |
Surface, Mesh, and Contour Plots | |
contour | Contour (level curves) plot. |
contourc | Contour computation |
contourf | Filled contour plot |
hidden | Mesh hidden line removal mode |
meshc | Combination mesh/contourplot |
mesh | 3-D mesh with reference plane |
surf | 3-D shaded surface graph |
surface | Create surface low-level objects |
surfc | Combination surf/contourplot |
surfl | 3-D shaded surface with lighting |
trimesh | Triangular mesh plot |
trisurf | Triangular surface plot |
Domain Generation for Function Visualization | |
griddata | Data gridding and surface fitting |
meshgrid | Generation of X and Y arrays for 3-D plots |
Specialized Plotting | |
area | Area plot |
box | Axis box for 2-D and 3-D plots |
comet | Comet plot |
compass | Compass plot |
errorbar | Plot graph with error bars |
ezplot | Easy to use function plotter |
feather | Feather plot |
fill | Draw filled 2-D polygons |
fplot | Plot a function |
pareto | Pareto chart |
pie3 | 3-D Pie plot |
plotmatrix | Scatter plot matrix |
pcolor | Pseudocolor (checkerboard) plot |
rose | Plot rose or angle histogram |
quiver | Quiver (or velocity) plot |
ribbon | Ribbon plot |
stairs | Stairstep graph |
stem | Plot discrete sequence data |
Three-Dimensional Plotting | |
bar3 | Vertical 3-D bar chart |
bar3h | Horizontal 3-D bar chart |
comet3 | 3-D Comet plot |
cylinder | Generate cylinder |
fill3 | Draw filled 3-D polygons in 3-space |
plot3 | Plot lines and points in 3-D space |
quiver3 | 3-D Quiver (or velocity) plot |
slice | Volumetric slice plot |
sphere | Generate sphere |
stem3 | Plot discrete surface data |
view | 3-D graph viewpoint specification. |
viewmtx | Generate view transformation matrices |
waterfall | Waterfall plot |
Plot Annotation and Grids | |
clabel | Add contour labels to a contour plot |
datetick | Date formatted tick labels |
grid | Grid lines for 2-D and 3-D plots |
gtext | Place text on a 2-D graph using a mouse |
legend | Graph legend for lines and patches |
plotyy | Plot graphs with Y tick labels on the left and right |
title | Titles for 2-D and 3-D plots |
xlabel | X-axis labels for 2-D and 3-D plots |
ylabel | Y-axis labels for 2-D and 3-D plots |
zlabel | Z-axis labels for 3-D plots |
Handle Graphics, General | |
copyobj | Make a copy of a graphics object and its children |
findobj | Find objects with specified property values |
gcbo | Return object whose callback is currently executing |
gco | Return handle of current object |
get | Get object properties |
rotate | Rotate objects about specified origin and direction |
ishandle | True for graphics objects |
set | Set object properties |
Handle Graphics, Object Creation | |
axes | Create axis at arbitrary positions |
figure | Create Figures (graph windows) |
image | Display image (create image object) |
light | Create light object |
line | Create line low-level objects |
patch | Create patch low-level objects |
text | Add text to the current plot |
Handle Graphics, Figure Windows | |
capture | Screen capture of the current figure |
clc | Clear figure window |
clf | Clear Figure |
close | Close specified window |
gcf | Get current figure handle |
newplot | Graphics M-file preamble for NextPlot property |
refresh | Refresh figure |
Handle Graphics, Axes | |
axis | Plot axis scaling and appearance |
cla | Clear axis |
gca | Get current axis handle |
Object Manipulation | |
reset | Reset axis or figure |
rotate3d | Interactively rotate the view of a 3-D plot |
selectmoveresize | Interactively select, move, or resize objects |
Graphical User Interface Creation | |
dialog | Create a dialog box |
errordlg | Create error dialog box |
helpdlg | Display help dialog box |
inputdlg | Create input dialog |
menu | Generate a menu of choices for user input |
msgbox | Create message dialog box |
questdlg | Create question dialog box |
textwrap | Return wrapped string matrix for given UI Control |
uicontrol | Create user interface control |
uigetfile | Display dialog box to retrieve name of file for reading |
uimenu | Create user interface menu |
uiputfile | Display dialog box to retrieve name of file for writing |
uiresume | Used with uiwait, controls program execution |
uisetcolor | Interactively set a ColorSpec via a dialog box |
uisetfont | Interactively set a font by displaying a dialog box |
uiwait | Used with uiresume, controls program execution |
waitbar | Display wait bar |
waitforbuttonpress | Wait for key/buttonpress over figure |
warndlg | Create warning dialog box |
Interactive User Input | |
ginput | Graphical input from a mouse or cursor |
zoom | Zoom in and out on a 2-D plot |
Region of Interest | |
dragrect | Drag XOR rectangles with mouse |
drawnow | Complete any pending drawing |
rbbox | Rubberband box |
Micellaneous Graphics Commands | |
convhull | Convex hull |
delaunay | Delaunay triangulation |
dsearch | Search Delaunay triangulation for nearest point |
inpolygon | True for points inside a polygonal region |
polyarea | Area of polygon |
tsearch | Search for enclosing Delaunay triangle |
voronoi | Voronoi diagram |